mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 12:45:53 +00:00
feat(blenvy): more work done on asset management
* helpers * ui tweaks * scanning of the whole asset tree added * cleaner injection of data at the collection/ scene level (wip)
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,12 +33,23 @@ Assets:
- [x] per blueprint for blueprint in lib scene
- [ ] UI:
- [x] we need to display all direct assets (stored in the scene)
- [ ] indirect assets:
- [ ] the assets of local blueprints
- [ ] indirect assets:
- QUESTION : do we want to include them in the list of assets per level ?
- this would enable pre-loading ALL the assets, but is not ideal in most other cases
- so add an option ?
- [ ] the assets of local blueprints
- list of assets
- export path
- [ ] blueprint selection for nested blueprints is broken
- [ ] blueprint selection for nested blueprints is broken
General issues:
- there is no safeguard for naming collisions for naming across blender files
- this can cause an issue for assets list "parent"
- "parents" can only be blueprints
- they normally need/have unique export paths (otherwise, user error, perhaps show it ?)
- perhaps a simple hashing of the parent's path would be enought
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ from .gltf_auto_export.ui.operators import (OT_OpenFolderbrowser, SCENES_LIST_OT
# asset management
from .assets.ui import Blenvy_assets
from .assets.assets_registry import AssetsRegistry
from .assets.operators import OT_Add_asset_filebrowser, OT_add_bevy_asset, OT_remove_bevy_asset
from .assets.operators import OT_Add_asset_filebrowser, OT_add_bevy_asset, OT_remove_bevy_asset, OT_test_bevy_assets
# blueprints management
from .blueprints.ui import GLTF_PT_auto_export_blueprints_list
@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ classes = [
@ -3,3 +3,8 @@ import json
def get_assets(scene_or_collection):
assets = json.loads(scene_or_collection.get('assets')) if 'assets' in scene_or_collection else []
return assets
def does_asset_exist(assets, asset_path):
in_list = [asset for asset in assets if (asset["path"] == asset_path)]
in_list = len(in_list) > 0
return in_list
@ -7,50 +7,6 @@ from bpy_types import (PropertyGroup)
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty, IntVectorProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty, CollectionProperty)
def get_assets(scene, blueprints_data, addon_prefs):
export_root_path = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_root_path")
export_output_folder = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_output_folder")
export_levels_path = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_levels_path")
export_blueprints_path = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_blueprints_path")
export_gltf_extension = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_gltf_extension")
relative_blueprints_path = os.path.relpath(export_blueprints_path, export_root_path)
blueprint_instance_names_for_scene = blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene.get(scene.name, None)
blueprint_assets_list = []
if blueprint_instance_names_for_scene:
for blueprint_name in blueprint_instance_names_for_scene:
blueprint = blueprints_data.blueprints_per_name.get(blueprint_name, None)
if blueprint is not None:
print("BLUEPRINT", blueprint)
blueprint_exported_path = None
if blueprint.local:
blueprint_exported_path = os.path.join(relative_blueprints_path, f"{blueprint.name}{export_gltf_extension}")
# get the injected path of the external blueprints
blueprint_exported_path = blueprint.collection['Export_path'] if 'Export_path' in blueprint.collection else None
print("foo", dict(blueprint.collection))
if blueprint_exported_path is not None:
blueprint_assets_list.append({"name": blueprint.name, "path": blueprint_exported_path})
# fetch images/textures
# see https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/139859/how-to-get-absolute-file-path-for-linked-texture-image
textures = []
for ob in bpy.data.objects:
if ob.type == "MESH":
for mat_slot in ob.material_slots:
if mat_slot.material:
if mat_slot.material.node_tree:
textures.extend([x.image.filepath for x in mat_slot.material.node_tree.nodes if x.type=='TEX_IMAGE'])
print("textures", textures)
assets_list_name = f"assets_{scene.name}"
assets_list_data = {"blueprints": json.dumps(blueprint_assets_list), "sounds":[], "images":[]}
print("blueprint assets", blueprint_assets_list)
# this is where we store the information for all available assets
class AssetsRegistry(PropertyGroup):
@ -95,3 +51,4 @@ class AssetsRegistry(PropertyGroup):
def remove_asset(self, path):
self.assets_list[:] = [asset for asset in self.assets_list if (asset["path"] != path)]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import os
import json
import bpy
from .asset_helpers import does_asset_exist, get_assets
def scan_assets(scene, blueprints_data, addon_prefs):
export_root_path = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_root_path")
export_output_folder = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_output_folder")
