import bpy import os import json import pytest import shutil import pathlib import mathutils from .test_helpers import prepare_auto_export, run_auto_export_and_compare @pytest.fixture def setup_data(request): print("\nSetting up resources...") #other_materials_path = os.path.join("../../testing", "other_materials") root_path = "../../testing/bevy_example" assets_root_path = os.path.join(root_path, "assets") blueprints_path = os.path.join(assets_root_path, "blueprints") levels_path = os.path.join(assets_root_path, "levels") models_path = os.path.join(assets_root_path, "models") materials_path = os.path.join(assets_root_path, "materials") yield { "root_path": root_path, "models_path": models_path, "blueprints_path": blueprints_path, "levels_path": levels_path, "materials_path":materials_path } def finalizer(): print("\nPerforming teardown...") if os.path.exists(blueprints_path): shutil.rmtree(blueprints_path) if os.path.exists(levels_path): shutil.rmtree(levels_path) if os.path.exists(models_path): shutil.rmtree(models_path) if os.path.exists(materials_path): shutil.rmtree(materials_path) diagnostics_file_path = os.path.join(root_path, "bevy_diagnostics.json") if os.path.exists(diagnostics_file_path): os.remove(diagnostics_file_path) hierarchy_file_path = os.path.join(root_path, "bevy_hierarchy.json") if os.path.exists(hierarchy_file_path): os.remove(hierarchy_file_path) screenshot_observed_path = os.path.join(root_path, "screenshot.png") if os.path.exists(screenshot_observed_path): os.remove(screenshot_observed_path) request.addfinalizer(finalizer) return None def test_export_change_tracking_custom_properties(setup_data): # set things up prepare_auto_export() def first_change(): # now add a custom property to the cube in the level scene & export again print("----------------") print("level scene change (custom property)") print("----------------")["Cube"]["test_property"] = 42 run_auto_export_and_compare( setup_data=setup_data, changes=[first_change], expected_changed_files = [["World"]] # only the "world" file should have changed ) def test_export_change_tracking_custom_properties_collection_instances_combine_mode_embed(setup_data): # set things up prepare_auto_export({"collection_instances_combine_mode": "Embed"}) def first_change(): # we have no change, but we also have no blueprints exported, because of the embed mode blueprint1_file_path = os.path.join(setup_data["blueprints_path"], "Blueprint1.glb") assert os.path.exists(blueprint1_file_path) == False def second_change(): # add a custom property to the cube in the library scene & export again # this should trigger changes in the level scene as well since the mode is embed & this blueprints has an instance in the level scene print("----------------") print("library change (custom property)") print("----------------")["Blueprint1_mesh"]["test_property"] = 42 def third_change(): # now we set the _combine mode of the instance to "split", so auto_export should: # * not take the changes into account in the level scene # * export the blueprint (so file for Blueprint1 will be changed)["Blueprint1"]["_combine"] = "Split" def fourth_change(): print("----------------") print("library change (custom property, forced 'Split' combine mode )") print("----------------")["Blueprint1_mesh"]["test_property"] = 151 run_auto_export_and_compare( setup_data=setup_data, changes=[first_change, second_change, third_change, fourth_change], expected_changed_files = [[], ["World"], ["World","Blueprint1"], ["World"]] # only the "world" file should have changed ) def test_export_change_tracking_light_properties(setup_data): # set things up prepare_auto_export() def first_change(): # now add a custom property to the cube in the level scene & export again print("----------------") print("level scene change (light, energy)") print("----------------")["Light"].energy = 100 #world_file_path = os.path.join(setup_data["levels_path"], "World.glb") #assert os.path.exists(world_file_path) == True def second_change(): print("----------------") print("level scene change (light, shadow_cascade_count)") print("----------------")["Light"].shadow_cascade_count = 2 def third_change(): print("----------------") print("level scene change (light, use_shadow)") print("----------------")["Light"].use_shadow = False run_auto_export_and_compare( setup_data=setup_data, changes=[first_change, second_change, third_change], expected_changed_files = [["World"], ["World"], ["World"]] # only the "world" file should have changed ) def test_export_change_tracking_camera_properties(setup_data): # set things up prepare_auto_export() def first_change(): print("----------------") print("level scene change (camera)") print("----------------")["Camera"].angle = 0.5 run_auto_export_and_compare( setup_data=setup_data, changes=[first_change], expected_changed_files = [["World"]] # only the "world" file should have changed ) def test_export_change_tracking_material_properties(setup_data): # set things up prepare_auto_export() def first_change(): print("----------------") print("level scene change (material, clip)") print("----------------")["Material.001"].blend_method = 'CLIP' def second_change(): print("----------------") print("level scene change (material, alpha_threshold)") print("----------------")["Material.001"].alpha_threshold = 0.2 def third_change(): print("----------------") print("level scene change (material, diffuse_color)") print("----------------")["Material.001"].diffuse_color[0] = 0.2 run_auto_export_and_compare( setup_data=setup_data, changes=[first_change, second_change, third_change], expected_changed_files = [["Blueprint1", "Blueprint7_hierarchy"], ["Blueprint1", "Blueprint7_hierarchy"], ["Blueprint1", "Blueprint7_hierarchy"]] # the material is assigned to Blueprint 1 so in normal (split mode) only the "Blueprint1" file should have changed # the same material is assigned to Blueprint 7 so in normal (split mode) only the "Blueprint1" file should have changed ) """ - setup gltf parameters & auto_export parameters - calls exporter on the testing scene - saves timestamps of generated files - changes things in the level scene and/or library - checks if timestamps have changed - if all worked => test is a-ok - removes generated files """ def test_export_various_chained_changes(setup_data): def first_change(): # export again with no changes print("----------------") print("no changes") print("----------------") world_file_path = os.path.join(setup_data["levels_path"], "World.glb") assert os.path.exists(world_file_path) == True def second_change(): # now move the main cube & export again print("----------------") print("level scene change") print("----------------") bpy.context.window_manager.auto_export_tracker.enable_change_detection() # FIXME: should not be needed, but ..["Cube"].location = [1, 0, 0] def third_change(): # now same, but move the cube in the library print("----------------") print("library change (blueprint) ") print("----------------") bpy.context.window_manager.auto_export_tracker.enable_change_detection() # FIXME: should not be needed, but ..["Blueprint1_mesh"].location = [1, 2, 1] def fourth_change(): # now change something in a nested blueprint print("----------------") print("library change (nested blueprint) ") print("----------------")["Blueprint3_mesh"].location= [0, 0.1 ,2] def fifth_change(): # now same, but using an operator print("----------------") print("change using operator") print("----------------") with bpy.context.temp_override(["Cube"], selected_objects=[["Cube"]],["World"]): print("translate using operator") bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=mathutils.Vector((2.0, 1.0, -5.0))) bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=0.378874, constraint_axis=(False, False, True), mirror=False, proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1) bpy.ops.object.transform_apply() bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(3.5, 0, 0), constraint_axis=(True, False, False)) run_auto_export_and_compare( setup_data=setup_data, changes=[first_change, second_change, third_change, fourth_change, fifth_change], expected_changed_files = [ [], ["World"], # only the "world" file should have changed ["Blueprint1"],# The blueprint1 file should have changed, since that is the collection we changed, not the world, since we are in "split mode by default" ["Blueprint3"],# The blueprint3 file should have changed, since that is the collection we changed # the blueprint4 file NOT, since, while it contains an instance of the collection we changed, the default export mode is "split" ["World"] ] ) #bpy.context.window_manager.auto_export_tracker.enable_change_detection() # FIXME: should not be needed, but ..