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# Bevy components
This [Blender addon]( gives you an easy to use UI to add and configure your [Bevy]( components inside Blender !
- **automatically generates a simple UI** to add/configure components based on a **registry schema** file (an export of all your Bevy components's information, generated)
by the [bevy_registry_export]( crate/plugin
- no more need to specify components manually using custom_properties, with error prone naming etc
- adds **metadata** to objects containing information about what components it uses + some extra information
- uses Blender's **PropertyGroups** to generate custom UIs & connects those groups with the custom properties so that no matter the complexity
of your Bevy components you get a nicely packed custom_property to use with ...
- the ideal companion to the [gltf_auto_export]( to embed your Bevy components inside your gltf files
<!-- - adds the ability to **toggle components** on/off without having to remove the component from the object -->
> Important:
the tooling is still in the early stages, even if it is feature complete : use with caution!.
> IMPORTANT !! if you have previously used v0.1 , v0.2 had a breaking change, please see [this](#regenerate-ui-values) section on how to upgrade your data to v0.2.\
This problem should not be present going forward
## Installation:
* grab the latest release zip file from the releases tab (choose the bevy_components releases !)
<!--![blender addon install](./docs/blender_addon_install_zip.png)-->
* in Blender go to edit => preferences => install
![blender addon install](./docs/blender_addon_install.png)
* choose the path where `````` is stored
![blender addon install](./docs/blender_addon_install2.png)
## Configuration & overview
Before you can use the add-on you need to configure it
### Bevy side
- setup [bevy_registry_export]( for your project (see the crate's documentation for that), and compile/run it to get the ```registry.json``` file
### Blender side
- Go to the new Bevy Components tab in the 3D view
- click on the button to select your registry.json file (in the "configuration" panel)
![configuration 2](./docs/configuration2.png)
- the list of available components will appear
![configuration 3](./docs/configuration3.png)
## Use
### Existing components & custom properties
* If you already have components defined manualy in Blender inside **custom properties** you will need to define them again using the UI!
* avoid mixing & matching: if you change the values of **custom properties** that also have a component, the custom property will be **overriden** every time
you change the component's value
* you can of course still use non component custom properties as always, this add-on will only impact those that have corresponding Bevy components
### adding components
- to add a component, select an object and then select the component from the components list: (the full type information will be displayed as tooltip)
![components list](./docs/components_list.png)
- click on the dropdown to get the full list of available components
![components list](./docs/components_list2.png)
- you can also filter components by name for convenience
![filter components](./docs/filter_components.png)
- add a component by clicking on the "add component" button once you have selected your desired component
it will appear in the component list for that object
![add component](./docs/add_component.png)
### edit components
- to edit a component's value just use the UI:
![edit component](./docs/edit_component.png)
it will automatically update the value of the corresponding custom property
![edit component](./docs/edit_component2.png)
### Create components from custom properties
- IF you have a valid component type and the correct corresponding RON string in the custom_property value (this button will not appear if not), this add-on can automatically
generate the corresponding component for you:
- Fill/check your custom property (here for Aabb)
![generate_components 2](./docs/generate_components2.png)
- click on the button
-voila !
![generate_components 3](./docs/generate_components3.png)
### copy & pasting
- you can also copy & paste components between objects
- click on the "copy component button" of the component you want to copy
![copy component](./docs/copy_component.png)
- then select the object you want to copy the component (& its value) to, and click on the paste button.
It will add the component to the select object
![paste component](./docs/paste_component.png)
> if the target object already has the same component, its values will be overwritten
## Additional components UI features
- for large/ complex components you can toggle the details of that component:
![toggle details](./docs/toggle_details.png)
## Supported components
- normally (minus any bugs, please report those!) all components using **registered** types should be useable and editable
- this includes (non exhaustive list):
* enums (even complex ones !)
* complex structs, with various types of fields (including nested ones)
* lists/ vecs (here a vec of tuples)
* etc !
## Unregistered types & error handling
- non registered types can be viewed in this panel : (can be practical to see if you have any missing registrations too!)
![unregistered types](./docs/unregistered_types.png)
- if you have a component made up of unregistered structs/enums etc, you will get visual feedback & the component will be deactivated
![invalid component](./docs/invalid_components.png)
> important ! ```gltf_auto_export``` currently has no way of filtering out components, so you need to delete invalid components like these before exporting
this will be adress in the future
- if you are encountering this type of view: don't panic your component data is not gone ! It just means you need to reload the registry data by clicking on the relevant button
![missing registry data](./docs/missing_registry_data.png)
## advanced configuration
### registry file polling
* by default, the add-on will check for changes in your registry file every second, and refresh the UI accordingly
* you can set the polling frequency or turn it off if you do not want auto-refresh
![registry file polling](./docs/registry_polling.png)
### regenerate custom property values
- "update custom properties of current object" : will go over **all components** that you have defined for the **currently selected object**, and re-generate the
corresponding custom property values
![update custom properties](./docs/other_options.png)
- "update custom properties of ALL objects" : same as above but it will do so for the **ALL objects in your blend file** (so can be slow!), and re-generate the
corresponding custom property values
![update custom properties for all](./docs/other_options2.png)
### regenerate UI values
- since v0.2, you have the option to regenerate (for the selected object or all objects, as above) to regenerate your UI values from the custom property values
![update UI FROM custom properties](./docs/update_ui_from_custom_properties.png)
> IMPORTANT !! use this if you have previously used v0.1 , as v0.2 had a breaking change, that makes it **necessary** to use this **once** to upgrade the UI data
## Additional important information
- for the components to work correctly with [```bevy_gltf_components```]( or [```bevy_gltf_blueprints```]( you will need to set the ```legacy_mode``` for those plugins to **FALSE**
as the component data generated by this add on is a complete, clean **ron** data that is incompatible with the previous (legacy versions).
Please see the documentation of those crates for more information.
> Note: the legacy mode support will be dropped in future versions, and the default behaviour will be NO legacy mode
## Examples
you can find an example [here](
## Known issues & limitations:
* **Range** data (ie ```Range<f32>``` etc) are not handled at this time (issue seems to be on the Bevy side)
* **Entity** structs are always set to 0 (setting entity values on the Blender side at this time does not make much sense anyway)
## License
This tool, all its code, contents & assets is Dual-licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](../ or
- MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](../ or