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Here's a minimal usage example: ```toml # Cargo.toml [dependencies] bevy="0.13" bevy_gltf_components = { version = "0.5"} ``` ```rust no_run //too barebones of an example to be meaningfull, please see https://github.com/kaosat-dev/Blender_bevy_components_workflow/bevy_gltf_components/examples/basic for a real example fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugin(ComponentsFromGltfPlugin::default()) .add_system(spawn_level) .run(); } fn spawn_level( asset_server: Res, mut commands: bevy::prelude::Commands, keycode: Res>, ){ if keycode.just_pressed(KeyCode::Return) { commands.spawn(SceneBundle { scene: asset_server.load("basic/models/level1.glb#Scene0"), transform: Transform::from_xyz(2.0, 0.0, -5.0), ..Default::default() }); } } ``` ## Installation Add the following to your `[dependencies]` section in `Cargo.toml`: ```toml bevy_gltf_components = "0.5" ``` Or use `cargo add`: ```toml cargo add bevy_gltf_components ``` ## Configuration starting with version 0.3, this plugin is configurable Use the default configuration: ```rust no_run ComponentsFromGltfPlugin::default() ``` Or disable the legacy mode: (enabled by default) ```rust no_run ComponentsFromGltfPlugin{legacy_mode: false} ``` You **need** to disable legacy mode if you want to use the [```bevy_components```](https://github.com/kaosat-dev/Blender_bevy_components_workflow/tree/main/tools/bevy_components) Blender addon + the [```bevy_registry_export crate```](https://crates.io/crates/bevy_registry_export) ! As it create custom properties that are writen in real **ron** file format instead of a simplified version (the one in the legacy mode) > Note: the legacy mode support will be dropped in future versions, and the default behaviour will be NO legacy mode ## SystemSet the ordering of systems is very important ! For example to replace your proxy components (stand-in components when you cannot/ do not want to use real components in the gltf file) with actual ones, which should happen **AFTER** the components from the gltf files have been injected, so ```bevy_gltf_components``` provides a **SystemSet** for that purpose:```GltfComponentsSet``` Typically , the order of systems should be ***bevy_gltf_components (GltfComponentsSet::Injection)*** => ***replace_proxies*** ## Additional features - as of version 0.5 , this crate also includes automatic handling of lights in gltf files, to attempt to match Blender's eevee rendering as close as possible: * **BlenderLightShadows** (automatically generated by the gltf_auto_export Blender add-on) allows you to toggle light's shadows on/off in Blender and have matching behaviour in Bevy * **BlenderBackgroundShader** aka background color is also automatically set on the Bevy side * **BlenderShadowSettings** sets the cascade_size on the bevy side to match the one configured in Blender If these components are present in your gltf file, they will be handled automatically by this crate, will be ignored otherwise. ## Examples https://github.com/kaosat-dev/Blender_bevy_components_workflow/tree/main/examples/bevy_gltf_components/basic ## Compatible Bevy versions The main branch is compatible with the latest Bevy release, while the branch `bevy_main` tries to track the `main` branch of Bevy (PRs updating the tracked commit are welcome). Compatibility of `bevy_gltf_components` versions: | `bevy_gltf_components` | `bevy` | | :-- | :-- | | `0.5` | `0.13` | | `0.2 - 0.4` | `0.12` | | `0.1` | `0.11` | | branch `main` | `0.13` | | branch `bevy_main` | `main` | ## License This crate, all its code, contents & assets is Dual-licensed under either of - Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](./LICENSE_APACHE.md) or https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) - MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](./LICENSE_MIT.md) or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)