mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 13:15:52 +00:00
feat(auto_export): lots of cleanups , tweaks etc
* additions to tests * ui changes * etc etc
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from .auto_export.internals import (SceneLink,
from .ui.main import (GLTF_PT_auto_export_changes_list, GLTF_PT_auto_export_main,
from .ui.main import (GLTF_PT_auto_export_change_detection, GLTF_PT_auto_export_changes_list, GLTF_PT_auto_export_main,
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ from .ui.main import (GLTF_PT_auto_export_changes_list, GLTF_PT_auto_export_main
from .ui.operators import (SCENES_LIST_OT_actions)
from .helpers.ping_depsgraph_update import ping_depsgraph_update
from .helpers.generate_complete_preferences_dict import generate_complete_preferences_dict_gltf
@ -114,6 +113,7 @@ classes = [
@ -152,18 +152,14 @@ def glTF2_post_export_callback(data):
# get the parameters
scene = bpy.context.scene
if "glTF2ExportSettings" in scene:
print("write gltf settings")
settings = scene["glTF2ExportSettings"]
export_settings = bpy.data.texts[".gltf_auto_export_gltf_settings"] if ".gltf_auto_export_gltf_settings" in bpy.data.texts else bpy.data.texts.new(".gltf_auto_export_gltf_settings")
# now write new settings
current_gltf_settings = generate_complete_preferences_dict_gltf(dict(settings))
print("current_gltf_settings", current_gltf_settings)
print("done writing")
# now reset the original gltf_settings
if gltf_settings_backup != "":
scene["glTF2ExportSettings"] = json.loads(gltf_settings_backup)
@ -176,12 +172,7 @@ def glTF2_post_export_callback(data):
last_operator = bpy.context.window_manager.auto_export_tracker.last_operator
last_operator.filepath = ""
last_operator.gltf_export_id = ""
# AGAIN, something that does not work withouth a timer
bpy.app.timers.register(ping_depsgraph_update, first_interval=0.1)
def menu_func_import(self, context):
self.layout.operator(AutoExportGLTF.bl_idname, text="glTF auto Export (.glb/gltf)")
from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
@ -190,10 +181,6 @@ from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
def post_update(scene, depsgraph):
bpy.context.window_manager.auto_export_tracker.deps_post_update_handler( scene, depsgraph)
def pre_update(scene, depsgraph):
bpy.context.window_manager.auto_export_tracker.deps_pre_update_handler( scene, depsgraph)
def post_save(scene, depsgraph):
bpy.context.window_manager.auto_export_tracker.save_handler( scene, depsgraph)
@ -202,7 +189,6 @@ def register():
for cls in classes:
# for some reason, adding these directly to the tracker class in register() do not work reliably
@ -210,19 +196,13 @@ def register():
bpy.types.WindowManager.gltf_settings_backup = StringProperty(default="")
bpy.types.Scene.AutoExportExtensionProperties = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=AutoExportExtensionProperties)"""
def unregister():
for cls in classes:
if "gltf_auto_export" == "__main__":
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from ..modules.export_materials import cleanup_materials, export_materials
from ..modules.bevy_scene_components import upsert_scene_components
"""Main function"""
"""this is the main 'central' function for all auto export """
def auto_export(changes_per_scene, changed_export_parameters, addon_prefs):
# have the export parameters (not auto export, just gltf export) have changed: if yes (for example switch from glb to gltf, compression or not, animations or not etc), we need to re-export everything
print ("changed_export_parameters", changed_export_parameters)
@ -66,10 +66,6 @@ def generate_gltf_export_preferences(addon_prefs):
for key in standard_gltf_exporter_settings.keys():
if str(key) not in constant_keys:
gltf_export_preferences[key] = standard_gltf_exporter_settings.get(key)
print("export preferences for gltf exporter", gltf_export_preferences)
return gltf_export_preferences
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ def get_collections_to_export(changes_per_scene, changed_export_parameters, addo
export_change_detection = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_change_detection")
