docs(Blenvy:Blender): a lot of docs work:

* added basic overview of settings
 * added specific files/sections for components, export, blueprints & levels
 * added relevant images where applicable (wip)

feat(Blenvy:Blender): minor ui tweaks
This commit is contained in: 2024-07-20 02:23:25 +02:00
parent ee14ec69bd
commit 2067ed4ec6
38 changed files with 401 additions and 234 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Blueprints
## What are blueprints
- blueprints are just Blender collections , and reuseable "prefabs":
- as long as they have been defined in one of the library scenes
- have at least one instance
- or have been marked as assets
## How to create a blueprint
Since blueprints are just Blender collections with a tiny bit of extra configuration, you can use your normal Blender workflow.
But here is Blueprint creation in more detail:
- create a library scene if you do not have one
- make sure to tag the scene as a library scene in the Blenvy settings
- create a collection
![blueprints create](./docs/blueprints_create.png)
- add anything you want inside your blueprint
![blueprints create](./docs/blueprints_create2.png)
- add any component you want to your blueprint (see [here](./ for more details)
![blueprints create](./docs/blueprints_create3.png)
## How to use blueprints
- Once you have create a blueprint as outlined above, go to one of your [level](./ scenes and add a collection instance
- or
- if you do not want to create an instance as part of a level (for blueprint instances that need to be spawned dynamically while your game is running)
- if your project is a pure library project (no levels, just blueprints for reuse) , right click on the collection & click on "mark as asset"
![blueprints mark asset](./docs/blueprints_mark_asset.png)
## Viewing all of your project's blueprints
If you want to view all of your blueprints, navigate to the Blueprints tab
![blueprints tab](./docs/blueprints_tab.png)
- you will be able to see both the local blueprints (defined in the current .blend file) and the ones from external asset files (defined in other .blend files)
- you can click on the selection tool (arrow icon) to automatically go to the scene where the blueprint is defined & automatically select it
## Exporting blueprints
- blueprint export is automatic if you have toggle the ["auto export"](./ setting in the configuration
- you can also force per blueprint systematic export (regardless of change detection), by checking the "always export" checkbox in the Blueprints tab
![blueprints always export](./docs/blueprints_always_export.png)
* those blueprints will be exported on every save
* this option is disabled for external blueprints

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
# Components
## Supported components
- normally (minus any bugs, please report those!) all components using **registered** types should be useable and editable
- this includes (non exhaustive list):
* enums (even complex ones !)
* complex structs, with various types of fields (including nested ones)
* lists/ vecs
* hashmaps
* etc !
![suported types](./docs/components_suported_types.png)
## Supported items for components
you can add components to
- objects
- collections/ blueprints
- meshes
- materials
These will be all applied correctly to the resulting entities on the Bevy side
### Blueprints & components:
- to add components to a blueprint, select your blueprint's collection and add the desired component
![blueprint components](./docs/components_blueprints.png)
- when you select a blueprint/collection **instance** you can view both the **blueprint** level components (for all instances) ...
![blueprint components](./docs/components_blueprints_blueprint.png)
- and the components specific to that **instance**
![blueprint components](./docs/components_blueprints_instance.png)
> if the instance and blueprint have the same component, the component value of the **instance** takes precedence & overwrites that of the blueprint ! In the case above, the component will have the value ```Metal``` for that instance.
## adding components
- to add a component, select any object, collection, mesh or material and then select the component from the components list: (the full type information will be displayed as tooltip)
- click on the dropdown to get the full list of available components
![components list](./docs/components_list.png)
- the list of components is searchable !
![filter components](./docs/components_search.png)
- add a component by clicking on the "add component" button once you have selected your desired component
![add component](./docs/components_add.png)
it will appear in the component list for that object
![add component](./docs/components_add2.png)
## editing components
- to edit a component's value just use the UI:
![edit component](./docs/components_edit.png)
## copy & pasting
- you can also copy & paste components between objects/collections/meshes/materials
- click on the "copy component button" of the component you want to copy
![copy component](./docs/components_copy.png)
- then select the item you want to copy the component (& its value) to, and click on the paste button.
It will add the component to the select item
![paste component](./docs/components_paste.png)
> if the target item already has the same component, its values will be overwritten
## Toggling component details
- for large/ complex components you can toggle the details of that component:
![toggle details](./docs/components_details.png)
## Error handling & unregistered types
- if you have a component made up of unregistered structs/enums etc, you will get visual feedback & the component will be deactivated
![invalid component](./docs/components_invalid.png)
> see [here](#renamingupgradingfixing-components) for ways to convert invalid / unregistered components to other types.
- if you are encountering this type of view: don't panic your component data is not gone ! It just means you need to reload the registry data by clicking on the relevant button
![missing registry data](./docs/components_missing_registry_data.png)
- non registered types can be viewed in this panel : (can be practical to see if you have any missing registrations too!)
![unregistered types](./docs/components_unregistered_types.png)
## Renaming/upgrading/fixing components
![rename and fix](./docs/components_rename_fix.png)
### Single item actions
this panel shows you the list of components that either
* are not in the registry anymore
* are invalid (there is some error in the component that makes it unavailable in Blenvy)
* need upgrading (ie they where stored as a custom property instead of Blenvy metadata for example)
> The last case is also for components that where created before Blenvy , using the legacy **bevy_components** Blender add-on
> The objects & components in this panel are not related to your current selection
- select the target component for a given source item/component:
![rename and fix](./docs/components_rename_fix2.png)
- click on the apply button
![rename and fix](./docs/components_rename_fix3.png)
- you will get a notification depending on how the process went, and if all went well, the entry will be deleted from the list of items that need fixing/upgrades
![rename and fix](./docs/components_rename_fix4.png)
### Bulk actions:
- you can rename/convert/upgrade or delete a given type of component to another for ALL of your objects, collections, meshes and materials in one go
by choosing an original and a target component & clicking on apply or delete
## Known issues & limitations:
* **Range** data (ie ```Range<f32>``` etc) are not handled at this time
* **Entity** structs are always set to 0 (setting entity values on the Blender side at this time does not make much sense anyway)
## Technical details
- Blenvy's component system uses the data from the exported **type registry** in the registry.json file to add **metadata** to objects/collection/meshes/etc containing information about what components it uses + some extra information
- uses Blender's **PropertyGroups** to generate custom UIs & connects those groups with the custom properties so that no matter the complexity
of your Bevy components you get a nicely packed custom_property
- in order to avoid name clashes, it uses the full paths of components & stores the data in the ```bevy_components``` custom property
- changing the values of a component in the UI will automatically update the value of the underlying entry in the ```bevy_components``` custom property
- different item types in Blender result in different types of GltfExtra components in Bevy (this all happens under the hood):
- objects : GltfExtras
- collections/ blueprints: SceneGltfExtras (as the Blueprints get exported as seperate scenes)
- meshes: MeshGltfExtras
- materials: MaterialGltfExtras

