feat(Blenvy): added "levels" tab (likely going to be replacing the "assets" tab)

* added basic logic, ui, level selector operator etc
 * fixed issues with asset dialog
 * added experimental "always_export" flags for collections & scenes to enable always
exporting on save for select blueprints & levels (no logic yet, just UI)
 * various tweaks & minor experiments
This commit is contained in:
kaosat.dev 2024-06-04 23:16:16 +02:00
parent 2b6e17a6b7
commit f9cb6de4bc
11 changed files with 139 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Components:
General things to solve:
- [x] save settings
- [x] load settings
- [ ] add blueprints data
- [x] add blueprints data
- [x] rename all path stuff using the old naming convention : "blueprints_path_full"
- [x] generate the full paths directly when setting them in the UI
@ -100,10 +100,12 @@ General issues:
- [ ] force overwrite of settings files instead of partial updates ?
- [ ] add tests for disabled components
- [x] fix auto export workflow
- [x] fix auto export workflow
- [ ] should we write the previous _xxx data only AFTER a sucessfull export only ?
- [x] add hashing of modifiers/ geometry nodes in serialize scene
- [ ] add ability to FORCE export specific blueprints & levels
- [ ] undo after a save removes any saved "serialized scene" data ? DIG into this
- [ ] handle scene renames between saves (breaks diffing)
- [ ] change scene selector to work on actual scenes aka to deal with renamed scenes
- [ ] change scene selector to work on actual scenes aka to deal with renamed scenes
- [x] fix asset file selection
- [x] change "assets" tab to "levels"/worlds tab & modify UI accordingly

View File

@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ from .assets.ui import Blenvy_assets
from .assets.assets_registry import Asset, AssetsRegistry
from .assets.operators import OT_Add_asset_filebrowser, OT_add_bevy_asset, OT_remove_bevy_asset, OT_test_bevy_assets
# levels management
from .levels.ui import Blenvy_levels
from .levels.operators import OT_select_level
# blueprints management
from .blueprints.ui import GLTF_PT_auto_export_blueprints_list
from .blueprints.blueprints_registry import BlueprintsRegistry
@ -129,6 +133,9 @@ classes = [

View File

@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ class OT_Add_asset_filebrowser(Operator, ImportHelper):
# Filters files
filter_glob: StringProperty(options={'HIDDEN'}, default='*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.bmp') # type: ignore
def execute(self, context):
current_auto_settings = load_settings(".gltf_auto_export_settings")
project_root_path = current_auto_settings.get("project_root_path", "../")
assets_path = current_auto_settings.get("assets_path", "assets")
def execute(self, context):
blenvy = context.window_manager.blenvy
project_root_path = blenvy.project_root_path
assets_path = blenvy.assets_path
# FIXME: not sure
print("project_root_path", project_root_path, "assets_path", assets_path)
export_assets_path_absolute = absolute_path_from_blend_file(os.path.join(project_root_path, assets_path))

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from .asset_helpers import get_user_assets
def draw_assets(layout, name, title, asset_registry, target_type, target_name, editable=True, user_assets= [], generated_assets = []):
header, panel = layout.box().panel(f"assets{name}", default_closed=False)
header, panel = layout.panel(f"assets{name}", default_closed=False)
if panel:
if editable:
@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ class Blenvy_assets(bpy.types.Panel):
user_assets = get_user_assets(scene)
#print("user assets", user_assets, scene)
row = panel.row()
row.prop(scene, "always_export")
scene_assets_panel = draw_assets(layout=row, name=scene.name, title=f"{scene.name} Assets", asset_registry=asset_registry, user_assets=user_assets, target_type="SCENE", target_name=scene.name)
"""if scene.name in blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene:
for blueprint_name in blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene[scene.name].keys():

View File

@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ class GLTF_PT_auto_export_blueprints_list(bpy.types.Panel):
row.prop(blueprint.collection, "always_export")
if blueprint.local:
select_blueprint = row.operator(operator="blueprint.select", text="", icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF")

