Mark Moissette d1b5d2627d
feat(Blenvy): complete overhaul and re branding to : Blenvy (#192)
- replaced the various crates with a single one
- replaced the Blender add-ons with a single one
- this is an alpha release !
- for features etc see the various docs
2024-08-14 16:40:59 +02:00

62 lines
2.6 KiB

from types import SimpleNamespace
import bpy
from ..assets.asset_helpers import get_generated_assets, get_user_assets
from ..assets.ui import draw_assets
from ..blueprints.ui import draw_blueprints
class BLENVY_PT_levels_panel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_label = ""
bl_parent_id = "BLENVY_PT_SidePanel"
def poll(cls, context):
return context.window_manager.blenvy.mode == 'LEVELS'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
blenvy = context.window_manager.blenvy
layout.operator(operator="blenvy.assets_generate_files", text="Generate")
asset_registry = context.window_manager.assets_registry
blueprints_registry = context.window_manager.blueprints_registry
blueprints_data = blueprints_registry.blueprints_data
for scene in blenvy.level_scenes:
header, panel ="level_assets{}", default_closed=False)
if header:
header.label(, icon="HIDE_OFF")
header.prop(scene, "always_export")
select_level = header.operator(operator="blenvy.level_select", text="", icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF")
select_level.level_name =
if panel:
user_assets = get_user_assets(scene)
generated_assets = get_generated_assets(scene)
row = panel.row()
"""col = row.column()
col.label(text=" ")
col = row.column()
col.label(text="col in row 2")
column = panel.column()
split = panel.split(factor=0.005)
col = split.column()
col.label(text=" ")
col = split.column()
scene_assets_panel = draw_assets(layout=col, name=f"{}_assets", title=f"Assets", asset_registry=asset_registry, user_assets=user_assets, generated_assets=generated_assets, target_type="SCENE",
scene_blueprints_panel = draw_blueprints(layout=col, name=f"{}_blueprints", title=f"Blueprints", generated_assets=generated_assets, )
settings = {"blueprints_path": "blueprints", "export_gltf_extension": ".glb"}
settings = SimpleNamespace(**settings)