Blender_bevy_components_wor.../tools/bevy_components/components/ 03c3d397a7 feat(bevy_components): lot more cleanups & fixes
* fixed issues with initial insertion of map key/value pairs
 * overhauled & upgraded tests
 * changed internals of rename components
 * cleanups everwhere !
 * tweaks & minor improvements all around
2024-05-07 00:22:33 +02:00

345 lines
16 KiB

import bpy
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, PointerProperty)
from bpy_types import (PropertyGroup)
from ..propGroups.conversions_from_prop_group import property_group_value_to_custom_property_value
from ..propGroups.conversions_to_prop_group import property_group_value_from_custom_property_value
class ComponentMetadata(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
short_name : bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "name",
default = ""
) # type: ignore
long_name : bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "long name",
default = ""
) # type: ignore
values: bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "Value",
default = ""
) # type: ignore
enabled: BoolProperty(
description="component enabled",
) # type: ignore
invalid: BoolProperty(
description="component is invalid, because of missing registration/ other issues",
) # type: ignore
invalid_details: StringProperty(
name="invalid details",
description="detailed information about why the component is invalid",
) # type: ignore
visible: BoolProperty( # REALLY dislike doing this for UI control, but ok hack for now
) # type: ignore
class ComponentsMeta(PropertyGroup):
infos_per_component: StringProperty(
name="infos per component",
) # type: ignore
components: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type = ComponentMetadata) # type: ignore
def register(cls):
bpy.types.Object.components_meta = PointerProperty(type=ComponentsMeta)
def unregister(cls):
del bpy.types.Object.components_meta
# remove no longer valid metadata from object
def cleanup_invalid_metadata(object):
bevy_components = get_bevy_components(object)
if len(bevy_components.keys()) == 0: # no components, bail out
components_metadata = object.components_meta.components
to_remove = []
for index, component_meta in enumerate(components_metadata):
long_name = component_meta.long_name
if long_name not in bevy_components.keys():
print("component:", long_name, "present in metadata, but not in object")
for index in to_remove:
# returns a component definition ( an entry in registry's type_infos) with matching long name or None if nothing has been found
def find_component_definition_from_long_name(long_name):
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
return registry.type_infos.get(long_name, None)
# FIXME: feels a bit heavy duty, should only be done
# if the components panel is active ?
def ensure_metadata_for_all_objects():
for object in
# returns whether an object has custom properties without matching metadata
def do_object_custom_properties_have_missing_metadata(object):
components_metadata = getattr(object, "components_meta", None)
if components_metadata == None:
return True
components_metadata = components_metadata.components
missing_metadata = False
for component_name in get_bevy_components(object) :
if component_name == "components_meta":
component_meta = next(filter(lambda component: component["long_name"] == component_name, components_metadata), None)
if component_meta == None:
# current component has no metadata but is there even a compatible type in the registry ?
# if not ignore it
component_definition = find_component_definition_from_long_name(component_name)
if component_definition != None:
missing_metadata = True
return missing_metadata
import json
def upsert_bevy_component(object, long_name, value):
if not 'bevy_components' in object:
object['bevy_components'] = '{}'
bevy_components = json.loads(object['bevy_components'])
bevy_components[long_name] = value
object['bevy_components'] = json.dumps(bevy_components)
#object['bevy_components'][long_name] = value # Sigh, this does not work, hits Blender's 63 char length limit
def remove_bevy_component(object, long_name):
if 'bevy_components' in object:
bevy_components = json.loads(object['bevy_components'])
if long_name in bevy_components:
del bevy_components[long_name]
object['bevy_components'] = json.dumps(bevy_components)
if long_name in object:
del object[long_name]
def get_bevy_components(object):
if 'bevy_components' in object:
bevy_components = json.loads(object['bevy_components'])
return bevy_components
return {}
def get_bevy_component_value_by_long_name(object, long_name):
bevy_components = get_bevy_components(object)
if len(bevy_components.keys()) == 0 :
return None
return bevy_components.get(long_name, None)
def is_bevy_component_in_object(object, long_name):
return get_bevy_component_value_by_long_name(object, long_name) is not None
# adds metadata to object only if it is missing
def add_metadata_to_components_without_metadata(object):
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
for component_name in get_bevy_components(object) :
if component_name == "components_meta":
upsert_component_in_object(object, component_name, registry)
# adds a component to an object (including metadata) using the provided component definition & optional value
def add_component_to_object(object, component_definition, value=None):
if object is not None:
# print("add_component_to_object", component_definition)
long_name = component_definition["long_name"]
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
if not registry.has_type_infos():
raise Exception('registry type infos have not been loaded yet or are missing !')
