mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 01:25:52 +00:00
* all operators, panels etc are now respecting the Blender naming convention * tweaks & improvements to some of the component operators * clearer naming for the "advanced" tools for components
220 lines
7.2 KiB
220 lines
7.2 KiB
import os
import json
import bpy
from bpy_types import (Operator)
from bpy.props import (BoolProperty, StringProperty, EnumProperty)
from .asset_helpers import does_asset_exist, get_user_assets, remove_asset, upsert_asset
from .assets_scan import get_main_scene_assets_tree
from ..core.path_helpers import absolute_path_from_blend_file
class BLENVY_OT_assets_add(Operator):
"""Add asset"""
bl_idname = "blenvy.assets_add"
bl_label = "Add bevy asset"
bl_options = {"UNDO"}
asset_name: StringProperty(
name="asset name",
description="name of asset to add",
) # type: ignore
asset_type: EnumProperty(
('MODEL', "Model", ""),
('AUDIO', "Audio", ""),
('IMAGE', "Image", ""),
('TEXT', "Text", ""),
) # type: ignore
asset_path: StringProperty(
name="asset path",
description="path of asset to add",
) # type: ignore
# what are we targetting
target_type: EnumProperty(
name="target type",
description="type of the target: scene or blueprint to add an asset to",
('SCENE', "Scene", ""),
('BLUEPRINT', "Blueprint", ""),
) # type: ignore
target_name: StringProperty(
name="target name",
description="name of the target blueprint or scene to add asset to"
) # type: ignore
def execute(self, context):
blueprint_assets = self.target_type == 'BLUEPRINT'
target = None
if blueprint_assets:
target = bpy.data.collections[self.target_name]
target = bpy.data.scenes[self.target_name]
assets = get_user_assets(target)
asset = {"name": self.asset_name, "type": self.asset_type, "path": self.asset_path}
print('assets', assets, target)
if not does_asset_exist(target, asset):
print("add asset", target, asset)
upsert_asset(target, asset)
#assets.append({"name": self.asset_name, "type": self.asset_type, "path": self.asset_path, "internal": False})
# reset controls
context.window_manager.assets_registry.asset_name_selector = ""
context.window_manager.assets_registry.asset_type_selector = "MODEL"
context.window_manager.assets_registry.asset_path_selector = ""
"""if blueprint_assets:
bpy.data.collections[self.target_name]["assets"] = json.dumps(assets)
bpy.data.scenes[self.target_name]["assets"] = json.dumps(assets)"""
return {'FINISHED'}
class BLENVY_OT_assets_remove(Operator):
"""Remove asset"""
bl_idname = "blenvy.assets_remove"
bl_label = "remove bevy asset"
bl_options = {"UNDO"}
asset_path: StringProperty(
name="asset path",
description="path of asset to add",
) # type: ignore
clear_all: BoolProperty (
name="clear all assets",
description="clear all assets",
) # type: ignore
# what are we targetting
target_type: EnumProperty(
name="target type",
description="type of the target: scene or blueprint to add an asset to",
('SCENE', "Scene", ""),
('BLUEPRINT', "Blueprint", ""),
) # type: ignore
target_name: StringProperty(
name="target name",
description="name of the target blueprint or scene to add asset to"
) # type: ignore
def execute(self, context):
print("REMOVE ASSET", self.target_name, self.target_type, self.asset_path)
assets = []
blueprint_assets = self.target_type == 'BLUEPRINT'
if blueprint_assets:
target = bpy.data.collections[self.target_name]
target = bpy.data.scenes[self.target_name]
print("removing this", target)
remove_asset(target, {"path": self.asset_path})
return {'FINISHED'}
import os
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper
from pathlib import Path
class BLENVY_OT_assets_browse(Operator, ImportHelper):
"""Browse for asset files"""
bl_idname = "blenvy.assets_open_filebrowser"
bl_label = "Select asset file"
# Define this to tell 'fileselect_add' that we want a directoy
filepath: bpy.props.StringProperty(
name="asset Path",
description="selected file",
) # type: ignore
# Filters files
filter_glob: StringProperty(options={'HIDDEN'}, default='*.*') # type: ignore
def execute(self, context):
blenvy = context.window_manager.blenvy
project_root_path = blenvy.project_root_path
assets_path = blenvy.assets_path
# FIXME: not sure
print("project_root_path", project_root_path, "assets_path", assets_path)
export_assets_path_absolute = absolute_path_from_blend_file(os.path.join(project_root_path, assets_path))
asset_path = os.path.relpath(self.filepath, export_assets_path_absolute)
print("asset path", asset_path)
assets_registry = context.window_manager.assets_registry
assets_registry.asset_path_selector = asset_path
if assets_registry.asset_name_selector == "":
assets_registry.asset_name_selector = Path(os.path.basename(asset_path)).stem
print("SELECTED ASSET PATH", asset_path)
return {'FINISHED'}
from types import SimpleNamespace
def write_ron_assets_file(level_name, assets_hierarchy, internal_only=False, levels_path_full="."):
# just for testing, this uses the format of bevy_asset_loader's asset files
"world":File (path: "models/StartLevel.glb"),
"level1":File (path: "models/Level1.glb"),
"level2":File (path: "models/Level2.glb"),
"models": Folder (
path: "models/library",
"materials": Folder (
path: "materials",
formated_assets = []
for asset in assets_hierarchy:
if asset["internal"] or not internal_only:
bla = f'\n "{asset["name"]}": File ( path: "{asset["path"]}" ),'
with open(f"{levels_path_full}/{level_name}.assets.ron", "w") as assets_file:
class BLENVY_OT_assets_generate_files(Operator):
"""Test assets"""
bl_idname = "blenvy.assets_generate_files"
bl_label = "test bevy assets"
bl_options = {"UNDO"}
def execute(self, context):
blenvy = context.window_manager.blenvy
settings = blenvy
blueprints_registry = context.window_manager.blueprints_registry
blueprints_data = blueprints_registry.blueprints_data
for scene in blenvy.main_scenes:
assets_hierarchy = get_main_scene_assets_tree(scene, blueprints_data, settings)
scene["assets"] = json.dumps(assets_hierarchy)
write_ron_assets_file(scene.name, assets_hierarchy, internal_only = False, levels_path_full = blenvy.levels_path_full)
return {'FINISHED'}