mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 15:44:11 +00:00
feat(Blenvy:Bevy): slowly adding back save/load (wip)
* moved out old code * added very basics of saving (HEAVY WIP)
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ pub use registry::*;
pub mod blueprints;
pub use blueprints::*;
pub mod save_load;
pub use save_load::*;
#[derive(Clone, Resource)]
pub struct BlenvyConfig {
// registry
@ -26,6 +29,8 @@ pub struct BlenvyConfig {
// save & load
pub(crate) save_component_filter: SceneFilter,
pub(crate) save_resource_filter: SceneFilter,
//pub(crate) save_path: PathBuf,
// save_path: PathBuf::from("saves"),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
@ -63,6 +68,7 @@ impl Plugin for BlenvyPlugin {
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
.insert_resource(BlenvyConfig {
export_registry: self.export_registry,
@ -1,108 +1,59 @@
pub mod saveable;
use std::path::PathBuf;
pub use saveable::*;
pub mod saving;
pub use saving::*;
pub mod loading;
pub use loading::*;
use bevy::core_pipeline::core_3d::{Camera3dDepthTextureUsage, ScreenSpaceTransmissionQuality};
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::prelude::{App, IntoSystemConfigs, Plugin};
use blenvy::GltfBlueprintsSet;
#[derive(SystemSet, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum SavingSet {
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
/// component used to mark any entity as Dynamic: aka add this to make sure your entity is going to be saved
pub struct Dynamic;
#[derive(SystemSet, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum LoadingSet {
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
/// marker component for entities that do not have parents, or whose parents should be ignored when serializing
pub(crate) struct RootEntity;
// Plugin configuration
#[derive(Component, Debug)]
/// internal helper component to store parents before resetting them
pub(crate) struct OriginalParent(pub(crate) Entity);
#[derive(Clone, Resource)]
pub struct SaveLoadConfig {
pub(crate) save_path: PathBuf,
pub(crate) component_filter: SceneFilter,
pub(crate) resource_filter: SceneFilter,
// define the plugin
pub struct SaveLoadPlugin {
pub component_filter: SceneFilter,
pub resource_filter: SceneFilter,
pub save_path: PathBuf,
impl Default for SaveLoadPlugin {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
component_filter: SceneFilter::default(),
resource_filter: SceneFilter::default(),
save_path: PathBuf::from("scenes"),
/// Marker component to Flag the root entity of all static entities (immutables)
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
pub struct StaticEntitiesRoot;
/// Marker component to Flag the root entity of all dynamic entities (mutables)
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
pub struct DynamicEntitiesRoot;
#[derive(Resource, Clone, Debug, Default, Reflect)]
pub struct StaticEntitiesBlueprintInfo {
//pub blueprint_info: BlueprintInfo,
pub path: String,
pub mod saving;
pub use saving::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
/// Plugin for saving & loading
pub struct SaveLoadPlugin {}
impl Plugin for SaveLoadPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
// TODO: remove these in bevy 0.13, as these are now registered by default
.insert_resource(SaveLoadConfig {
save_path: self.save_path.clone(),
component_filter: self.component_filter.clone(),
resource_filter: self.resource_filter.clone(),
(LoadingSet::Load).chain().before(GltfBlueprintsSet::Spawn), //.before(GltfComponentsSet::Injection)
(prepare_save_game, apply_deferred, save_game, cleanup_save)
.add_systems(Update, mark_load_requested)
(unload_world, apply_deferred, load_game)
(load_static, apply_deferred, cleanup_loaded_scene)
// .run_if(in_state(AppState::LoadingGame))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
pub mod saveable;
use std::path::PathBuf;
pub use saveable::*;
pub mod saving;
pub use saving::*;
pub mod loading;
pub use loading::*;
use bevy::core_pipeline::core_3d::{Camera3dDepthTextureUsage, ScreenSpaceTransmissionQuality};
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::prelude::{App, IntoSystemConfigs, Plugin};
use blenvy::GltfBlueprintsSet;
#[derive(SystemSet, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum SavingSet {
#[derive(SystemSet, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum LoadingSet {
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
pub struct StaticEntitiesRoot;
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
pub struct DynamicEntitiesRoot;
impl Plugin for SaveLoadPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
// TODO: remove these in bevy 0.13, as these are now registered by default
(LoadingSet::Load).chain().before(GltfBlueprintsSet::Spawn), //.before(GltfComponentsSet::Injection)
(prepare_save_game, apply_deferred, save_game, cleanup_save)
.add_systems(Update, mark_load_requested)
(unload_world, apply_deferred, load_game)
(load_static, apply_deferred, cleanup_loaded_scene)