definition = registry.type_infos[long_name]
# now we use our pre_generated property groups to set the initial value of our custom property
(_, propertyGroup) = upsert_component_in_object(object, long_name=long_name, registry=registry)
if value == None:
value = property_group_value_to_custom_property_value(propertyGroup, definition, registry, None)
else: # we have provided a value, that is a raw , custom property value, to set the value of the propertyGroup
object["__disable__update"] = True # disable update callback while we set the values of the propertyGroup "tree" (as a propertyGroup can contain other propertyGroups)
property_group_value_from_custom_property_value(propertyGroup, definition, registry, value)
del object["__disable__update"]
upsert_bevy_component(object, long_name, value)
def upsert_component_in_object(object, long_name, registry):
# print("upsert_component_in_object", object, "component name", component_name)
# TODO: upsert this part too ?
target_components_metadata = object.components_meta.components
component_definition = registry.type_infos.get(long_name, None)
if component_definition != None:
short_name = component_definition["short_name"]
long_name = component_definition["long_name"]
property_group_name = registry.get_propertyGroupName_from_longName(long_name)
propertyGroup = None
component_meta = next(filter(lambda component: component["long_name"] == long_name, target_components_metadata), None)
if not component_meta:
component_meta = target_components_metadata.add()
component_meta.short_name = short_name
component_meta.long_name = long_name
propertyGroup = getattr(component_meta, property_group_name, None)
else: # this one has metadata but we check that the relevant property group is present
propertyGroup = getattr(component_meta, property_group_name, None)
# try to inject propertyGroup if not present
if propertyGroup == None:
#print("propertygroup not found in metadata attempting to inject")
if property_group_name in registry.component_propertyGroups:
# we have found a matching property_group, so try to inject it
# now inject property group
setattr(ComponentMetadata, property_group_name, registry.component_propertyGroups[property_group_name]) # FIXME: not ideal as all ComponentMetadata get the propGroup, but have not found a way to assign it per instance
propertyGroup = getattr(component_meta, property_group_name, None)
# now deal with property groups details
if propertyGroup != None:
if long_name in registry.invalid_components:
component_meta.enabled = False
component_meta.invalid = True
component_meta.invalid_details = "component contains fields that are not in the schema, disabling"
# if we still have not found the property group, mark it as invalid
component_meta.enabled = False
component_meta.invalid = True
component_meta.invalid_details = "component not present in the schema, possibly renamed? Disabling for now"
# property_group_value_from_custom_property_value(propertyGroup, component_definition, registry, object[component_name])
return (component_meta, propertyGroup)
return(None, None)
def copy_propertyGroup_values_to_another_object(source_object, target_object, component_name, registry):
if source_object == None or target_object == None or component_name == None:
raise Exception('missing input data, cannot copy component propertryGroup')
component_definition = find_component_definition_from_long_name(component_name)
long_name = component_name
property_group_name = registry.get_propertyGroupName_from_longName(long_name)
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
source_components_metadata = source_object.components_meta.components
source_componentMeta = next(filter(lambda component: component["long_name"] == long_name, source_components_metadata), None)
# matching component means we already have this type of component
source_propertyGroup = getattr(source_componentMeta, property_group_name)
# now deal with the target object
(_, target_propertyGroup) = upsert_component_in_object(target_object, component_name, registry)
# add to object
value = property_group_value_to_custom_property_value(target_propertyGroup, component_definition, registry, None)
upsert_bevy_component(target_object, long_name, value)
# copy the values over
for field_name in source_propertyGroup.field_names:
if field_name in source_propertyGroup:
target_propertyGroup[field_name] = source_propertyGroup[field_name]
