import bpy from bpy_types import (PropertyGroup) from bpy.props import (EnumProperty, PointerProperty, StringProperty, BoolProperty, CollectionProperty, IntProperty) # helper function to deal with timer def toggle_watcher(self, context): #print("toggling watcher", self.watcher_enabled, watch_schema, self, if not self.watcher_enabled: try: except Exception as error: pass else: self.watcher_active = True def watch_schema(): self = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry # print("watching schema file for changes") try: stamp = os.stat(self.schemaFullPath).st_mtime stamp = str(stamp) if stamp != self.schemaTimeStamp and self.schemaTimeStamp != "": print("FILE CHANGED !!", stamp, self.schemaTimeStamp) # see here for better ways : """try: os.rename(path, path) #return False except OSError: # file is in use print("in use") #return True""" #bpy.ops.object.reload_registry() # we need to add an additional delay as the file might not have loaded yet bpy.ops.object.reload_registry(), first_interval=1) self.schemaTimeStamp = stamp except Exception as error: pass return self.watcher_poll_frequency if self.watcher_enabled else None class ComponentsSettings(PropertyGroup): schemaPath: StringProperty( name="schema path", description="path to the registry schema file", default="registry.json" )# type: ignore watcher_enabled: BoolProperty(name="Watcher_enabled", default=True, update=toggle_watcher)# type: ignore watcher_active: BoolProperty(name = "Flag for watcher status", default = False)# type: ignore watcher_poll_frequency: IntProperty( name="watcher poll frequency", description="frequency (s) at wich to poll for changes to the registry file", min=1, max=10, default=1 )# type: ignore schemaTimeStamp: StringProperty( name="last timestamp of schema file", description="", default="" )# type: ignore