Auto export - [x] the original blueprints & levels path are now left as is, and there is an auto injection of xxxpath_full for absolute paths - [x] replace all uses of the paths with the correct ones above - [x] levels - [x] blueprints - [x] materials - [x] move out the UI for "assets" folder out of "blueprints condition" - [x] fix asset path calculations - root path => relative to blend file path - asset path => relative to root path - blueprints/levels/blueprints path => relative to assets path - [ ] add error handling for de/serialization of project, so that in case of error, the previous saved serialized project is thrown away - move out some parameters from auto export to a higher level (as they are now used in multiple places) - [x] main/ library scene names - [x] paths - [ ] Data storage for custom properties: - for scenes (main scenes) - at scene level - for blueprints - at collection level - Note: these should be COPIED to the scene level when exporting, into the temp_scene's properties > NOTE: UP until we manage to create a PR for Bevy to directly support the scene level gltf_extras, the auto exporter should automatically create (& remove) any additional object with scene__components to copy that data to Assets: - blueprint assets should be auto_generated & inserted into the list of assets : these assets are NOT removable by the user - should not change the list of manually added assets - [x] store assets - [x] per main scene for level/world assets - [x] per blueprint for blueprint in lib scene - [ ] UI: - [x] we need to display all direct assets (stored in the scene) - [ ] indirect assets: - QUESTION : do we want to include them in the list of assets per level ? - this would enable pre-loading ALL the assets, but is not ideal in most other cases - so add an option ? - [ ] the assets of local blueprints Blueprints: - [x] on save: write IN THE COLLECTION PROPERTIES - list of assets - export path - [x] blueprint selection for nested blueprints is broken - [ ] scan & inject on load - [ ] scan & inject on save - [ ] decide where & when to do & store blueprints data Components: - [x] add support for adding components to collections - [x] upgrade all operators: - [x] add - [x] remove - [x] copy & paste - [x] BLENVY_OT_component_rename_component - [x] BLENVY_OT_component_fix - [x] add handling for core::ops::Range & other ranges - [x] fix is_component_valid that is used in gltf_auto_export - Hashmap Support - [x] fix parsing of keys's type either on Bevy side (prefered) or on the Blender side - [x] fix weird issue with missing "0" property when adding new entry in empty hashmap => happens only if the values for the "setter" have never been set - [ ] handle missing types in registry for keys & values - [x] adding a hashmap nukes every existing component ?? - [x] Add correct upgrade handling from individual component to bevy_components - [x] Settings handling: - [x] move saveable settings out to a settings file - [x] update save & load - [x] add handling of polling frequency & enabling - [x] move advanced tools to components tab - [x] remove most of the (bulk) advanced tools, too complex, too unclear (even for me !) and of limited use - component renaming should be kept, but perhaps simplified: - if a renaming fails because the parameters are incompatible, nuke the old parameters - perhaps just add a display list of all NON component custom properties, so the user can find them easilly ? - [x] status "unregistered" is often false and misleading -> see in registry ui "for custom_property in object.keys():" - [x] overhaul / improve the component selector (with built in searching, etc) - [x] remove select_component_name_to_replace - [x] display of invalid components is not working ? - [x] weird items are present in the components list that do not seem to be components - [x] remove : - BLENVY_OT_component_list_add_item - BLENVY_OT_component_list_remove_item - BLENVY_OT_component_list_select_item: merge it into the rest of the actions - [x] clearing invalid flag after a registry change does not work correctly (ie the ui still says the component is invalid) - [x] should reset ALL "invalid" flags IF they have the matching data - [x] registry auto reload not working ? - [x] changing the registry breaks all the values of existing components !!!!!! -> VERY likely due to the int-offset computation for hashes of components - now switched to tiger_hash - [x] add warning about hash colision (not much we can/ could do if it is the case ?) - [x] double check weird collisions AND/OR reuse existing if applicable - [x] annoying default path for registry, should be relative to the assets path General things to solve: - [x] save settings - [x] load settings - [x] add blueprints data - [x] rename all path stuff using the old naming convention : "blueprints_path_full" - [x] generate the full paths directly when setting them in the UI - [x] problem : how to deal with defaults: do it on start/load ? - [x] filter out scenes that have already been used in scenes list General issues: - there is no safeguard for naming collisions for naming across blender files - this can cause an issue for assets list "parent" - "parents" can only be blueprints - they normally need/have unique export paths (otherwise, user error, perhaps show it ?) - perhaps a simple hashing of the parent's path would be enought - [x] addon-prefs => settings - [x] generate_gltf_export_settings => should not use add-on prefs at all ? since we are not overriding gltf settings that way anymore ? - [x] remove hard coded path for standard gltf settings - [x] load settings on file load - [x] auto_export - [x] components - [ ] add handling of errors when trying to load settings - [ ] force overwrite of settings files instead of partial updates ? - [ ] add tests for disabled components - [x] fix auto export workflow - [ ] should we write the previous _xxx data only AFTER a sucessfull export only ? - [x] add hashing of modifiers/ geometry nodes in serialize scene - [x] add ability to FORCE export specific blueprints & levels - [ ] undo after a save removes any saved "serialized scene" data ? DIG into this - [ ] handle scene renames between saves (breaks diffing) - [x] change scene selector to work on actual scenes aka to deal with renamed scenes - [x] remove get_main_and_library_scenes as it should not be needed anymore - [x] fix asset file selection - [x] change "assets" tab to "levels"/worlds tab & modify UI accordingly - [ ] add option to 'split out' meshes from blueprints ? - [ ] ie considering meshletts etc , it would make sense to keep blueprints seperate from purely mesh gltfs - [ ] remove local assets, useless - [x] remove 'export_marked_assets' it should be a default setting - [x] disable/ hide asset editing ui for external assets - [ ] inject_export_path_into_internal_blueprints should be called on every asset/blueprint scan !! Not just on export - [x] fix level asets UI - [ ] persist exported materials path in blueprints so that it can be read from library file users - [ ] just like "export_path" write it into each blueprint's collection - [ ] scan for used materials per blueprint ! - [ ] for scenes, scan for used materials of all non instance objects (TODO: what about overrides ?) - [x] remove BlueprintsList & replace is with assets list - [ ] update main docs - [ ] rename project to Blenvy - [ ] replace all references to the old 2 add-ons with those to Blenvy - [ ] rename repo to "Blenvy" - [x] switch to bevy 0.14 rc2 - [ ] find a solution for the new color handling - [ ] add back lighting_components - [ ] check if scene components are being deleted through our scene re-orgs in the spawn post process - [x] trigger events when assets are loaded, blueprints are spawned & co - [ ] should "blueprint spawned" only be triggered after all its sub blueprints have spawned ? - [ ] simplify testing example: - [x] remove use of rapier physics (or even the whole common boilerplate ?) - [ ] remove/replace bevy editor pls with some native ui to display hierarchies - [ ] do a deprecation release of all bevy_gltf_xxx crates to point at the new Blenvy crate - [ ] simplify examples: - [ ] a full fledged demo (including physics & co) - [ ] other examples without interactions or physics - [x] overall cleanup - [x] object.add_bevy_component => blenvy.component_add clear && pytest -svv --blender-template ../../testing/bevy_example/art/testing_library.blend --blender-executable /home/ckaos/tools/blender/blender-4.1.0-linux-x64/blender tests/ && pytest -svv --blender-executable /home/ckaos/tools/blender/blender-4.1.0-linux-x64/blender tests/