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package com.github.michaelbull.result
* Creates an [Iterator] over the possibly contained [value][Ok.value].
* The iterator yields one [value][Ok.value] if the [Result] is [Ok], otherwise throws [NoSuchElementException].
* - Rust: [Result.iter](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html#method.iter)
* @return [Iterator] over the possibly contained [value][Ok.value].
fun <V, E> Result<V, E>.iterator(): Iterator<V> {
return ResultIterator(this)
* Creates a [MutableIterator] over the possibly contained [value][Ok.value].
* The iterator yields one [value][Ok.value] if the [Result] is [Ok], otherwise throws [NoSuchElementException].
* - Rust: [Result.iter_mut](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html#method.iter_mut)
* @return The [MutableIterator] over the possibly contained [value][Ok.value].
fun <V, E> Result<V, E>.mutableIterator(): MutableIterator<V> {
return ResultIterator(this)
private class ResultIterator<out V, out E>(private val result: Result<V, E>) : MutableIterator<V> {
* A flag indicating whether this [Iterator] has [yielded] its [Result].
private var yielded = false
* @return `true` if the [value][Ok.value] is not [yielded] and [Ok], `false` otherwise.
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
if (yielded) {
return false
return when (result) {
is Ok -> true
is Error -> false
* @return The [Result's][Result] [value][Ok.value] if not [yielded] and [Ok].
* @throws NoSuchElementException if the [Result] is [yielded] or is not [Ok].
override fun next(): V {
if (!yielded && result is Ok) {
yielded = true
return result.value
} else {
throw NoSuchElementException()
* Flags this [Iterator] as having [yielded] its [Result].
override fun remove() {
yielded = true