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Export
## Materials
You can enable this option to automatically generate a **material library** files that combines all the materials in use in your blueprints.
Since each blueprint is normally a completely independant gltf file, without this option, if you have a material with a large texture for example,
**ALL** of your blueprints using that material will embed that large texture, leading to **significant bloat & memory use**.
- When this option is enabled, you get a single material library per Blender project, and a **MaterialInfo** component is inserted into each object using a material.
- The correct material will then be inserted on the Bevy side (that loads any number of material libraries that you need) into the correct mesh
- Only one material per object is supported at this stage, ie the last material slot's material is the one that is going to be used
TLDR: Use this option to make sure that each blueprint file does not contain a copy of the same materials
## Technical details
### Internal process (simplified)
This is the internal logic of the export process with blueprints (simplified)
ie this is an example scene...
and what actually gets exported for the level scene/world/level
all collections instances replaced with empties, and all those collections exported to gltf files as seen above

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Levels
## What are levels ?
- any Blender scene that has been tagged as a level in the Blenvy settings
## How to create levels ?
- create a Blender scene
- tag it as a level in the Blenvy settings
- place blueprint/collection instances or any normal Blender mesh/object in the scene
- just save your file

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
### Blueprints
You can enable this option to automatically replace all the **collection instances** inside your level scene with blueprints
- whenever you change your level scene (or your library scene , if that option is enabled), all your collection instances
* will be replaced with empties (this will not be visible to you)
* those empties will have additional custom properties / components : ```BlueprintInfo``` & ```SpawnBlueprint```
* your level scene/ level will be exported to a much more trimmed down gltf file (see next point)
* all the original collections (that you used to create the instances) will be exported as **seperate gltf files** into the "library" folder
- this means you will have
* one small main gltf file (your level/world)
* as many gltf files as you have used collections in the level scene , in the library path you specified :
for the included [basic](../../examples/bevy_gltf_blueprints/basic/) example's [assets](../../examples/bevy_gltf_blueprints/basic/assets/), it looks something like this:
the .blend file that they are generated from can be found [here](../../examples/bevy_gltf_blueprints/basic/assets/advanced.blend)
- the above only applies to collections that have **instances** in your level scene!
if you want a specific collection in your library to always get exported regardless of its use, you need to add
a **COLLECTION** (boolean) custom property called ```AutoExport``` set to true
> not at the object level ! the collection level !
It will get automatically exported like any of the "in-use" collections.
- you can also get an overview of all the exported collections in the export menu
![exported collections](./docs/exported_collections.png)