export_gltf_extension = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_gltf_extension", ".glb")
export_blueprints_path = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_blueprints_path", "")
collection_instances_combine_mode = getattr(addon_prefs, "collection_instances_combine_mode")
[main_scene_names, level_scenes, library_scene_names, library_scenes] = get_scenes(addon_prefs)
# get a list of all collections actually in use
@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ def get_levels_to_export(changes_per_scene, changed_export_parameters, addon_pre
export_change_detection = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_change_detection")
export_gltf_extension = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_gltf_extension")
export_models_path = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_models_path")
collection_instances_combine_mode = getattr(addon_prefs, "collection_instances_combine_mode")
[main_scene_names, level_scenes, library_scene_names, library_scenes] = get_scenes(addon_prefs)
# TODO: IF collection_instances_combine_mode is not 'split' check for each scene if any object in changes_per_scene has an instance in the scene
# print("levels export", "export_change_detection", export_change_detection, "changed_export_parameters",changed_export_parameters, "export_models_path", export_models_path, "export_gltf_extension", export_gltf_extension, "changes_per_scene", changes_per_scene)
# determine list of main scenes to export
# we have more relaxed rules to determine if the main scenes have changed : any change is ok, (allows easier handling of changes, render settings etc)
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class AutoExportGLTF(Operator, AutoExportGltfAddonPreferences, ExportHelper):
changes_per_scene = {}
# TODO : how do we deal with changed scene names ???
for scene in current:
print('scene', scene)
# print('scene', scene)
previous_object_names = list(previous[scene].keys())
current_object_names =list(current[scene].keys())
#print("previous_object_names", len(previous_object_names), previous_object_names)
@ -73,31 +73,6 @@ class AutoExportTracker(PropertyGroup):
# all our logic is done, mark this as done
def deps_pre_update_handler(cls, scene, depsgraph):
#print("before depsgraph update", scene, depsgraph)
# only deal with changes if we are NOT in the mids of saving/exporting
"""if cls.change_detection_enabled:
# ignore anything going on with temporary scenes
if not scene.name.startswith(TEMPSCENE_PREFIX):
print("depsgraph_update_post", scene.name)
changed_scene = scene.name or ""
# print("cls.changed_objects_per_scene", cls.changed_objects_per_scene)
# depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
for obj in depsgraph.updates:
#print("depsgraph update", obj)
if isinstance(obj.id, bpy.types.Object):
# get the actual object
object = bpy.data.objects[obj.id.name]
print(" changed object", obj.id.name, "changes", obj, "evalutated", obj.id.is_evaluated, "transforms", obj.is_updated_transform, "geometry", obj.is_updated_geometry)
elif isinstance(obj.id, bpy.types.Material): # or isinstance(obj.id, bpy.types.ShaderNodeTree):
# print(" changed material", obj.id, "scene", scene.name,)
def deps_post_update_handler(cls, scene, depsgraph):
# print("change detection enabled", cls.change_detection_enabled)
@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ def duplicate_object(object, parent, combine_mode, destination_collection, libra
def copy_hollowed_collection_into(source_collection, destination_collection, parent_empty=None, filter=None, library_collections=[], addon_prefs={}):
collection_instances_combine_mode = getattr(addon_prefs, "collection_instances_combine_mode")
legacy_mode = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_legacy_mode")
collection_instances_combine_mode= collection_instances_combine_mode
for object in source_collection.objects:
if object.name.endswith("____bak"): # some objects could already have been handled, ignore them
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import json
from mathutils import Color
import numpy as np
import bpy
from ..constants import TEMPSCENE_PREFIX
@ -102,7 +103,79 @@ def armature_hash(obj):