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class BlenvyManager(PropertyGroup):
('COMPONENTS', "Components", ""),
('BLUEPRINTS', "Blueprints", ""),
('LEVELS', "Levels", ""),
('ASSETS', "Assets", ""),
('SETTINGS', "Settings", ""),
('TOOLS', "Tools", ""),
@ -135,10 +136,19 @@ class BlenvyManager(PropertyGroup):
def register(cls):
bpy.types.WindowManager.blenvy = PointerProperty(type=BlenvyManager)
# unsure
# you can add components to both objects & collections
#bpy.types.Object.components_meta = PointerProperty(type=ComponentsMeta)
bpy.types.Collection.always_export = BoolProperty(default=False, description="always export this blueprint, regardless of changed status") # FIXME: not sure about this one
bpy.types.Scene.always_export = BoolProperty(default=False, description="always export this blueprint, regardless of changed status") # FIXME: not sure about this one
def unregister(cls):
del bpy.types.WindowManager.blenvy
del bpy.types.Collection.always_export
del bpy.types.Scene.always_export
def load_settings(self):
settings = load_settings(self.settings_save_path)

View File

@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ class OT_switch_bevy_tooling(Operator):
bl_label = "Switch bevy tooling"
#bl_options = {}
tool: EnumProperty(
('COMPONENTS', "Components", "Switch to components"),
('BLUEPRINTS', "Blueprints", ""),
('LEVELS', "Levels", ""),
('ASSETS', "Assets", ""),
('SETTINGS', "Settings", ""),
('TOOLS', "Tools", ""),

View File

@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ class BLENVY_PT_SidePanel(bpy.types.Panel):
tool_switch_components = target.operator(operator="bevy.tooling_switch", text="", icon="PACKAGE")
tool_switch_components.tool = "BLUEPRINTS"
target = row.box() if active_mode == 'LEVELS' else row
tool_switch_components = target.operator(operator="bevy.tooling_switch", text="", icon="PACKAGE")
tool_switch_components.tool = "LEVELS"
target = row.box() if active_mode == 'ASSETS' else row
tool_switch_components = target.operator(operator="bevy.tooling_switch", text="", icon="ASSET_MANAGER")
tool_switch_components.tool = "ASSETS"

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import os
import bpy
from bpy_types import (Operator)
from bpy.props import (StringProperty)
class OT_select_level(Operator):
"""Select level """
bl_idname = "level.select"
bl_label = "Select level"
bl_options = {"UNDO"}
level_name: StringProperty(
name="level name",
description="level to select",
) # type: ignore
def execute(self, context):
if self.level_name:
scene = bpy.data.scenes[self.level_name]
if scene:
# bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
bpy.context.window.scene = scene
return {'FINISHED'}

tools/blenvy/levels/ui.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
from types import SimpleNamespace
import bpy
from ..assets.assets_scan import get_main_scene_assets_tree
from ..assets.asset_helpers import get_user_assets
from ..assets.ui import draw_assets
class Blenvy_levels(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_label = ""
bl_parent_id = "BLENVY_PT_SidePanel"
def poll(cls, context):
return context.window_manager.blenvy.mode == 'LEVELS'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
blenvy = context.window_manager.blenvy
asset_registry = context.window_manager.assets_registry
blueprints_registry = context.window_manager.blueprints_registry
blueprints_data = blueprints_registry.blueprints_data
for scene_selector in blenvy.main_scenes:
scene = bpy.data.scenes[scene_selector.name]
header, panel = layout.box().panel(f"assets{scene.name}", default_closed=False)
if header:
header.label(text=scene.name, icon="HIDE_OFF")
header.prop(scene, "always_export")
select_level = header.operator(operator="level.select", text="", icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF")
select_level.level_name = scene.name
if panel:
user_assets = get_user_assets(scene)
row = panel.row()
"""col = row.column()
col.label(text=" ")
col = row.column()
col.label(text="col in row 2")
column = panel.column()
split = panel.split(factor=0.005)
col = split.column()
col.label(text=" ")
col = split.column()
#col.label(text="col in row 2")
scene_assets_panel = draw_assets(layout=col, name=f"{scene.name}_assets", title=f"Assets", asset_registry=asset_registry, user_assets=user_assets, target_type="SCENE", target_name=scene.name)
settings = {"blueprints_path": "blueprints", "export_gltf_extension": ".glb"}
settings = SimpleNamespace(**settings)
"""if panel:
for scene_selector in blenvy.main_scenes:
scene = bpy.data.scenes[scene_selector.name]
#get_main_scene_assets_tree(scene, blueprints_data, settings)
user_assets = get_user_assets(scene)
#print("user assets", user_assets, scene)
row = panel.row()
header.prop(scene, "always_export")
sub_header, sub_panel = row.box().panel(f"assets{name}", default_closed=False)
scene_assets_panel = draw_assets(layout=sub_panel, name=scene.name, title=f"{scene.name} Assets", asset_registry=asset_registry, user_assets=user_assets, target_type="SCENE", target_name=scene.name)