# TODO: move to propgroups ?
def apply_propertyGroup_values_to_object_customProperties(object):
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
for component_name in get_bevy_components(object) :
"""if component_name == "components_meta":
(_, propertyGroup) = upsert_component_in_object(object, component_name, registry)
component_definition = find_component_definition_from_long_name(component_name)
if component_definition != None:
value = property_group_value_to_custom_property_value(propertyGroup, component_definition, registry, None)
upsert_bevy_component(object=object, long_name=component_name, value=value)
# apply component value(s) to custom property of a single component
def apply_propertyGroup_values_to_object_customProperties_for_component(object, component_name):
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
(_, propertyGroup) = upsert_component_in_object(object, component_name, registry)
component_definition = find_component_definition_from_long_name(component_name)
if component_definition != None:
value = property_group_value_to_custom_property_value(propertyGroup, component_definition, registry, None)
object[component_name] = value
components_metadata = object.components_meta.components
componentMeta = next(filter(lambda component: component["long_name"] == component_name, components_metadata), None)
if componentMeta:
componentMeta.invalid = False
componentMeta.invalid_details = ""
def apply_customProperty_values_to_object_propertyGroups(object):
print("apply custom properties to ",
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
for component_name in get_bevy_components(object) :
if component_name == "components_meta":
component_definition = find_component_definition_from_long_name(component_name)
if component_definition != None:
property_group_name = registry.get_propertyGroupName_from_longName(component_name)
components_metadata = object.components_meta.components
source_componentMeta = next(filter(lambda component: component["long_name"] == component_name, components_metadata), None)
# matching component means we already have this type of component
propertyGroup = getattr(source_componentMeta, property_group_name, None)
customProperty_value = get_bevy_component_value_by_long_name(object, component_name)
#value = property_group_value_to_custom_property_value(propertyGroup, component_definition, registry, None)
object["__disable__update"] = True # disable update callback while we set the values of the propertyGroup "tree" (as a propertyGroup can contain other propertyGroups)
property_group_value_from_custom_property_value(propertyGroup, component_definition, registry, customProperty_value)
del object["__disable__update"]
source_componentMeta.invalid = False
source_componentMeta.invalid_details = ""
# removes the given component from the object: removes both the custom property and the matching metadata from the object
def remove_component_from_object(object, component_name):
# remove the component value
remove_bevy_component(object, component_name)
# now remove the component's metadata
components_metadata = getattr(object, "components_meta", None)
if components_metadata == None:
return False
components_metadata = components_metadata.components
to_remove = []
for index, component_meta in enumerate(components_metadata):
long_name = component_meta.long_name
if long_name == component_name:
for index in to_remove:
return True
def add_component_from_custom_property(object):
def rename_component(object, original_long_name, new_long_name):
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
type_infos = registry.type_infos
component_definition = type_infos[new_long_name]
component_ron_value = get_bevy_component_value_by_long_name(object=object, long_name=original_long_name)
if component_ron_value is None and original_long_name in object:
component_ron_value = object[original_long_name]
remove_component_from_object(object, original_long_name)
add_component_to_object(object, component_definition, component_ron_value)
def toggle_component(object, component_name):
components_in_object = object.components_meta.components
component_meta = next(filter(lambda component: component["long_name"] == component_name, components_in_object), None)
if component_meta != None:
component_meta.visible = not component_meta.visible