print("bone", bone, bone_hash(bone))"""
return str(fields)
def field_value(data):
def color(color_data):
# print("color", color_data, type(color_data))
return str(peel_value(color_data))
def lineart(lineart_data):
fields_to_ignore = fields_to_ignore_generic
all_field_names = dir(lineart_data)
fields = [getattr(lineart_data, prop, None) for prop in all_field_names if not prop.startswith("__") and not prop in fields_to_ignore and not prop.startswith("show_")]
return str(fields)
def node_tree(nodetree_data):
fields_to_ignore = fields_to_ignore_generic+ ['contains_tree','get_output_node', 'interface_update', 'override_template_create']
all_field_names = dir(nodetree_data)
fields = [getattr(nodetree_data, prop, None) for prop in all_field_names if not prop.startswith("__") and not prop in fields_to_ignore and not prop.startswith("show_")]
# print("node tree", fields)
return str(fields)
def peel_value( value ):
len( value )
return [ peel_value( x ) for x in value ]
except TypeError:
return value
def material_hash(material):
fields_to_ignore = fields_to_ignore_generic
fields_to_convert = {'diffuse_color': color, 'line_color': color, 'lineart': lineart, 'node_tree': node_tree} # TODO: perhaps use types rather than names
all_field_names = dir(material)
fields = [getattr(material, prop, None) if not prop in fields_to_convert.keys() else fields_to_convert[prop](getattr(material, prop)) for prop in all_field_names if not prop.startswith("__") and not prop in fields_to_ignore and not prop.startswith("show_")]
type_of = [type(getattr(material, prop, None)) for prop in all_field_names if not prop.startswith("__") and not prop in fields_to_ignore and not prop.startswith("show_")]
names = [prop for prop in all_field_names if not prop.startswith("__") and not prop in fields_to_ignore and not prop.startswith("show_")]
tutu = [t == Color for t in type_of] # bpy.types.MaterialLineArt bpy.types.ShaderNodeTree
#print("fields", type_of)
"""for prop in [prop for prop in all_field_names if not prop.startswith("__") and not prop in fields_to_ignore and not prop.startswith("show_")]:
bla = getattr(material, prop, None)
if hasattr(bla, "rna_type"):
print("YOLO", prop, bla, peel_value(bla), "type", type(bla), bla.rna_type, bla.rna_type == bpy.types.FloatProperty, type(bla) == bpy.types.bpy_prop_collection)
print("types", type(bla) == bpy.types.bpy_prop_collection, type(bla) == bpy.types.FloatColorAttributeValue)"""
# print("oooooh", material, material.bl_rna.properties.items())
return str(fields)#str(hash(str(fields)))
# TODO: this is partially taken from export_materials utilities, perhaps we could avoid having to fetch things multiple times ?
def materials_hash(obj, cache):
# print("materials")
materials = []
for material_slot in obj.material_slots:
material = material_slot.material
cached_hash = cache['materials'].get(material.name, None)
if cached_hash:
# print("CACHHHHHED", cached_hash)
mat = material_hash(material)
cache['materials'][material.name] = mat
# print("NOT CACHHH", mat)
# materials = [material_hash(material_slot.material) if not material_slot.material.name in cache["materials"] else cache["materials"][material_slot.material.name] for material_slot in obj.material_slots]
return str(hash(str(materials)))
def serialize_scene():
cache = {"materials":{}}
print("serializing scene")
data = {}
for scene in bpy.data.scenes:
@ -128,6 +201,7 @@ def serialize_scene():
armature = armature_hash(object) if object.type == 'ARMATURE' else None
parent = object.parent.name if object.parent else None
collections = [collection.name for collection in object.users_collection]
materials = materials_hash(object, cache) if len(object.material_slots) > 0 else None
data[scene.name][object.name] = {
"name": object.name,
@ -140,7 +214,8 @@ def serialize_scene():
"light": light,
"armature": armature,
"parent": parent,
"collections": collections
"collections": collections,
"materials": materials
"""print("data", data)
@ -420,11 +420,11 @@ def test_export_change_tracking_material_properties(setup_data):
mapped_files_to_timestamps_and_index[file_path] = (modification_times_first[index], index)
print("main scene change (material)")
print("main scene change (material, clip)")