export_levels_path = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_levels_path")
export_blueprints_path = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_blueprints_path")
export_gltf_extension = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_gltf_extension")
relative_blueprints_path = os.path.relpath(export_blueprints_path, export_root_path)
blueprint_instance_names_for_scene = blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene.get(scene.name, None)
blueprint_assets_list = []
if blueprint_instance_names_for_scene:
for blueprint_name in blueprint_instance_names_for_scene:
blueprint = blueprints_data.blueprints_per_name.get(blueprint_name, None)
if blueprint is not None:
print("BLUEPRINT", blueprint)
blueprint_exported_path = None
if blueprint.local:
blueprint_exported_path = os.path.join(relative_blueprints_path, f"{blueprint.name}{export_gltf_extension}")
# get the injected path of the external blueprints
blueprint_exported_path = blueprint.collection['Export_path'] if 'Export_path' in blueprint.collection else None
print("foo", dict(blueprint.collection))
if blueprint_exported_path is not None:
blueprint_assets_list.append({"name": blueprint.name, "path": blueprint_exported_path})
# fetch images/textures
# see https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/139859/how-to-get-absolute-file-path-for-linked-texture-image
textures = []
for ob in bpy.data.objects:
if ob.type == "MESH":
for mat_slot in ob.material_slots:
if mat_slot.material:
if mat_slot.material.node_tree:
textures.extend([x.image.filepath for x in mat_slot.material.node_tree.nodes if x.type=='TEX_IMAGE'])
print("textures", textures)
assets_list_name = f"assets_{scene.name}"
assets_list_data = {"blueprints": json.dumps(blueprint_assets_list), "sounds":[], "images":[]}
print("blueprint assets", blueprint_assets_list)
def get_blueprint_assets_tree(blueprint, blueprints_data, parent, addon_prefs):
export_blueprints_path = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_blueprints_path")
export_gltf_extension = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_gltf_extension")
assets_list = []
for blueprint_name in blueprint.nested_blueprints:
child_blueprint = blueprints_data.blueprints_per_name.get(blueprint_name, None)
if child_blueprint:
blueprint_exported_path = None
if blueprint.local:
blueprint_exported_path = os.path.join(export_blueprints_path, f"{child_blueprint.name}{export_gltf_extension}")
# get the injected path of the external blueprints
blueprint_exported_path = child_blueprint.collection['export_path'] if 'export_path' in child_blueprint.collection else None
if blueprint_exported_path is not None:
assets_list.append({"name": child_blueprint.name, "path": blueprint_exported_path, "type": "MODEL", "internal": True, "parent": blueprint.name})
# and add sub stuff
sub_assets_lists = get_blueprint_assets_tree(child_blueprint, blueprints_data, parent=child_blueprint.name, addon_prefs=addon_prefs)
assets_list += sub_assets_lists
direct_assets = get_assets(blueprint.collection)
for asset in direct_assets:
asset["parent"] = parent
assets_list += direct_assets
return assets_list
def get_main_scene_assets_tree(main_scene, blueprints_data, addon_prefs):
export_blueprints_path = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_blueprints_path")
export_gltf_extension = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_gltf_extension")
blueprint_instance_names_for_scene = blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene.get(main_scene.name, None)
assets_list = get_assets(main_scene) # FIXME: problem, we already have the blueprint assets stored there
if blueprint_instance_names_for_scene:
for blueprint_name in blueprint_instance_names_for_scene:
blueprint = blueprints_data.blueprints_per_name.get(blueprint_name, None)
if blueprint is not None:
blueprint_exported_path = None
if blueprint.local:
blueprint_exported_path = os.path.join(export_blueprints_path, f"{blueprint.name}{export_gltf_extension}")
# get the injected path of the external blueprints
blueprint_exported_path = blueprint.collection['export_path'] if 'export_path' in blueprint.collection else None
if blueprint_exported_path is not None and not does_asset_exist(assets_list, blueprint_exported_path):
assets_list.append({"name": blueprint.name, "path": blueprint_exported_path, "type": "MODEL", "internal": True, "parent": None})
assets_list += get_blueprint_assets_tree(blueprint, blueprints_data, parent=blueprint.name, addon_prefs=addon_prefs)
print("TOTAL ASSETS", assets_list)
return assets_list
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import bpy
from bpy_types import (Operator)
from bpy.props import (BoolProperty, StringProperty, EnumProperty)
from .assets_scan import get_main_scene_assets_tree
from ..core.path_helpers import absolute_path_from_blend_file
from ..settings import load_settings
@ -159,4 +161,27 @@ class OT_Add_asset_filebrowser(Operator, ImportHelper):
print("SELECTED ASSET PATH", asset_path)
return {'FINISHED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
from types import SimpleNamespace
class OT_test_bevy_assets(Operator):
"""Test assets"""
bl_idname = "bevyassets.test"
