import os import bpy from bpy_types import (Operator) from bpy.props import (StringProperty) from ..core.helpers_collections import set_active_collection class BLENVY_OT_blueprint_select(Operator): """Select blueprint """ bl_idname = "blenvy.blueprint_select" bl_label = "Select blueprint" bl_options = {"UNDO"} blueprint_collection_name: StringProperty( name="blueprint collection name", description="blueprints to select's collection name ", ) # type: ignore blueprint_scene_name: StringProperty( name="blueprint scene name", description="blueprints to select's collection name ", ) # type: ignore def execute(self, context): if self.blueprint_collection_name: scene =[self.blueprint_scene_name] if scene: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.context.window.scene = scene = None set_active_collection(scene, self.blueprint_collection_name) return {'FINISHED'}