# Blueprints ## What are blueprints - blueprints are just Blender collections , and reuseable "prefabs": - as long as they have been defined in one of the library scenes - have at least one instance - or have been marked as assets ## How to create a blueprint Since blueprints are just Blender collections with a tiny bit of extra configuration, you can use your normal Blender workflow. But here is Blueprint creation in more detail: - create a library scene if you do not have one - make sure to tag the scene as a library scene in the Blenvy settings - create a collection ![blueprints create](./docs/blueprints_create.png) - add anything you want inside your blueprint ![blueprints create](./docs/blueprints_create2.png) - add any component you want to your blueprint (see [here](./README-components.md#adding-components) for more details) ![blueprints create](./docs/blueprints_create3.png) ## How to use blueprints - Once you have create a blueprint as outlined above, go to one of your [level](./README-levels.md) scenes and add a collection instance - or - if you do not want to create an instance as part of a level (for blueprint instances that need to be spawned dynamically while your game is running) - if your project is a pure library project (no levels, just blueprints for reuse) , right click on the collection & click on "mark as asset" ![blueprints mark asset](./docs/blueprints_mark_asset.png) ## Viewing all of your project's blueprints If you want to view all of your blueprints, navigate to the Blueprints tab ![blueprints tab](./docs/blueprints_tab.png) - you will be able to see both the local blueprints (defined in the current .blend file) and the ones from external asset files (defined in other .blend files) - you can click on the selection tool (arrow icon) to automatically go to the scene where the blueprint is defined & automatically select it ## Exporting blueprints - blueprint export is automatic if you have toggle the ["auto export"](./README.md#auto-export-default-true) setting in the configuration - you can also force per blueprint systematic export (regardless of change detection), by checking the "always export" checkbox in the Blueprints tab ![blueprints always export](./docs/blueprints_always_export.png) * those blueprints will be exported on every save * this option is disabled for external blueprints ## Adding assets to blueprints - you can add references to any external file to be used as assets - the paths to these assets will be passed on to the Bevy side - the Blenvy crate will load the assets and they will be available at the same time as your blueprint instance is ready