Mark Moissette d1b5d2627d
feat(Blenvy): complete overhaul and re branding to : Blenvy (#192)
- replaced the various crates with a single one
- replaced the Blender add-ons with a single one
- this is an alpha release !
- for features etc see the various docs
2024-08-14 16:40:59 +02:00

33 lines
1.1 KiB

import os
import bpy
from bpy_types import (Operator)
from bpy.props import (StringProperty)
from ..core.helpers_collections import set_active_collection
class BLENVY_OT_blueprint_select(Operator):
"""Select blueprint """
bl_idname = "blenvy.blueprint_select"
bl_label = "Select blueprint"
bl_options = {"UNDO"}
blueprint_collection_name: StringProperty(
name="blueprint collection name",
description="blueprints to select's collection name ",
) # type: ignore
blueprint_scene_name: StringProperty(
name="blueprint scene name",
description="blueprints to select's collection name ",
) # type: ignore
def execute(self, context):
if self.blueprint_collection_name:
scene =[self.blueprint_scene_name]
if scene:
bpy.context.window.scene = scene = None
set_active_collection(scene, self.blueprint_collection_name)
return {'FINISHED'}