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@ -78,28 +78,32 @@ Blenvy is opinionated !
- keep you art/sources (usually not delivered with your game) seperate from your game assets
- keep your blueprints/levels/materials gltf files seperate
##### Root Folder
##### Root Folder (default: ../)
- this is the same folder as your Bevy projects main folder: the path here is relative to the current .blend file
##### Assets Folder
##### Assets Folder (default: ./assets)
- a path, relative to the *root* folder above, where you want to store your assets (delivered with your game)
##### Library Folder
##### Blueprints Folder (default: blueprints)
- a path, relative to the *assets* folder above, where you want to store your *blueprints*
##### Levels Folder
##### Levels Folder (default: levels)
- a path, relative to the *assets* folder above, where you want to store your *levels*
##### Materials Folder
##### Materials Folder (default: materials)
- a path, relative to the *assets* folder above, where you want to store your *materials*
- level scenes: what are the scenes in your .blend file that are levels/worlds
##### Level scenes
- what are the scenes in your .blend file that are levels/worlds
##### library scenes
- library scenes: what are the scenes in your .blend file that contain your libraries of blueprints (that you then use in your levels)
@ -121,17 +125,13 @@ The second tab contains the component settings:
> you normally do not need to do anything, as the defaults are already pre-set to match those on the Bevy side for the location of the ```registry.json``` file, unless you want to store it somewhere other than ```assets/registry.json```
- Go to the new Components tab in the **configuration** tab
###### registry file (default: assets/registry.json)
- click on the button to select your registry.json file (in the "configuration" panel)
![configuration 2](./docs/configuration2.png)
###### reload registry
- the list of available components will appear
![configuration 3](./docs/configuration3.png)
- click on the button to force refresh the list of components from the registry.json file
##### registry file polling
@ -139,36 +139,89 @@ The second tab contains the component settings:
* by default, the add-on will check for changes in your registry file every second, and refresh the UI accordingly
* you can set the polling frequency or turn it off if you do not want auto-refresh
![registry file polling](./docs/registry_polling.png)
#### Export
Last but not least, the export/ auto-export settings tab
![blenvy export settings](./docs/blenvy_configuration_export.png)
### Materials
##### Auto export (default: True)
You can enable this option to automatically generate a **material library** files that combines all the materials in use in your blueprints.
- toggle this to turn the whole auto-export system on or off :
when enabled, **every time you save your blend file** Blenvy will automatically export a set of gltf files , for levels, blueprints, materials etc depending on your settings, see below.
##### Gltf settings
Since each blueprint is normally a completely independant gltf file, without this option, if you have a material with a large texture for example,
**ALL** of your blueprints using that material will embed that large texture, leading to **significant bloat & memory use**.
- click on this button to open Blender's standard gltf exporter settings **specific to Blenvy** : ie you have access to all of the normal gltf settings, but there is additional boilerplate
to gather these settings for Blenvy only, so it does not impact your normal export settings
- you *must* keep the "remember export settings" checkbox checked in order for the settings to be useable by Blenvy
- When this option is enabled, you get a single material library per Blender project, and a **MaterialInfo** component is inserted into each object using a material.
- The correct material will then be inserted on the Bevy side (that loads any number of material libraries that you need) into the correct mesh (see the configuration
options in **bevy_gltf_blueprints** for more information on that)
- Only one material per object is supported at this stage, ie the last material slot's material is the one that is going to be used
> Important ! Do not use Blender's default gltf exporter (under file => export => gltf), as it does not impact Blenvy's settings
##### Export scene settings (default: True)
TLDR: Use this option to make sure that each blueprint file does not contain a copy of the same materials
- toggle this to export additional settings like ambient color, bloom, ao, etc from Blender to Bevy: this automatically generates additional components at the scene level that get processed by the Blenvy crate
##### Use change detection (default: True)
- toggle this to enable change detection: ie, to make sure that only the blueprints , levels or materials that have actually **changed since your last save** get exported to gltf files, a sort of "incremental export".
> Under the hood, Blenvy serializes your whole Blender project to a simplified representation, to be able to tell the differents between successive changes
##### Detailed materials scan (default: True)
- this options enables more detailed materials scanning & thus detecting smaller changes, even **changes in material nodes** . This comes at a potential additional processing cost, so if you notice performance issues in projects with complex materials
you can turn this off
##### Detailed modifiers scan (default: True)
- similar to the one above but for modifiers, this options enables more finer grained change detection in modifiers, even **changes in geometry nodes** . This comes at a potential additional processing cost, so if you notice performance issues in projects with complex modifiers
you can turn this off
##### Export blueprints (default: True)
- check this if you want to automatically export blueprints
