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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date 5f955c1a53 feat(Blenvy:Bevy): overhauled & added back blueprint animation markers & co handling
* still messy, but way better
 * also worked on adding back the same feature for scene/instance animations
2024-07-18 00:22:18 +02:00 ec7dc2cb48 chore(Blenvy): tweaks, adjustements, moved examples etc 2024-07-17 23:15:36 +02:00
60 changed files with 126 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ It also allows you to setup 'blueprints' in Blender by using collections (the re
One crate to rule them all !
- [blenvy](./crates/blenvu/) This crate allows you to
- [blenvy](./crates/blenvy/) This crate allows you to
* define components direclty inside gltf files and instanciate/inject the components on the Bevy side.
* export your project's Bevy registry to json, in order to be able to generate custom component UIs on the Blender side in the Blender [blenvy](./tools/blenvy/ add-on
* define Blueprints/Prefabs for Bevy inside gltf files and spawn them in Bevy. With the ability to override and add components when spawning, efficient "level" loading etc

View File

@ -301,7 +301,8 @@ Bevy Side:
- [x] remove "Library" component & co
- [x] make "InBlueprint" non optional,
- [ ] and perhaps rename it to "FromBlueprint(BlueprintInfo)"
- [x] and perhaps rename it to "FromBlueprint"
- [ ] perhaps change it to FromBlueprint(BlueprintInfo)
- [x] BlueprintInstanceDisabled => BlueprintInstanceDisabled
- [x] fix "remove component" operator from the rename/fix/update components panel

View File

@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ There is also a ```BluePrintBundle``` for convenience , which just has
## Additional information
- When a blueprint is spawned, an ```InBlueprint``` component is inserted into all its children entities (and nested children etc)
- When a blueprint is spawned, an ```FromBlueprint``` component is inserted into all its children entities (and nested children etc)
- this crate also provides a special optional ```GameWorldTag``` component: this is useful when you want to keep all your spawned entities inside a root entity
You can use it in your queries to add your entities as children of this "world"