bpy.data.materials["Material.001"].blend_method = 'CLIP'
@ -437,12 +437,82 @@ def test_export_change_tracking_material_properties(setup_data):
modification_times = list(map(lambda file_path: os.path.getmtime(file_path), model_library_file_paths + [world_file_path]))
assert modification_times != modification_times_first
# only the "world" file should have changed
world_file_index = mapped_files_to_timestamps_and_index["World"][1]
other_files_modification_times = [value for index, value in enumerate(modification_times) if index not in [world_file_index]]
other_files_modification_times_first = [value for index, value in enumerate(modification_times_first) if index not in [world_file_index]]
# the material is assigned to Blueprint 1 so in normal (split mode) only the "Blueprint1" file should have changed
blueprint1_file_index = mapped_files_to_timestamps_and_index["Blueprint1"][1]
# the same material is assigned to Blueprint 7 so in normal (split mode) only the "Blueprint1" file should have changed
blueprint7_file_index = mapped_files_to_timestamps_and_index["Blueprint7_hierarchy"][1]
assert modification_times[world_file_index] != modification_times_first[world_file_index]
other_files_modification_times = [value for index, value in enumerate(modification_times) if index not in [blueprint1_file_index, blueprint7_file_index]]
other_files_modification_times_first = [value for index, value in enumerate(modification_times_first) if index not in [blueprint1_file_index, blueprint7_file_index]]
assert modification_times[blueprint1_file_index] != modification_times_first[blueprint1_file_index]
assert modification_times[blueprint7_file_index] != modification_times_first[blueprint7_file_index]
assert other_files_modification_times == other_files_modification_times_first
# reset the comparing
modification_times_first = modification_times
print("main scene change (material, alpha_threshold)")
bpy.data.materials["Material.001"].alpha_threshold = 0.2
modification_times = list(map(lambda file_path: os.path.getmtime(file_path), model_library_file_paths + [world_file_path]))
assert modification_times != modification_times_first
# the material is assigned to Blueprint 1 so in normal (split mode) only the "Blueprint1" file should have changed
blueprint1_file_index = mapped_files_to_timestamps_and_index["Blueprint1"][1]
# the same material is assigned to Blueprint 7 so in normal (split mode) only the "Blueprint1" file should have changed
blueprint7_file_index = mapped_files_to_timestamps_and_index["Blueprint7_hierarchy"][1]
other_files_modification_times = [value for index, value in enumerate(modification_times) if index not in [blueprint1_file_index, blueprint7_file_index]]
other_files_modification_times_first = [value for index, value in enumerate(modification_times_first) if index not in [blueprint1_file_index, blueprint7_file_index]]
assert modification_times[blueprint1_file_index] != modification_times_first[blueprint1_file_index]
assert modification_times[blueprint7_file_index] != modification_times_first[blueprint7_file_index]
assert other_files_modification_times == other_files_modification_times_first
# reset the comparing
modification_times_first = modification_times
print("main scene change (material, diffuse_color)")
bpy.data.materials["Material.001"].diffuse_color[0] = 0.2
modification_times = list(map(lambda file_path: os.path.getmtime(file_path), model_library_file_paths + [world_file_path]))
assert modification_times != modification_times_first
# the material is assigned to Blueprint 1 so in normal (split mode) only the "Blueprint1" file should have changed
blueprint1_file_index = mapped_files_to_timestamps_and_index["Blueprint1"][1]
# the same material is assigned to Blueprint 7 so in normal (split mode) only the "Blueprint1" file should have changed
blueprint7_file_index = mapped_files_to_timestamps_and_index["Blueprint7_hierarchy"][1]
other_files_modification_times = [value for index, value in enumerate(modification_times) if index not in [blueprint1_file_index, blueprint7_file_index]]
other_files_modification_times_first = [value for index, value in enumerate(modification_times_first) if index not in [blueprint1_file_index, blueprint7_file_index]]
