SELECT, p.title, p.description, p.agent_id, p.state as "state: _", p.time_created, p.last_updated FROM property p, property_details pd, location l where pd.property_id = AND pd.location_id = AND (p.time_created <= $1 OR $1 IS null) -- Before Filter AND (p.time_created >= $2 OR $2 IS null) -- After Filter AND (LOWER(p.title) LIKE '%' || LOWER($3) || '%' OR $3 IS null) -- Title filter (like) AND (LOWER(p.description) LIKE '%' || LOWER($4) || '%' OR $4 IS null) -- Description Filter (like) AND (pd.meters > $5 OR $5 IS null) -- Bigger than or equal to filter AND (pd.meters < $6 OR $6 IS null) -- Smaller than or equal to filter AND (LOWER( LIKE '%' || LOWER($7) || '%' OR $7 IS null) -- Location Filter AND (LOWER(l.province) LIKE '%' || LOWER($8) || '%' OR $8 IS null) -- Location Filter AND (LOWER( LIKE '%' || LOWER($9) || '%' OR $9 IS null) -- Location Filter AND (LOWER(l.district) LIKE '%' || LOWER($10) || '%' OR $10 IS null) -- Location Filter AND (pd.listing_type LIKE $11 || '%' OR $11 IS null) -- Listing type filter AND (split_part(pd.listing_type, ' ', 2)::FLOAT8 >= $12::FLOAT8 OR $12 IS null) -- More expensive than filter AND (split_part(pd.listing_type, ' ', 2)::FLOAT8 <= $13::FLOAT8 OR $13 IS null) -- More expensive than filter ORDER BY p.time_created DESC LIMIT 25 OFFSET $14