View File

@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ pub struct BlueprintAnimations {
/// ie armature/root for animated models, which means more complex queries to trigger animations that we want to avoid
pub struct BlueprintAnimationPlayerLink(pub Entity);
#[derive(Component, Debug)]
/// Same as the above but for `AnimationInfos` components which get added (on the Blender side) to the entities that actually have the animations
/// which often is not the Blueprint or blueprint instance entity itself.
pub struct BlueprintAnimationInfosLink(pub Entity);
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Default, Debug)]
/// storage for scene level animations for a given entity (hierarchy), essentially a clone of gltf's `named_animations`
@ -33,6 +38,11 @@ pub struct SceneAnimations {
/// ie armature/root for animated models, which means more complex queries to trigger animations that we want to avoid
pub struct SceneAnimationPlayerLink(pub Entity);
#[derive(Component, Debug)]
/// Same as the above but for scene's `AnimationInfos` components which get added (on the Blender side) to the entities that actually have the animations
/// which often is not the Blueprint or blueprint instance entity itself.
pub struct SceneAnimationInfosLink(pub Entity);
/// Stores Animation information: name, frame informations etc
#[derive(Reflect, Default, Debug)]
pub struct AnimationInfo {
@ -77,7 +87,75 @@ pub struct AnimationMarkerReached {
/// triggers events when a given animation marker is reached for BLUEPRINT animations
pub fn trigger_blueprint_animation_markers_events(
animation_data: Query<(Entity, &BlueprintAnimationPlayerLink, &BlueprintAnimationInfosLink, &BlueprintAnimations)>,
// FIXME: annoying hiearchy issue yet again: the Markers & AnimationInfos are stored INSIDE the blueprint, so we need to access them differently
animation_infos: Query<(&AnimationInfos, &AnimationMarkers)>,
animation_players: Query<&AnimationPlayer>,
mut animation_marker_events: EventWriter<AnimationMarkerReached>,
animation_clips: Res<Assets<AnimationClip>>,
) {
for (entity, player_link, infos_link, animations) in animation_data.iter() {
for (animation_name, node_index) in animations.named_indices.iter() {
let animation_player = animation_players.get(player_link.0).unwrap();
let (animation_infos, animation_markers) = animation_infos.get(infos_link.0).unwrap();
if animation_player.animation_is_playing(*node_index) {
if let Some(animation) = animation_player.animation(*node_index) {
// animation.speed()
// animation.completions()
if let Some(animation_clip_handle) = animations.named_animations.get(animation_name) {
if let Some(animation_clip) = animation_clips.get(animation_clip_handle) {
let animation_length_seconds = animation_clip.duration();
let animation_length_frames = animation_infos // FIXME: horribly inneficient
.find(|anim| & == animation_name)
// TODO: we also need to take playback speed into account
let time_in_animation = animation.elapsed()
- (animation.completions() as f32) * animation_length_seconds;
let frame_seconds = (animation_length_frames / animation_length_seconds)
* time_in_animation;
// println!("frame seconds {}", frame_seconds);
let frame = frame_seconds.ceil() as u32; // FIXME , bad hack
let matching_animation_marker = &animation_markers.0[animation_name];
if matching_animation_marker.contains_key(&frame) {
let matching_markers_per_frame =
println!("FOUND A MARKER {:?} at frame {}", matching_markers_per_frame, frame);
// FIXME: complete hack-ish solution , otherwise this can fire multiple times in a row, depending on animation length , speed , etc
let diff = frame as f32 - frame_seconds;
if diff < 0.1 {
for marker_name in matching_markers_per_frame {
animation_marker_events.send(AnimationMarkerReached {
animation_name: animation_name.clone(),
marker_name: marker_name.clone(),
/// triggers events when a given animation marker is reached for INSTANCE animations
pub fn trigger_instance_animation_markers_events(
animation_infos: Query<(
@ -87,14 +165,30 @@ pub fn trigger_instance_animation_markers_events(
animation_players: Query<(&AnimationPlayer)>,
animation_players: Query<&AnimationPlayer>,
animation_clips: Res<Assets<AnimationClip>>,
animation_graphs: Res<Assets<AnimationGraph>>,
mut animation_marker_events: EventWriter<AnimationMarkerReached>,
) {
for (entity, markers, link, animations, animation_infos) in animation_infos.iter() {
let animation_player = animation_players.get(link.0).unwrap();
let animation_clip = animation_clips.get(animation_player.animation_clip());
for (entity, markers, player_link, animations, animation_infos) in animation_infos.iter() {
//let (animation_player, animation_transitions) = animation_players.get(player_link.0).unwrap();
//let foo = animation_transitions.get_main_animation().unwrap();
for (animation_name, node_index) in animations.named_indices.iter() {
let animation_player = animation_players.get(player_link.0).unwrap();
if animation_player.animation_is_playing(*node_index) {
if let Some(animation) = animation_player.animation(*node_index) {
if let Some(animation_clip_handle) = animations.named_animations.get(animation_name) {
if let Some(animation_clip) = animation_clips.get(animation_clip_handle) {
/*let animation_clip = animation_clips.get(animation_player.animation_clip());
if animation_clip.is_some() {
@ -144,82 +238,6 @@ pub fn trigger_instance_animation_markers_events(
/// triggers events when a given animation marker is reached for BLUEPRINT animations
pub fn trigger_blueprint_animation_markers_events(
animation_infos: Query<(Entity, &BlueprintAnimationPlayerLink, &BlueprintAnimations)>,
// FIXME: annoying hiearchy issue yet again: the Markers & AnimationInfos are stored INSIDE the blueprint, so we need to access them differently
all_animation_infos: Query<(Entity, &AnimationMarkers, &AnimationInfos, &Parent)>,
animation_players: Query<&AnimationPlayer>,
animation_clips: Res<Assets<AnimationClip>>,
mut animation_marker_events: EventWriter<AnimationMarkerReached>,
) {
for (entity, link, animations) in animation_infos.iter() {
let animation_player = animation_players.get(link.0).unwrap();
let animation_clip = animation_clips.get(animation_player.animation_clip());
// FIXME: horrible code
for (_, markers, animation_infos, parent) in all_animation_infos.iter() {
if parent.get() == entity {
if animation_clip.is_some() {
// println!("Entity {:?} markers {:?}", entity, markers);
// println!("Player {:?} {}", animation_player.elapsed(), animation_player.completions());
// FIMXE: yikes ! very inneficient ! perhaps add boilerplate to the "start playing animation" code so we know what is playing
let animation_name =
animations.named_animations.iter().find_map(|(key, value)| {
if value == animation_player.animation_clip() {
} else {
if animation_name.is_some() {
let animation_name = animation_name.unwrap();
let animation_length_seconds = animation_clip.unwrap().duration();
let animation_length_frames = animation_infos
.find(|anim| & == animation_name)
// TODO: we also need to take playback speed into account
let time_in_animation = animation_player.elapsed()
- (animation_player.completions() as f32) * animation_length_seconds;
let frame_seconds = (animation_length_frames / animation_length_seconds)
* time_in_animation;
// println!("frame seconds {}", frame_seconds);
let frame = frame_seconds.ceil() as u32; // FIXME , bad hack
let matching_animation_marker = &markers.0[animation_name];
if matching_animation_marker.contains_key(&frame) {
let matching_markers_per_frame =
// println!("FOUND A MARKER {:?} at frame {}", matching_markers_per_frame, frame);
// emit an event AnimationMarkerReached(entity, animation_name, frame, marker_name)
// FIXME: complete hack-ish solution , otherwise this can fire multiple times in a row, depending on animation length , speed , etc
let diff = frame as f32 - frame_seconds;
println!("diff {}", diff);
if diff < 0.1 {
for marker in matching_markers_per_frame {
animation_marker_events.send(AnimationMarkerReached {
animation_name: animation_name.clone(),
marker_name: marker.clone(),

