import json from bpy_types import Operator, UIList from bpy.props import (StringProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty) class GENERIC_MAP_OT_actions(Operator): """Move items up and down, add and remove""" bl_idname = "generic_map.map_action" bl_label = "List Actions" bl_description = "Move items up and down, add and remove" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} action: EnumProperty( items=( ('UP', "Up", ""), ('DOWN', "Down", ""), ('REMOVE', "Remove", ""), ('ADD', "Add", ""))) # type: ignore property_group_path: StringProperty( name="property group path", description="", ) # type: ignore component_name: StringProperty( name="component name", description="", ) # type: ignore def invoke(self, context, event): object = context.object # information is stored in component meta components_in_object = object.components_meta.components component_meta = next(filter(lambda component: component["long_name"] == self.component_name, components_in_object), None) propertyGroup = component_meta for path_item in json.loads(self.property_group_path): propertyGroup = getattr(propertyGroup, path_item) target_list = getattr(propertyGroup, "list") index = getattr(propertyGroup, "list_index") values_list = getattr(propertyGroup, "values_list") values_index = getattr(propertyGroup, "values_list_index") if self.action == 'DOWN' and index < len(target_list) - 1: #item_next = scn.rule_list[index + 1].name target_list.move(index, index + 1) propertyGroup.list_index += 1 elif self.action == 'UP' and index >= 1: #item_prev = scn.rule_list[index - 1].name target_list.move(index, index - 1) propertyGroup.list_index -= 1 elif self.action == 'REMOVE': target_list.remove(index) propertyGroup.list_index = min(max(0, index - 1), len(target_list) - 1) if self.action == 'ADD': key = target_list.add() value = values_list.add() propertyGroup.list_index = index + 1 # we use this to force the change detection propertyGroup.values_index = index + 1 # we use this to force the change detection #info = '"%s" added to list' % ({'INFO'}, info) return {"FINISHED"}