mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 16:05:54 +00:00
* closes #163 * closes #153 * closes #154 * feat(bevy_components): added tools for diagnostics/ finding & replacing invalid & unregistered components * added ui for listing invalid & unregistered components * added boilerplate & functionality for component renaming/replacing * injection of invalid status & message in case the conversion did not work well * added deletion of components individual & bulk * added handling of wrong string for unit structs : allows detection of more wrong values for components * added progress bars for bulk operators * added docs for new features * added tests * added small "attempt to fix" button for unit struct uis in case they are invalid * feat(bevy_components): added progress indicators for from/to custom properties * various other minor ui tweaks for workflow improvement
328 lines
14 KiB
328 lines
14 KiB
import json
import bpy
from bpy_types import (UIList)
from bpy.props import (StringProperty)
from ..components.operators import OT_rename_component, RemoveComponentFromAllObjectsOperator, RemoveComponentOperator
from .operators import(
OT_select_object, ReloadRegistryOperator,
class BEVY_COMPONENTS_PT_Configuration(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "BEVY_COMPONENTS_PT_Configuration"
bl_label = "Configuration"
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_category = "Bevy Components"
bl_context = "objectmode"
bl_parent_id = "BEVY_COMPONENTS_PT_MainPanel"
bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
bl_description = "list of missing/unregistered type from the bevy side"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
registry = context.window_manager.components_registry
row = layout.row()
col = row.column()
col.enabled = False
col.prop(registry, "schemaPath", text="Registry Schema path")
col = row.column()
col.operator(OT_OpenFilebrowser.bl_idname, text="Browse for registry schema file (json)")
layout.operator(ReloadRegistryOperator.bl_idname, text="reload registry" , icon="FILE_REFRESH")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(registry, "watcher_enabled", text="enable registry file polling")
row.prop(registry, "watcher_poll_frequency", text="registry file poll frequency (s)")
class BEVY_COMPONENTS_PT_AdvancedToolsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
"""panel listing all the missing bevy types in the schema"""
bl_idname = "BEVY_COMPONENTS_PT_AdvancedToolsPanel"
bl_label = "Advanced tools"
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_category = "Bevy Components"
bl_context = "objectmode"
bl_parent_id = "BEVY_COMPONENTS_PT_MainPanel"
bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
bl_description = "advanced tooling"
def draw_invalid_or_unregistered_header(self, layout, items):
row = layout.row()
for item in items:
col = row.column()
def draw_invalid_or_unregistered(self, layout, status, component_name, object):
available_components = bpy.context.window_manager.components_list
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
registry_has_type_infos = registry.has_type_infos()
row = layout.row()
col = row.column()
col = row.column()
operator = col.operator(OT_select_object.bl_idname, text=object.name)
operator.object_name = object.name
col = row.column()
col = row.column()
col.prop(available_components, "list", text="")
col = row.column()
operator = col.operator(OT_rename_component.bl_idname, text="", icon="SHADERFX") #rename
new_name = registry.type_infos[available_components.list]['short_name'] if available_components.list in registry.type_infos else ""
operator.original_name = component_name
operator.target_objects = json.dumps([object.name])
operator.new_name = new_name
col.enabled = registry_has_type_infos and component_name != "" and component_name != new_name
col = row.column()
operator = col.operator(RemoveComponentOperator.bl_idname, text="", icon="X")
operator.object_name = object.name
operator.component_name = component_name
col = row.column()
col = row.column()
operator = col.operator(OT_select_component_name_to_replace.bl_idname, text="", icon="EYEDROPPER") #text="select for rename",
operator.component_name = component_name
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
registry_has_type_infos = registry.has_type_infos()
selected_object = context.selected_objects[0] if len(context.selected_objects) > 0 else None
available_components = bpy.context.window_manager.components_list
row = layout.row()
box= row.box()
box.label(text="Invalid/ unregistered components")
objects_with_invalid_components = []
invalid_component_names = []
self.draw_invalid_or_unregistered_header(layout, ["Component", "Object", "Status", "Target"])
for object in bpy.data.objects: # TODO: very inneficent
if len(object.keys()) > 0:
if "components_meta" in object:
components_metadata = object.components_meta.components
comp_names = []
for index, component_meta in enumerate(components_metadata):
short_name = component_meta.name
if component_meta.invalid:
self.draw_invalid_or_unregistered(layout, "Invalid", short_name, object)
if not object.name in objects_with_invalid_components:
if not short_name in invalid_component_names:
for custom_property in object.keys():
if custom_property != 'components_meta' and custom_property not in comp_names:
self.draw_invalid_or_unregistered(layout, "Unregistered", custom_property, object)
if not object.name in objects_with_invalid_components:
if not short_name in invalid_component_names:
original_name = bpy.context.window_manager.bevy_component_rename_helper.original_name
row = layout.row()
col = row.column()
col = row.column()
col = row.column()
row = layout.row()
col = row.column()
box = col.box()
col = row.column()
col.prop(available_components, "list", text="")
#row.prop(available_components, "filter",text="Filter")
col = row.column()
components_rename_progress = context.window_manager.components_rename_progress
if components_rename_progress == -1.0:
operator = col.operator(OT_rename_component.bl_idname, text="apply", icon="SHADERFX")
operator.target_objects = json.dumps(objects_with_invalid_components)
new_name = registry.type_infos[available_components.list]['short_name'] if available_components.list in registry.type_infos else ""
operator.new_name = new_name
col.enabled = registry_has_type_infos and original_name != "" and original_name != new_name
if hasattr(layout,"progress") : # only for Blender > 4.0
col.progress(factor = components_rename_progress, text=f"updating {components_rename_progress * 100.0:.2f}%")
col = row.column()
remove_components_progress = context.window_manager.components_remove_progress
if remove_components_progress == -1.0:
operator = row.operator(RemoveComponentFromAllObjectsOperator.bl_idname, text="", icon="X")
operator.component_name = context.window_manager.bevy_component_rename_helper.original_name
col.enabled = registry_has_type_infos and original_name != ""
if hasattr(layout,"progress") : # only for Blender > 4.0
col.progress(factor = remove_components_progress, text=f"updating {remove_components_progress * 100.0:.2f}%")
row = layout.row()
box= row.box()
box.label(text="Conversions between custom properties and components & vice-versa")
row = layout.row()
row.label(text="WARNING ! The following operations will overwrite your existing custom properties if they have matching types on the bevy side !")