// .run_if(in_state(AppState::LoadingGame))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::tasks::IoTaskPool;
use blenvy::{BlueprintName, InBlueprint, Library, SpawnHere};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::{DynamicEntitiesRoot, SaveLoadConfig, StaticEntitiesRoot};
#[derive(Event, Debug)]
pub struct SaveRequest {
pub path: String,
pub struct SavingFinished;
pub fn should_save(save_requests: EventReader<SaveRequest>) -> bool {
#[derive(Resource, Clone, Debug, Default, Reflect)]
pub struct StaticEntitiesStorage {
pub name: String,
pub library_path: String,
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
/// marker component for entities that do not have parents, or whose parents should be ignored when serializing
pub(crate) struct RootEntity;
#[derive(Component, Debug)]
/// internal helper component to store parents before resetting them
pub(crate) struct OriginalParent(pub(crate) Entity);
// any child of dynamic/ saveable entities that is not saveable itself should be removed from the list of children
pub(crate) fn prepare_save_game(
saveables: Query<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, With<BlueprintName>)>,
root_entities: Query<Entity, Or<(With<DynamicEntitiesRoot>, Without<Parent>)>>, // With<DynamicEntitiesRoot>
dynamic_entities: Query<(Entity, &Parent, Option<&Children>), With<Dynamic>>,
static_entities: Query<(Entity, &BlueprintName, Option<&Library>), With<StaticEntitiesRoot>>,
mut commands: Commands,
) {
for entity in saveables.iter() {
for (entity, parent, children) in dynamic_entities.iter() {
let parent = parent.get();
if root_entities.contains(parent) {
if let Some(children) = children {
for sub_child in children.iter() {
if !dynamic_entities.contains(*sub_child) {
for (_, blueprint_name, library) in static_entities.iter() {
let library_path: String = library.map_or_else(|| "", |l| l.0.to_str().unwrap()).into();
commands.insert_resource(StaticEntitiesStorage {
name: blueprint_name.0.clone(),
pub(crate) fn save_game(world: &mut World) {
let mut save_path: String = "".into();
let mut events = world.resource_mut::<Events<SaveRequest>>();
for event in events.get_reader().read(&events) {
info!("SAVE EVENT !! {:?}", event);
let saveable_entities: Vec<Entity> = world
.query_filtered::<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, Without<InBlueprint>, Without<RootEntity>)>()
let saveable_root_entities: Vec<Entity> = world
.query_filtered::<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, Without<InBlueprint>, With<RootEntity>)>()
info!("saveable entities {}", saveable_entities.len());
info!("saveable root entities {}", saveable_root_entities.len());
let save_load_config = world
.expect("SaveLoadConfig should exist at this stage");
// we hardcode some of the always allowed types
let filter = save_load_config
// for root entities, it is the same EXCEPT we make sure parents are not included
let filter_root = filter.clone().deny::<Parent>();
let filter_resources = save_load_config
// for default stuff
let scene_builder = DynamicSceneBuilder::from_world(world)
let mut dyn_scene = scene_builder
// for root entities
let scene_builder_root = DynamicSceneBuilder::from_world(world)
// FIXME : add back
let mut dyn_scene_root = scene_builder_root
saveable_root_entities.clone().into_iter(), // .chain(static_world_markers.into_iter()),
dyn_scene.entities.append(&mut dyn_scene_root.entities);
// dyn_scene.resources.append(&mut dyn_scene_root.resources);
let serialized_scene = dyn_scene
let save_path = Path::new("assets")
.join(Path::new(save_path.as_str())); // Path::new(&save_load_config.save_path).join(Path::new(save_path.as_str()));
info!("saving game to {:?}", save_path);
// world.send_event(SavingFinished);
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
.spawn(async move {
// Write the scene RON data to file
.and_then(|mut file| file.write(serialized_scene.as_bytes()))
.expect("Error while writing save to file");
pub(crate) fn cleanup_save(
needs_parent_reset: Query<(Entity, &OriginalParent)>,
mut saving_finished: EventWriter<SavingFinished>,
mut commands: Commands,
) {
for (entity, original_parent) in needs_parent_reset.iter() {
pub(crate) fn cleanup_save(mut world: &mut World) {
let mut query = world.query::<(Entity, &OriginalParent)>();
for (mut entity, original_parent) in query.iter_mut(&mut world) {
let e = world.entity_mut(original_parent.0);
// .add_child(entity);
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
use bevy::prelude::*;
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
/// component used to mark any entity as Dynamic: aka add this to make sure your entity is going to be saved
pub struct Dynamic(pub bool);
@ -1,55 +1,42 @@
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::tasks::IoTaskPool;
use blenvy::{BlueprintName, InBlueprint, Library, SpawnHere};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::{Dynamic, DynamicEntitiesRoot, SaveLoadConfig, StaticEntitiesRoot};
use bevy::render::camera::{CameraMainTextureUsages, CameraRenderGraph};
