import bpy from .helpers import traverse_tree # returns the list of the collections in use for a given scene def get_used_collections(scene): root_collection = scene.collection scene_objects = [o for o in root_collection.all_objects] collection_names = set() used_collections = [] for object in scene_objects: #print("object ", object) if object.instance_type == 'COLLECTION': collection_name = if not collection_name in collection_names: collection_names.add(collection_name) used_collections.append(object.instance_collection) #print("scene objects", scene_objects) return (collection_names, used_collections) # gets all collections that should ALWAYS be exported to their respective gltf files, even if they are not used in the main scene/level def get_marked_collections(scene, addon_prefs): export_marked_assets = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_marked_assets") # print("checking library for marked collections") root_collection = scene.collection marked_collections = [] collection_names = [] for collection in traverse_tree(root_collection): if 'AutoExport' in collection and collection['AutoExport'] == True: marked_collections.append(collection) collection_names.append( # if you have marked collections as assets you can auto export them too if export_marked_assets and collection.asset_data is not None: marked_collections.append(collection) collection_names.append( return (collection_names, marked_collections) # gets all collections within collections that might also be relevant def get_sub_collections(collections, parent, children_per_collection): collection_names = set() used_collections = [] for root_collection in collections: node = Node(, parent=parent) parent.children.append(node) #print("root collection", for collection in traverse_tree(root_collection): # TODO: filter out COLLECTIONS that have the flatten flag (unlike the flatten flag on colleciton instances themselves) node_name = children_per_collection[node_name] = [] #print(" scanning", for object in collection.objects: #print("FLATTEN",, 'Flatten' in object) if object.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' : # and not 'Flatten' in object: collection_name = (sub_names, sub_collections) = get_sub_collections([object.instance_collection], node, children_per_collection) if len(list(sub_names)) > 0: children_per_collection[node_name] += (list(sub_names)) #print(" found sub collection in use",, object.instance_collection) if not collection_name in collection_names: collection_names.add(collection_name) used_collections.append(object.instance_collection) collection_names.update(sub_names) #for sub in traverse_tree(root_collection): return (collection_names, used_collections) # FIXME: get rid of this, ugh def flatten_collection_tree(node, children_per_collection): children_per_collection[] = [] for child in node.children: if not in children_per_collection[]: children_per_collection[].append( flatten_collection_tree(child, children_per_collection) children_per_collection[] = list(set( children_per_collection[])) class Node : def __init__(self, name="", parent=None): = name self.children = [] self.changed = False self.parent = parent return def __str__(self): children = list(map(lambda child: str(child), self.children)) return "name: " + ", children:" + str(children) # get exportable collections from lists of mains scenes and lists of library scenes def get_exportable_collections(main_scenes, library_scenes, addon_prefs): all_collections = [] all_collection_names = [] root_node = Node() = "root" children_per_collection = {} for main_scene in main_scenes: (collection_names, collections) = get_used_collections(main_scene) all_collection_names = all_collection_names + list(collection_names) all_collections = all_collections + collections for library_scene in library_scenes: marked_collections = get_marked_collections(library_scene, addon_prefs) all_collection_names = all_collection_names + marked_collections[0] all_collections = all_collections + marked_collections[1] (collection_names, collections) = get_sub_collections(all_collections, root_node, children_per_collection) all_collection_names = all_collection_names + list(collection_names) children_per_collection = {} flatten_collection_tree(root_node, children_per_collection) #print("ROOT NODE", children_per_collection) # return (all_collection_names, children_per_collection) def get_collections_per_scene(collection_names, library_scenes): collections_per_scene = {} for scene in library_scenes: root_collection = scene.collection for cur_collection in traverse_tree(root_collection): if in collection_names: if not in collections_per_scene: collections_per_scene[] = [] collections_per_scene[].append( return collections_per_scene def get_collections_in_library(library_scenes): """all_collections = [] all_collection_names = [] for main_scene in main_scenes: (collection_names, collections) = get_used_collections(main_scene) all_collection_names = all_collection_names + list(collection_names) all_collections = all_collections + collections""" # now that we have the collections that are in use by collection instances, check if those collections are actully present in the library scenes collections = [] collection_names = [] for library_scene in library_scenes: root_collection = library_scene.collection for collection in traverse_tree(root_collection): collections.append(collection) collection_names.append( return collection_names def get_collection_hierarchy(root_col, levels=1): """Read hierarchy of the collections in the scene""" level_lookup = {} def recurse(root_col, parent, depth): if depth > levels: return if isinstance(parent, bpy.types.Collection): level_lookup.setdefault(parent, []).append(root_col) for child in root_col.children: recurse(child, root_col, depth + 1) recurse(root_col, root_col.children, 0) return level_lookup # the active collection is a View Layer concept, so you actually have to find the active LayerCollection # which must be done recursively def find_layer_collection_recursive(find, col): # print("root collection", col) for c in col.children: # print("child collection", c) if c.collection == find: return c return None #Recursivly transverse layer_collection for a particular name def recurLayerCollection(layerColl, collName): found = None if ( == collName): return layerColl for layer in layerColl.children: found = recurLayerCollection(layer, collName) if found: return found # traverse the collection hierarchy updward until you find one collection inside target_collections def find_collection_ascendant_target_collection(collection_parents, target_collections, collection): if collection == None: return None if collection in target_collections: return collection if collection in collection_parents: parent = collection_parents[collection] else: return None return find_collection_ascendant_target_collection(collection_parents, target_collections, parent)