row.alert = True
row = layout.row()
custom_properties_from_components_progress_current = context.window_manager.custom_properties_from_components_progress
if custom_properties_from_components_progress_current == -1.0:
row.operator(COMPONENTS_OT_REFRESH_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_CURRENT.bl_idname, text="update custom properties of current object" , icon="LOOP_FORWARDS")
row.enabled = registry_has_type_infos and selected_object is not None
if hasattr(layout,"progress") : # only for Blender > 4.0
layout.progress(factor = custom_properties_from_components_progress_current, text=f"updating {custom_properties_from_components_progress_current * 100.0:.2f}%")
row = layout.row()
custom_properties_from_components_progress_all = context.window_manager.custom_properties_from_components_progress_all
if custom_properties_from_components_progress_all == -1.0:
row.operator(COMPONENTS_OT_REFRESH_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_ALL.bl_idname, text="update custom properties of ALL objects" , icon="LOOP_FORWARDS")
row.enabled = registry_has_type_infos
if hasattr(layout,"progress") : # only for Blender > 4.0
layout.progress(factor = custom_properties_from_components_progress_all, text=f"updating {custom_properties_from_components_progress_all * 100.0:.2f}%")
row = layout.row()
row.label(text="WARNING ! The following operations will try to overwrite your existing ui values if they have matching types on the bevy side !")
row.alert = True
components_from_custom_properties_progress_current = context.window_manager.components_from_custom_properties_progress
row = layout.row()
if components_from_custom_properties_progress_current == -1.0:
row.operator(COMPONENTS_OT_REFRESH_PROPGROUPS_FROM_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_CURRENT.bl_idname, text="update UI FROM custom properties of current object" , icon="LOOP_BACK")
row.enabled = registry_has_type_infos and selected_object is not None
if hasattr(layout,"progress") : # only for Blender > 4.0
layout.progress(factor = components_from_custom_properties_progress_current, text=f"updating {components_from_custom_properties_progress_current * 100.0:.2f}%")
row = layout.row()
components_from_custom_properties_progress_all = context.window_manager.components_from_custom_properties_progress_all
if components_from_custom_properties_progress_all == -1.0:
row.operator(COMPONENTS_OT_REFRESH_PROPGROUPS_FROM_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_ALL.bl_idname, text="update UI FROM custom properties of ALL objects" , icon="LOOP_BACK")
row.enabled = registry_has_type_infos
if hasattr(layout,"progress") : # only for Blender > 4.0
layout.progress(factor = components_from_custom_properties_progress_all, text=f"updating {components_from_custom_properties_progress_all * 100.0:.2f}%")
class BEVY_COMPONENTS_PT_MissingTypesPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
"""panel listing all the missing bevy types in the schema"""
bl_idname = "BEVY_COMPONENTS_PT_MissingTypesPanel"
bl_label = "Bevy Missing/Unregistered Types"
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_category = "Bevy Components"
bl_context = "objectmode"
bl_parent_id = "BEVY_COMPONENTS_PT_MainPanel"
bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
bl_description = "list of missing/unregistered type from the bevy side"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
registry = bpy.context.window_manager.components_registry
layout.label(text="Missing types ")
layout.template_list("MISSING_TYPES_UL_List", "Missing types list", registry, "missing_types_list", registry, "missing_types_list_index")
class MISSING_TYPES_UL_List(UIList):
"""Missing components UIList."""
use_filter_name_reverse: bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name="Reverse Name",
description="Reverse name filtering",
use_order_name = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Name", default=False, options=set(),
description="Sort groups by their name (case-insensitive)")
def filter_items__(self, context, data, propname):
"""Filter and order items in the list."""
# We initialize filtered and ordered as empty lists. Notice that # if all sorting and filtering is disabled, we will return # these empty.
filtered = []
ordered = []
items = getattr(data, propname)
helper_funcs = bpy.types.UI_UL_list
print("filter, order", items, self, dict(self))
if self.filter_name:
print("ssdfs", self.filter_name)
filtered= helper_funcs.filter_items_by_name(self.filter_name, self.bitflag_filter_item, items, "type_name", reverse=self.use_filter_name_reverse)
if not filtered:
filtered = [self.bitflag_filter_item] * len(items)
if self.use_order_name:
ordered = helper_funcs.sort_items_by_name(items, "name")
return filtered, ordered
def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname, index):
if self.layout_type in {'DEFAULT', 'COMPACT'}:
row = layout.row()
#row.enabled = False
#row.alert = True
row.prop(item, "type_name", text="")
elif self.layout_type in {'GRID'}:
layout.alignment = 'CENTER'
row = layout.row()
row.prop(item, "type_name", text="")