from types import SimpleNamespace import bpy import json import os import uuid from pathlib import Path from bpy_types import (PropertyGroup) from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty, IntVectorProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty, CollectionProperty) from ..settings import load_settings from .blueprints_scan import blueprints_scan def refresh_blueprints(): try: blueprints_registry = bpy.context.window_manager.blueprints_registry blueprints_registry.refresh_blueprints() except:pass return 3 # this is where we store the information for all available Blueprints class BlueprintsRegistry(PropertyGroup): blueprints_data = None blueprints_list = [] asset_name_selector: StringProperty( name="asset name", description="name of asset to add", ) # type: ignore asset_type_selector: EnumProperty( name="asset type", description="type of asset to add", items=( ('MODEL', "Model", ""), ('AUDIO', "Audio", ""), ('IMAGE', "Image", ""), ) ) # type: ignore asset_path_selector: StringProperty( name="asset path", description="path of asset to add", subtype='FILE_PATH' ) # type: ignore @classmethod def register(cls): bpy.types.WindowManager.blueprints_registry = PointerProperty(type=BlueprintsRegistry) @classmethod def unregister(cls): try: except: pass del bpy.types.WindowManager.blueprints_registry def add_blueprint(self, blueprint): self.blueprints_list.append(blueprint) def refresh_blueprints(self): #print("titi", self) blenvy = bpy.context.window_manager.blenvy settings = blenvy blueprints_data = blueprints_scan(settings.main_scenes, settings.library_scenes, settings) self.blueprints_data = blueprints_data return blueprints_data