assert modification_times[blueprint1_file_index] != modification_times_first[blueprint1_file_index]
assert modification_times[blueprint7_file_index] != modification_times_first[blueprint7_file_index]
assert other_files_modification_times == other_files_modification_times_first
@ -456,7 +526,7 @@ def test_export_change_tracking_material_properties(setup_data):
- removes generated files
def test_export_various_changes(setup_data):
def test_export_various_chained_changes(setup_data):
root_path = "../../testing/bevy_example"
assets_root_path = os.path.join(root_path, "assets")
models_path = os.path.join(assets_root_path, "models")
@ -626,6 +696,7 @@ def test_export_various_changes(setup_data):
assert modification_times[blueprint3_file_index] != modification_times_first[blueprint3_file_index]
assert modification_times[blueprint4_file_index] == modification_times_first[blueprint4_file_index]
assert other_files_modification_times == other_files_modification_times_first
# reset the comparing
modification_times_first = modification_times
@ -633,16 +704,14 @@ def test_export_various_changes(setup_data):
print("change using operator")
bpy.context.window_manager.auto_export_tracker.enable_change_detection() # FIXME: should not be needed, but ..
with bpy.context.temp_override(active_object=bpy.data.objects["Cube"], selected_objects=[bpy.data.objects["Cube"]]):
with bpy.context.temp_override(active_object=bpy.data.objects["Cube"], selected_objects=[bpy.data.objects["Cube"]], scene=bpy.data.scenes["World"]):
print("translate using operator")
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=mathutils.Vector((2.0, 1.0, -5.0)))
bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=0.378874, constraint_axis=(False, False, True), mirror=False, proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(3.5, 0, 0), constraint_axis=(True, False, False))
@ -4,6 +4,14 @@
- undo redo is ignored: ie save, do something, undo it, you still get changes
- for collection instances:
* [ ] blueprints export should also take the split/embed mode into account: if a nested collection changes AND embed is active, its container collection should also be exported
* [ ] level exports should do the same
- [ ] serialize scene
- [ ] for collection instances:
* [ ] blueprints export should also take the split/embed mode into account: if a nested collection changes AND embed is active, its container collection should also be exported
* [ ] level exports should do the same
- [ ] add tests for the above
- [ ] look into caching for serialize scene
- [ ] replace field name based logic with type base logic
- [ ] remove bulk of tracker related code
- [ ] clean up
- [x] split up change detection in settings to its own panel
@ -143,10 +143,41 @@ class GLTF_PT_auto_export_general(bpy.types.Panel):
layout.active = operator.auto_export
layout.prop(operator, "export_output_folder")
layout.prop(operator, "export_change_detection")
layout.prop(operator, "export_scene_settings")
layout.prop(operator, "export_legacy_mode")
class GLTF_PT_auto_export_change_detection(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'FILE_BROWSER'
bl_region_type = 'TOOL_PROPS'
bl_label = "Change detection"
bl_parent_id = "GLTF_PT_auto_export_root"
def poll(cls, context):
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
return operator.bl_idname == "EXPORT_SCENES_OT_auto_gltf" #"EXPORT_SCENE_OT_gltf"
def draw_header(self, context):
layout = self.layout
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
layout.prop(operator, "export_change_detection", text="")
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
layout.active = operator.auto_export
layout.prop(operator, "export_change_detection")
class GLTF_PT_auto_export_scenes(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'FILE_BROWSER'
bl_region_type = 'TOOL_PROPS'
@ -251,8 +282,6 @@ class GLTF_PT_auto_export_blueprints(bpy.types.Panel):
operator = sfile.active_operator
layout.prop(operator, "export_blueprints", text="")
#self.layout.prop(operator, "auto_export", text="")
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
Reference in New Issue
Block a user