use bevy::{prelude::*, tasks::IoTaskPool};
use bevy::prelude::World;
use crate::{BlenvyConfig, BlueprintInfo, Dynamic, FromBlueprint, RootEntity, SpawnBlueprint};
use super::{DynamicEntitiesRoot, OriginalParent, StaticEntitiesRoot};
#[derive(Event, Debug)]
pub struct SaveRequest {
pub path: String,
pub struct SavingFinished;
pub struct SaveFinished; // TODO: merge the the events above
pub fn should_save(save_requests: EventReader<SaveRequest>) -> bool {
#[derive(Resource, Clone, Debug, Default, Reflect)]
pub struct StaticEntitiesStorage {
pub name: String,
pub library_path: String,
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Debug, Default)]
/// marker component for entities that do not have parents, or whose parents should be ignored when serializing
pub(crate) struct RootEntity;
#[derive(Component, Debug)]
/// internal helper component to store parents before resetting them
pub(crate) struct OriginalParent(pub(crate) Entity);
// any child of dynamic/ saveable entities that is not saveable itself should be removed from the list of children
pub(crate) fn prepare_save_game(
saveables: Query<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, With<BlueprintName>)>,
saveables: Query<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, With<BlueprintInfo>)>,
root_entities: Query<Entity, Or<(With<DynamicEntitiesRoot>, Without<Parent>)>>, // With<DynamicEntitiesRoot>
dynamic_entities: Query<(Entity, &Parent, Option<&Children>), With<Dynamic>>,
static_entities: Query<(Entity, &BlueprintName, Option<&Library>), With<StaticEntitiesRoot>>,
static_entities: Query<(Entity, &BlueprintInfo), With<StaticEntitiesRoot>>,
mut commands: Commands,
) {
for entity in saveables.iter() {
for (entity, parent, children) in dynamic_entities.iter() {
println!("prepare save game");
let parent = parent.get();
if root_entities.contains(parent) {
@ -64,14 +51,17 @@ pub(crate) fn prepare_save_game(
for (_, blueprint_name, library) in static_entities.iter() {
/*for (_, blueprint_name) in static_entities.iter() {
let library_path: String = library.map_or_else(|| "", |l| l.0.to_str().unwrap()).into();
commands.insert_resource(StaticEntitiesStorage {
name: blueprint_name.0.clone(),
pub(crate) fn save_game(world: &mut World) {
@ -85,39 +75,49 @@ pub(crate) fn save_game(world: &mut World) {
let saveable_entities: Vec<Entity> = world
.query_filtered::<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, Without<InBlueprint>, Without<RootEntity>)>()
// .query_filtered::<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, Without<FromBlueprint>, Without<RootEntity>)>()
.query_filtered::<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, Without<RootEntity>)>()
let saveable_root_entities: Vec<Entity> = world
.query_filtered::<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, Without<InBlueprint>, With<RootEntity>)>()
.query_filtered::<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, With<RootEntity>)>()
//.query_filtered::<Entity, (With<Dynamic>, Without<FromBlueprint>, With<RootEntity>)>()
info!("saveable entities {}", saveable_entities.len());
info!("saveable root entities {}", saveable_root_entities.len());
let save_load_config = world
.expect("SaveLoadConfig should exist at this stage");
let config = world
.expect("Blenvy configuration should exist at this stage");
// we hardcode some of the always allowed types
let filter = save_load_config
let filter = config
.deny::<Handle<StandardMaterial>>() */
// for root entities, it is the same EXCEPT we make sure parents are not included
let filter_root = filter.clone().deny::<Parent>();
let filter_resources = save_load_config
let filter_resources = config.clone()
// for default stuff
let scene_builder = DynamicSceneBuilder::from_world(world)
@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ pub(crate) fn save_game(world: &mut World) {
dyn_scene.entities.append(&mut dyn_scene_root.entities);
// dyn_scene.entities.append(&mut dyn_scene_root.entities);
// dyn_scene.resources.append(&mut dyn_scene_root.resources);
let serialized_scene = dyn_scene
.expect("filtered scene should serialize correctly");
let save_path = Path::new("assets")
.join(Path::new(save_path.as_str())); // Path::new(&save_load_config.save_path).join(Path::new(save_path.as_str()));
info!("saving game to {:?}", save_path);
@ -170,21 +170,12 @@ pub(crate) fn save_game(world: &mut World) {
pub(crate) fn cleanup_save(
needs_parent_reset: Query<(Entity, &OriginalParent)>,
mut saving_finished: EventWriter<SavingFinished>,
mut saving_finished: EventWriter<SaveFinished>,
mut commands: Commands,
) {
for (entity, original_parent) in needs_parent_reset.iter() {
pub(crate) fn cleanup_save(mut world: &mut World) {
let mut query = world.query::<(Entity, &OriginalParent)>();
for (mut entity, original_parent) in query.iter_mut(&mut world) {
let e = world.entity_mut(original_parent.0);
// .add_child(entity);
// commands.remove_resource::<StaticEntitiesStorage>();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user