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use crate::{BlueprintAssetsLoadState, BlueprintAssetsLoaded, BlueprintInfo, BlueprintInstanceReady, BlueprintSpawning, SpawnBlueprint, SubBlueprintsSpawnTracker};
use crate::{BlueprintAssetsLoadState, BlueprintAssetsLoaded, BlueprintInfo, BlueprintInstanceReady, BlueprintSpawning, FromBlueprint, SpawnBlueprint, SubBlueprintsSpawnTracker};
use bevy::asset::AssetEvent;
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::scene::SceneInstance;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pub(crate) fn react_to_asset_changes(
// blueprint_children_entities: Query<&InBlueprint>, => can only be used if the entites are tagged, right now that is optional...perhaps do not make it optional
blueprint_children_entities: Query<&FromBlueprint>, //=> can only be used if the entites are tagged
assets_to_blueprint_instances: Res<AssetToBlueprintInstancesMapper>,
all_parents: Query<&Parent>,
spawning_blueprints: Query<&BlueprintSpawning>,

View File

@ -136,13 +136,15 @@ impl Plugin for BlueprintsPlugin {
/* .add_systems(
// animation
// hot reload
.add_systems(Update, react_to_asset_changes.run_if(hot_reload));

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use bevy::{gltf::Gltf, prelude::*, scene::SceneInstance, utils::hashbrown::HashM
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{
AnimationInfos, AssetLoadTracker, AssetToBlueprintInstancesMapper, BlenvyConfig, BlueprintAnimationPlayerLink, BlueprintAnimations, BlueprintAssets, BlueprintAssetsLoadState, BlueprintAssetsLoaded, BlueprintAssetsNotLoaded, SceneAnimationPlayerLink, SceneAnimations
AnimationInfos, AssetLoadTracker, AssetToBlueprintInstancesMapper, BlenvyConfig, BlueprintAnimationInfosLink, BlueprintAnimationPlayerLink, BlueprintAnimations, BlueprintAssets, BlueprintAssetsLoadState, BlueprintAssetsLoaded, BlueprintAssetsNotLoaded, SceneAnimationInfosLink, SceneAnimationPlayerLink, SceneAnimations
/// this is a flag component for our levels/game world
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pub struct SpawnBlueprint;
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Default, Debug)]
/// flag component marking any spwaned child of blueprints
pub struct InBlueprint;
pub struct FromBlueprint;
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Default, Debug)]
@ -570,10 +570,10 @@ pub(crate) fn blueprints_cleanup_spawned_scene(
// we flag all children of the blueprint instance with 'InBlueprint'
// we flag all children of the blueprint instance with 'FromBlueprint'
// can be usefull to filter out anything that came from blueprints vs normal children
for child in all_children.iter_descendants(blueprint_root_entity) {
commands.entity(child).insert(InBlueprint); // we do this here in order to avoid doing it to normal children
commands.entity(child).insert(FromBlueprint); // we do this here in order to avoid doing it to normal children
@ -626,9 +626,14 @@ pub(crate) fn blueprints_cleanup_spawned_scene(
.insert((BlueprintAnimationPlayerLink(bla),)); */
} else {
for parent in all_parents.iter_ancestors(child) {
if animation_players.get(parent).is_ok() {
@ -651,6 +656,10 @@ pub(crate) fn blueprints_cleanup_spawned_scene(
if with_animation_infos.get(parent).is_ok() {

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
"world":File (path: "models/StartLevel.glb"),
"level1":File (path: "models/Level1.glb"),
"level2":File (path: "models/Level2.glb"),
"models": Folder (
path: "models/library",
"materials": Folder (
path: "materials",