bl_label = "test bevy assets"
bl_options = {"UNDO"}
def execute(self, context):
blueprints_registry = context.window_manager.blueprints_registry
blueprints_data = blueprints_registry.blueprints_data
settings = {"export_blueprints_path": "blueprints", "export_gltf_extension": ".glb"}
settings = SimpleNamespace(**settings)
for scene in bpy.data.scenes:
if scene.name != "Library":
assets_hierarchy = get_main_scene_assets_tree(scene, blueprints_data, settings)
scene["assets_hierarchy"] = json.dumps(assets_hierarchy)
return {'FINISHED'}
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
from types import SimpleNamespace
import bpy
from .assets_scan import get_main_scene_assets_tree
from .asset_helpers import get_assets
@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ def draw_assets(layout, name, title, asset_registry, assets, target_type, target
return panel
class Blenvy_assets(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
@ -52,29 +56,37 @@ class Blenvy_assets(bpy.types.Panel):
def poll(cls, context):
return context.window_manager.blenvy.mode == 'ASSETS'
"""def draw_header(self, context):
layout = self.layout
name = ""
if context.collection is not None and context.collection.name == 'Scene Collection':
name = f"WORLD/LEVEL: {context.scene.name}"
name = f"BLUEPRINT: {context.collection.name}"
layout.label(text=f"Assets For {name}")"""
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
asset_registry = context.window_manager.assets_registry
blueprints_registry = context.window_manager.blueprints_registry
blueprints_data = blueprints_registry.blueprints_data
name = "world"
header, panel = layout.box().panel(f"assets{name}", default_closed=False)
header.label(text="World/Level Assets")
settings = {"export_blueprints_path": "blueprints", "export_gltf_extension": ".glb"}
settings = SimpleNamespace(**settings)
if panel:
for scene in bpy.data.scenes:
if scene.name != "Library": # FIXME: hack for testing
get_main_scene_assets_tree(scene, blueprints_data, settings)
direct_assets = get_assets(scene)
row = panel.row()
draw_assets(layout=row, name=scene.name, title=f"{scene.name} Assets", asset_registry=asset_registry, assets=direct_assets, target_type="SCENE", target_name=scene.name)
scene_assets_panel = draw_assets(layout=row, name=scene.name, title=f"{scene.name} Assets", asset_registry=asset_registry, assets=direct_assets, target_type="SCENE", target_name=scene.name)
if scene.name in blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene:
for blueprint_name in blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene[scene.name].keys():
blueprint = blueprints_data.blueprints_per_name[blueprint_name]
blueprint_assets = get_assets(blueprint.collection)
if scene_assets_panel:
row = scene_assets_panel.row()
draw_assets(layout=row, name=blueprint.name, title=f"{blueprint.name} Assets", asset_registry=asset_registry, assets=blueprint_assets, target_type="BLUEPRINT", target_name=blueprint.name)
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from types import SimpleNamespace
import bpy
import json
import os
@ -6,6 +7,10 @@ from pathlib import Path
from bpy_types import (PropertyGroup)
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty, IntVectorProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty, CollectionProperty)
from ..settings import load_settings
from ..gltf_auto_export.helpers.helpers_scenes import get_scenes
from .blueprints_scan import blueprints_scan
# this is where we store the information for all available Blueprints
class BlueprintsRegistry(PropertyGroup):
blueprints_data = {}
@ -44,4 +49,12 @@ class BlueprintsRegistry(PropertyGroup):
def add_blueprint(self, blueprint):
def add_blueprints_data(self):
print("adding blueprints data")
addon_prefs = load_settings(".gltf_auto_export_settings")
print("addon_prefs", addon_prefs)
addon_prefs["export_marked_assets"] = False
addon_prefs = SimpleNamespace(**addon_prefs)
[main_scene_names, level_scenes, library_scene_names, library_scenes] = get_scenes(addon_prefs)
blueprints_data = blueprints_scan(level_scenes, library_scenes, addon_prefs)
self.blueprints_data = blueprints_data
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def blueprints_scan(main_scenes, library_scenes, addon_prefs):
# add any collection that has an instance in the main scenes, but is not present in any of the scenes (IE NON LOCAL/ EXTERNAL)
# EXTERNAL COLLECTIONS: add any collection that has an instance in the main scenes, but is not present in any of the scenes (IE NON LOCAL/ EXTERNAL)
for collection_name in external_collection_instances:
collection = bpy.data.collections[collection_name]
blueprint = Blueprint(collection.name)
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ def auto_export(changes_per_scene, changed_export_parameters, addon_prefs):
inject_export_path_into_internal_blueprints(internal_blueprints=blueprints_data.internal_blueprints, export_blueprints_path=export_blueprints_path, gltf_extension=gltf_extension)
for blueprint in blueprints_data.blueprints:
if export_scene_settings:
# inject/ update scene components
Reference in New Issue
Block a user