import bpy from .helpers_collections import (find_layer_collection_recursive) from .helpers import (make_empty3, traverse_tree) def generate_blueprint_hollow_scene(blueprint_collection, library_collections, addon_prefs): collection_instances_combine_mode = getattr(addon_prefs, "collection_instances_combine_mode") temp_scene ="temp_scene_" temp_scene_root_collection = temp_scene.collection # we set our active scene to be this one : this is needed otherwise the stand-in empties get generated in the wrong scene bpy.context.window.scene = temp_scene found = find_layer_collection_recursive(temp_scene_root_collection, bpy.context.view_layer.layer_collection) if found: # once it's found, set the active layer collection to the one we found bpy.context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = found original_names = [] temporary_collections = [] root_objects = [] special_properties= { # to be able to reset any special property afterwards "combine": [], } # TODO also add the handling for "template" flags, so that instead of creating empties we link the data from the sub collection INTO the parent collection # copies the contents of a collection into another one while replacing blueprint instances with empties # if we have combine_mode set to "Inject", we take all the custom attributed of the nested (1 level only ! unless we use 'deepMerge') custom attributes and copy them to this level def copy_hollowed_collection_into(source_collection, destination_collection, parent_empty=None): for object in source_collection.objects: combine_mode = object['_combine'] if '_combine' in object else collection_instances_combine_mode if object.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' and (combine_mode == 'Split' or (combine_mode == 'EmbedExternal' and ( in library_collections)) ): # get the name of the collection this is an instance of collection_name = """ blueprint_template = object['Template'] if 'Template' in object else False if blueprint_template and parent_empty is None: # ONLY WORKS AT ROOT LEVEL print("BLUEPRINT TEMPLATE", blueprint_template, destination_collection, parent_empty) for object in source_collection.objects: if object.type == 'EMPTY' and"components"): original_collection =[collection_name] components_holder = object print("WE CAN INJECT into", object, "data from", original_collection) # now we look for components inside the collection components = {} for object in original_collection.objects: if object.type == 'EMPTY' and"components"): for component_name in object.keys(): if component_name not in '_RNA_UI': print( component_name , "-" , object[component_name] ) components[component_name] = object[component_name] # copy template components into target object for key in components: print("copying ", key,"to", components_holder) if not key in components_holder: components_holder[key] = components[key] """ original_name = original_names.append(original_name) = original_name + "____bak" empty_obj = make_empty3(original_name, object.location, object.rotation_euler, object.scale, destination_collection) """we inject the collection/blueprint name, as a component called 'BlueprintName', but we only do this in the empty, not the original object""" empty_obj['BlueprintName'] = '"'+collection_name+'"' empty_obj['SpawnHere'] = '' for k, v in object.items(): if k != 'template' or k != '_combine': # do not copy these properties empty_obj[k] = v if parent_empty is not None: empty_obj.parent = parent_empty else: # we backup special properties that we do not want to export, and remove them if '_combine' in object: special_properties["combine"].append((object, object['_combine'])) del object['_combine'] if parent_empty is not None: object.parent = parent_empty else: root_objects.append(object) # for every sub-collection of the source, copy its content into a new sub-collection of the destination for collection in source_collection.children: original_name = = original_name + "____bak" collection_placeholder = make_empty3(original_name, [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [1,1,1], destination_collection) if parent_empty is not None: collection_placeholder.parent = parent_empty copy_hollowed_collection_into(collection, destination_collection, collection_placeholder) """ copy_collection = + "____collection_export") # save the newly created collection for later reuse temporary_collections.append(copy_collection) # copy & link objects copy_hollowed_collection_into(collection, copy_collection)""" copy_hollowed_collection_into(blueprint_collection, temp_scene_root_collection) return (temp_scene, temporary_collections, root_objects, special_properties) # clear & remove "hollow scene" def clear_blueprint_hollow_scene(temp_scene, original_collection, temporary_collections, root_objects, special_properties): def restore_original_names(collection): if"____bak"): ="____bak", "") for object in collection.objects: if object.instance_type == 'COLLECTION': if"____bak"): ="____bak", "") for child_collection in collection.children: restore_original_names(child_collection) restore_original_names(original_collection) # remove empties (only needed when we go via ops ????) temp_root_collection = temp_scene.collection temp_scene_objects = [o for o in temp_root_collection.objects] for object in temp_scene_objects: if object.type == 'EMPTY': if hasattr(object, "SpawnHere"):, do_unlink=True) else: bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.unlink(object) if object in root_objects: pass else:, do_unlink=True) else: bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.unlink(object) # put back special properties for (object, value) in special_properties["combine"]: object['_combine'] = value # remove temporary collections for collection in temporary_collections: # TODO : add a flag to also search of deeply nested components def get_nested_components(object): if object.instance_type == 'COLLECTION': collection_name = collection =[collection_name] all_objects = collection.all_objects result = [] for object in all_objects: components = dict(object) if len(components.keys()) > 0: result += [(object, components)] return result return [] #for collection in traverse_tree(collection): # for object in collection.all_objects