navbar: item: home: Home services: Services about-us: About contact-us: Let's work together services-section: title: Our digital expertise cards: first: title: Web Development description: We develop amazing websites to be more professional, functional, and help you sell more. opened-title: Tired of templates? opened-description: We're here to help. Our websites are all CUSTOM MADE for the needs of each client. You'll be updated on every part of the process. Design, software architecture, development, testing. We're known for making Functionality oriented websites that don't compromise on UI/UX design. second: title: SEO description: We optimize website content and structure to improve search engine rankings. Get found. opened-title: Not getting found? opened-description: We make it easier for potential customers to find you before they find the competition. If you aren't showing up first when searching your business on google, there's work to do! Don't worry, we have you covered. Not only on google, if your business is location-based, we make sure you're on top of the relevant search results. third: title: Backend Logic description: We efficientize your business critical operations and speed up your services & processes. opened-title: Performance & Features opened-description: Having performant systems and more features aren't mutually exclusive. You can have your cake and eat it too! We use the right tools for the Job. With us you'll have Fast & Secure databases, super responsive services, and complete control. We're known for Our first-class Administration Panels & Robust systems that help lower on server costs significally. fourth: title: Social Media Management description: We plan and execute effective social media strategies to increase visibility and engagement. opened-title: Missing out on Engagement? opened-description: With us, that's no longer a problem. A combination of posting the right content at the right times, creating eye-watering pictures, videos, stories & tik-toks and mastering short & long form content; Organic growth is key, more genuine followers that are actually interested in what your brand sells. Forget about the bots! fifth: title: Digital Marketing description: We help you market your products with the use of digital campaigns & brand placement. opened-title: Ads not cutting it? opened-description: We'll make sure your ad Dollars get the best use. No more blind spending on Facebook/Google ads and hoping for the best. Targeted marketing campaigns together with Influencer deals to get your Brand to the best audience possible while going easy on your pocket! start: left-column: title-first-line: Make your business title-second-line: more powerful title-third-line: with us left-column-description: Our experienced team will create a tailored solution to maximize your business potential. left-column-button-text: Get Started > right-column-subject-1-title: | Web Design & Development right-column-subject-2-title: Marketing & Ads about-us: title: Get to know us a little better picture-caption: We're Ready to Grow your Business description: | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce mollis elit id mauris luctus euismod. Nullam eget lectus faucibus, venenatis mauris ut, tincidunt tellus. Etiam nec malesuada quam. Proin eget sem vel augue imperdiet tristique id id odio. Sed interdum, felis vel dignissim vulputate, dolor libero sagittis odio, quis tincidunt tellus orci ut tellus. Suspendisse eu massa sem. In convallis eu augue at pellentesque. Donec tempor eleifend nibh. Maecenas commodo dolor sit amet blandit ultricies. Aenean eget consequat massa. our-vision-title: Our Vision our-mission-title: Our Mission our-vision-description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Massa mauris etiam fames pellentesque hendrerit dictum. our-mission-description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Massa mauris etiam fames pellentesque hendrerit dictum. footer: brand-description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. contact-title: Contact contact-info: | Jl KH Samanhudi Metro Atom Plaza Bl AKS 1/11, Dki Jakartaa +62 (0) 000 0000 00 copyright-text: © 2023 Blanco Lorenzo - All rights reserved contact: title: Contact Us subtitle: Leave us a message form-name-label: Name form-email-label: Phone number or Email form-message-label: Start typing... form-button-label: Send sent-text: Thank you! We will get back to you very soon.