use std::time::Duration; use bevy::{prelude::*, asset::ChangeWatcher, gltf::Gltf}; use bevy_editor_pls::prelude::*; use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::*; use bevy_gltf_components::ComponentsFromGltfPlugin; mod core; use crate::core::*; mod game; use game::*; mod test_components; use test_components::*; #[derive(Component, Reflect, Default, Debug, )] #[reflect(Component)] /// helper marker component pub struct LoadedMarker; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, States)] enum AppState { #[default] Loading, Running, } fn main(){ App::new() .add_plugins(( DefaultPlugins.set( AssetPlugin { // This tells the AssetServer to watch for changes to assets. // It enables our scenes to automatically reload in game when we modify their files. // practical in our case to be able to edit the shaders without needing to recompile watch_for_changes: ChangeWatcher::with_delay(Duration::from_millis(50)), ..default() } ), // editor EditorPlugin::default(), // physics RapierPhysicsPlugin::::default(), RapierDebugRenderPlugin::default(), // our custom plugins ComponentsFromGltfPlugin, CorePlugin, // reusable plugins DemoPlugin, // specific to our game ComponentsTestPlugin // Showcases different type of components /structs )) .add_state::() .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, ( spawn_level.run_if(in_state(AppState::Loading)), )) .run(); } #[derive(Resource)] struct AssetLoadHelper(Handle); // we preload the data here, but this is for DEMO PURPOSES ONLY !! Please use or a similar logic to seperate loading / pre processing // of assets from the spawning // AssetLoadHelper is also just for the same purpose, you do not need it in a real scenario // the states here are also for demo purposes only, fn setup( mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res, ) { let tmp: Handle = asset_server.load("models/level1.glb#Scene0"); commands.insert_resource(AssetLoadHelper(tmp)); } fn spawn_level( mut commands: Commands, scene_markers: Query<&LoadedMarker>, preloaded_scene: Res, mut asset_event_reader: EventReader>, mut next_state: ResMut>, ){ if let Some(asset_event) = asset_event_reader.iter().next() { match asset_event { AssetEvent::Created { handle: _ } => { info!("GLTF loaded"); if scene_markers.is_empty() { info!("spawning scene"); commands.spawn( ( SceneBundle { scene: preloaded_scene.0.clone(), ..default() }, LoadedMarker, Name::new("Level1") ) ); next_state.set(AppState::Running); } } _ => () } } }