use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::*; use crate::insert_dependant_component; // this file is just for demo purposes, contains various types of components, systems etc #[derive(Component, Reflect, Default, Debug, )] #[reflect(Component)] pub enum SoundMaterial{ Metal, Wood, Rock, Cloth, Squishy, #[default] None } #[derive(Component, Reflect, Default, Debug, )] #[reflect(Component)] /// Demo marker component pub struct Player; #[derive(Component, Reflect, Default, Debug, )] #[reflect(Component)] /// Demo component showing auto injection of components pub struct ShouldBeWithPlayer; #[derive(Component, Reflect, Default, Debug, )] #[reflect(Component)] /// Demo marker component pub struct Interactible; #[derive(Component, Reflect, Default, Debug, )] #[reflect(Component)] /// Demo marker component pub struct Pickable; fn player_move_demo( keycode: Res>, mut players: Query<&mut Transform, With>, ){ let speed = 0.2; if let Ok(mut player) = players.get_single_mut() { if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Left) { player.translation.x += speed; } if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Right) { player.translation.x -= speed; } if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Up) { player.translation.z += speed; } if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Down) { player.translation.z -= speed; } } } // collision tests/debug pub fn test_collision_events( mut collision_events: EventReader, mut contact_force_events: EventReader, ) { for collision_event in collision_events.iter() { println!("collision"); match collision_event { CollisionEvent::Started(_entity1, _entity2 ,_) => { println!("collision started") } CollisionEvent::Stopped(_entity1, _entity2 ,_) => { println!("collision ended") } } } for contact_force_event in contact_force_events.iter() { println!("Received contact force event: {:?}", contact_force_event); } } pub struct DemoPlugin; impl Plugin for DemoPlugin { fn build(&self, app: &mut App) { app .register_type::() .register_type::() .register_type::() .register_type::() // little helper utility, to automatically inject components that are dependant on an other component // ie, here an Entity with a Player component should also always have a ShouldBeWithPlayer component // you get a warning if you use this, as I consider this to be stop-gap solution (usually you should have either a bundle, or directly define all needed components) .add_systems(Update, ( insert_dependant_component::, player_move_demo, //.run_if(in_state(AppState::Running)), test_collision_events )) ; } }