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synced 2024-11-26 21:37:01 +00:00
* modified materials detection & export accordingly * modified material paths & co accordingly (all much simpler !) * modified assets_scan helpers to also include material assets * modified & massively cleaned up BlueprintAsset injection * further cleanups & fixes for materials handling * also removed a lot of obsolete code dealing with assets * ever more cleanups !
92 lines
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92 lines
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import os
import posixpath
from ..core.helpers_collections import (traverse_tree)
def find_materials_not_on_disk(materials, materials_path_full, extension):
not_found_materials = []
for material in materials:
gltf_output_path = os.path.join(materials_path_full, material.name + extension)
# print("gltf_output_path", gltf_output_path)
found = os.path.exists(gltf_output_path) and os.path.isfile(gltf_output_path)
if not found:
return not_found_materials
def check_if_material_on_disk(scene_name, folder_path, extension):
gltf_output_path = os.path.join(folder_path, scene_name + extension)
found = os.path.exists(gltf_output_path) and os.path.isfile(gltf_output_path)
return found
# get materials per object, and injects the materialInfo component
def get_materials(object, materials_per_object):
material_slots = object.material_slots
used_materials_names = []
for m in material_slots:
material = m.material
# print(" slot", m, "material", material)
# TODO:, also respect slots & export multiple materials if applicable !
if not object in materials_per_object:
materials_per_object[object] = []
return used_materials_names
def get_all_materials(collection_names, library_scenes):
used_material_names = []
materials_per_object = {}
for scene in library_scenes:
root_collection = scene.collection
for cur_collection in traverse_tree(root_collection):
if cur_collection.name in collection_names:
for object in cur_collection.all_objects:
used_material_names = used_material_names + get_materials(object, materials_per_object)
# we only want unique names
used_material_names = list(set(used_material_names))
return (used_material_names, materials_per_object)
def add_material_info_to_objects(materials_per_object, settings):
materials_path = getattr(settings, "materials_path")
export_gltf_extension = getattr(settings, "export_gltf_extension", ".glb")
for object in materials_per_object.keys():
material_infos = []
for material in materials_per_object[object]:
materials_exported_path = posixpath.join(materials_path, f"{material.name}{export_gltf_extension}")
material_info = f'(name: "{material.name}", path: "{materials_exported_path}")'
# problem with using actual components: you NEED the type registry/component infos, so if there is none , or it is not loaded yet, it does not work
# for a few components we could hardcode this
#bpy.ops.blenvy.component_add(target_item_name=object.name, target_item_type="OBJECT", component_type="blenvy::blueprints::materials::MaterialInfos", component_value=component_value)
object['MaterialInfos'] = f"({material_infos})".replace("'","")
print("adding materialInfos to object", object, "material infos", material_infos)
# get all the materials of all objects in a given scene
def get_scene_materials(scene):
used_material_names = []
materials_per_object = {}
root_collection = scene.collection
for cur_collection in traverse_tree(root_collection):
for object in cur_collection.all_objects:
used_material_names = used_material_names + get_materials(object, materials_per_object)
# we only want unique names
used_material_names = list(set(used_material_names))
return (used_material_names, materials_per_object)
# get all the materials of all objects used by a given blueprint
def get_blueprint_materials(blueprint):
materials_per_object = {}
used_material_names = []
for object in blueprint.collection.all_objects:
used_material_names = used_material_names + get_materials(object, materials_per_object)
# we only want unique names
used_material_names = list(set(used_material_names))
return (used_material_names, materials_per_object)