import bpy from .helpers import make_empty3 # helpers to export scene level data def upsert_scene_components(scene, world): lighting_components = None for object in scene.objects: if == "lighting_components": lighting_components = object break if lighting_components is None: lighting_components = make_empty3('lighting_components', [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0], None) if world is not None: lighting_components['AmbientLightSettings'] = ambient_color_to_component(world) lighting_components['ShadowmapSettings'] = scene_shadows_to_component(scene) if scene.eevee.use_bloom: lighting_components['BloomSettings'] = scene_bloom_to_component(scene) elif 'BloomSettings' in lighting_components: del lighting_components['BloomSettings'] if scene.eevee.use_gtao: lighting_components['SSAOSettings'] = scene_ao_to_component(scene) elif 'SSAOSettings' in lighting_components: del lighting_components['SSAOSettings'] def ambient_color_to_component(world): color = None strength = None try: color = world.node_tree.nodes['Background'].inputs[0].default_value strength = world.node_tree.nodes['Background'].inputs[1].default_value except Exception as ex: print("failed to parse ambient color: Only backgroud is supported") if color is not None and strength is not None: #print("color", color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]) # print("strength", strength) colorRgba = "Rgba(red: "+ str(color[0]) + ", green: "+ str(color[1]) + ", blue: " + str(color[2]) + ", alpha: "+ str(color[3]) + ")" # TODO: YIKES clean this up #colorRgba = "Rgba(red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue:0.0, alpha:0.0)" component = "( color:"+ str(colorRgba) +", brightness:"+str(strength)+")" print("component", component) return component return None def scene_shadows_to_component(scene): cascade_resolution = scene.eevee.shadow_cascade_size component = "(size: "+ cascade_resolution +")" return component def scene_bloom_to_component(scene): component = "BloomSettings(intensity: "+ str(scene.eevee.bloom_intensity) +")" return component def scene_ao_to_component(scene): ssao = scene.eevee.use_gtao component= "SSAOSettings()" return component