# Workflow: UI The workflow goes as follows (once you got your Bevy code setup) ## Bevy side - create & register all your components you want to be able to set from the Blender side (this is basic Bevy, no specific work needed) - follow the instructions in the [blenvy](./crates/blenvy/) to generate a registry export ## Component creation Setup the Blender [Blenvy](./tools/blenvy/README.md) blender add-on to add & edit your components visually & reliably ![bevy_components](./docs/bevy_components.png) ## Exporting to gltf - export your level as a glb/gltf file : - using Blender's default gltf exporter !!**IMPORTANT** you need to check the following: - custom properties - cameras & lights if you want a complete level (as in this example) ![gltf_export](./docs/gltf_export.png) - or much better, using [blenvy](./tools/blenvy/) ## Now use your gltf files in Bevy - load it in Bevy (see the various examples for this) - you should see the components attached to your entities in Bevy ![components in bevy](./docs/components_bevy.png) ![components in bevy](./docs/components_bevy2.png) ![components in bevy](./docs/components_bevy3.png) > note: you get a warning if there are any unregistered components in your gltf file (they get ignored) you will get a warning **per entity** ![missing components warnings](./docs/component_warnings.png)