separate transforms from parents queries

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Bram Buurlage 2022-09-14 18:14:22 +02:00
parent 1a567463c8
commit 124b9a2612
1 changed files with 51 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::ops::Range;
use bevy::ecs::query::QueryEntityError;
use bevy::transform::TransformSystem;
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::transform::TransformSystem;
pub struct InverseKinematicsPlugin;
@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ pub struct InverseKinematicsPlugin;
pub struct IkConstraint {
/// How many bones are included in the IK constraint.
pub chain_length: NonZeroUsize,
pub chain_length: usize,
/// Maximum number of iterations to solve this constraint.
pub iterations: usize,
/// Target entity. The target must have a `Transform` and `GlobalTransform`.
@ -40,14 +39,12 @@ pub struct RotationConstraint {
pub fn inverse_kinematics_solver_system(
constraints_ik: Query<(Entity, &IkConstraint)>,
mut params: ParamSet<(
Query<(&mut Transform, &mut GlobalTransform, &Parent)>,
query: Query<(Entity, &IkConstraint)>,
parents: Query<&Parent>,
mut transforms: Query<(&mut Transform, &mut GlobalTransform)>,
) {
for (entity, constraint) in constraints_ik.iter() {
if let Err(e) = constraint.solve(entity, &mut params) {
for (entity, constraint) in query.iter() {
if let Err(e) = constraint.solve(entity, &parents, &mut transforms) {
bevy::log::warn!("Failed to solve IK constraint: {e}");
@ -57,61 +54,64 @@ impl IkConstraint {
fn solve(
entity: Entity,
params: &mut ParamSet<(
Query<(&mut Transform, &mut GlobalTransform, &Parent)>,
parents: &Query<&Parent>,
transforms: &mut Query<(&mut Transform, &mut GlobalTransform)>,
) -> Result<(), QueryEntityError> {
let (bone, parent) = params.p1()
.map(|(t, _, p)| (t.translation, p.get()))?;
let tail = params.p0().get(;
let pole = if let Some(entity) = self.pole_target {
} else {
Self::solve_recursive(parent, bone, tail, pole, &mut params.p1(), self.chain_length.get())?;
if self.chain_length == 0 {
return Ok(());
let mut joints = Vec::with_capacity(self.chain_length + 2);
for i in 0..self.chain_length + 1 {
let start = transforms
.get(joints[self.chain_length - 1])?
let end = transforms.get(;
let target = end;
let normal = transforms.get(joints[0])?.0.translation;
let pole_target = None;
Self::solve_recursive(&joints[1..], normal, target, pole_target, transforms).map(drop)
fn solve_recursive(
// the entity to rotate
entity: Entity,
// the translation vector of this bone
bone: Vec3,
// the desired tail of this bone
tail: Vec3,
// the desired up vector of this bone
pole: Option<Vec3>,
query: &mut Query<(&mut Transform, &mut GlobalTransform, &Parent)>,
chain: usize,
chain: &[Entity],
normal: Vec3,
target: Vec3,
pole_target: Option<Vec3>,
transforms: &mut Query<(&mut Transform, &mut GlobalTransform)>,
) -> Result<GlobalTransform, QueryEntityError> {
if chain == 0 {
let (_, &global_transform, _) = query.get(entity)?;
if chain.len() == 1 {
let (_, &global_transform) = transforms.get(chain[0])?;
return Ok(global_transform);
let (transform, global_transform, parent) =
query.get(entity).map(|(&t, &g, p)| (t, g, p.get()))?;
// the bone vector of the parent is the translation of this bone
let parent_bone = transform.translation;
let (&transform, &global_transform) = transforms.get(chain[0])?;
let parent_normal = transform.translation;
// calculate absolute rotation in order to point this bone at the desired tail
// determine absolute rotation and translation for this bone where the tail touches the
// target.
let rotation = Quat::from_rotation_arc(
(tail - global_transform.translation()).normalize(),
// todo: constrain our own position to the pole plane maybe??
(target - global_transform.translation()).normalize(),
// calculate absolute translation so the tip of this bone touches the desired tail.
let head = tail - rotation.mul_vec3(bone);
let translation = target - rotation.mul_vec3(normal);
// pass the targets to the parent to obtain the final global transform of the parent
// recurse to target the parent towards the current translation
let parent_global_transform =
Self::solve_recursive(parent, parent_bone, head, pole, query, chain - 1)?;
Self::solve_recursive(&chain[1..], parent_normal, translation, pole_target, transforms)?;
// determine the relative translation for this bone
let (mut transform, mut global_transform, _) = query.get_mut(entity).unwrap();
transform.rotation = Quat::from_affine3(&parent_global_transform.affine().inverse()) * rotation;
// apply constraints on the way back from recursing
let (mut transform, mut global_transform) = transforms.get_mut(chain[0]).unwrap();
transform.rotation =
Quat::from_affine3(&parent_global_transform.affine().inverse()) * rotation;
*global_transform = parent_global_transform.mul_transform(*transform);