##### Collection instances (default: split)
select which option you want to use to deal with collection instances (aka combine mode) (both inside blueprint collections & main collections)
* split (default, highly recomended) : the addon will 'split out' any nested collections/ blueprints & export them
* embed: choose this option if you want to keep everything inside a gltf file (less efficient, not recomended)
* embedExternal: this will embed ONLY collection instances whose collections have not been found inside the current blend file
These options can also be **overridden** on a per collection instance basis: (if you want to split out most collection instances, but keep a few specific ones embeded
inside your gltf file)
![combine override](./docs/combine_override.png)
- simply add a custom property called **_combine** to the collection instance, and set it to one of the options above
##### Export dynamic and static objects seperatly (default: False)
For levels scenes only, toggle this to generate 2 files per level:
- one with all dynamic data: collections or instances marked as dynamic (aka saveable)
- one with all static data: anything else that is NOT marked as dynamic, the file name will have the suffix **_dynamic**
Ie if you add a **Dynamic** custom/ component to either your collection instances or your blueprint, you get a clean seperation between
- your static level data (anything that will never change during the lifetime of your Bevy app)
- your dynamic objects (anything that will change during the lifetime of your Bevy app, that can be saved & reloaded in save files for example)
##### export materials library (default: True)
check this if you want to automatically export material libraries
please read the dedicated [section](./ below for more information
#### Additional export settings
- you can also force per level or per blueprint systematic export (regardless of change detection), see the relevant sections in the levels & blueprint documentation
### Multiple blend file workflow
If you want to use multiple blend files, use Blender's asset library etc, we got you coverred too !
If you want to use multiple blend files (recomended if your project starts to grow even a bit), use Blender's asset library etc, we got you coverred too !
There are only a few things to keep in mind
#### Assets/library/blueprints files
@ -190,149 +243,24 @@ There are only a few things to keep in mind
Take a look at the [relevant](../../examples/demo/) example for more [details](../../examples/demo/art/)
## Useage
### Components
#### adding components
- for a detailed overview on how to add, edit, remove etc components please see [here](./
- to add a component, select an object, collection, mesh or material and then select the component from the components list: (the full type information will be displayed as tooltip)
### Export
![components list](./docs/components_list.png)
- for a detailed overview on auto exporting gltf files please see [here](./
- click on the dropdown to get the full list of available components
### Levels
![components list](./docs/components_list2.png)
- for a detailed overview of blueprints please see [here](./
- you can also filter components by name for convenience
![filter components](./docs/filter_components.png)
- add a component by clicking on the "add component" button once you have selected your desired component
it will appear in the component list for that object
![add component](./docs/add_component.png)
#### editing components
- to edit a component's value just use the UI:
![edit component](./docs/edit_component.png)
#### copy & pasting
- you can also copy & paste components between objects
- click on the "copy component button" of the component you want to copy
![copy component](./docs/copy_component.png)
- then select the object you want to copy the component (& its value) to, and click on the paste button.
It will add the component to the select object
![paste component](./docs/paste_component.png)
> if the target object already has the same component, its values will be overwritten
#### Additional components UI features
##### Toggling component details
- for large/ complex components you can toggle the details of that component:
![toggle details](./docs/toggle_details.png)
##### Supported components
- normally (minus any bugs, please report those!) all components using **registered** types should be useable and editable
- this includes (non exhaustive list):
* enums (even complex ones !)
* complex structs, with various types of fields (including nested ones)
* lists/ vecs (here a vec of tuples)
* etc !
##### Unregistered types & error handling
- non registered types can be viewed in this panel : (can be practical to see if you have any missing registrations too!)
![unregistered types](./docs/unregistered_types.png)
- if you have a component made up of unregistered structs/enums etc, you will get visual feedback & the component will be deactivated
![invalid component](./docs/invalid_components.png)
> see [here](#invalidunregistered-type-renaming--conversion) for ways to convert invalid / unregistered components to other types.
- if you are encountering this type of view: don't panic your component data is not gone ! It just means you need to reload the registry data by clicking on the relevant button
![missing registry data](./docs/missing_registry_data.png)
## Levels
## Blueprints
## Technical details
- adds **metadata** to objects containing information about what components it uses + some extra information
- uses Blender's **PropertyGroups** to generate custom UIs & connects those groups with the custom properties so that no matter the complexity
of your Bevy components you get a nicely packed custom_property to use with ...
- supports any number of main/level scenes
- Blender scenes where you define your levels, and all collection instances are replaced with "pointers" to other gltf files (all automatic)
- supports any number of library scenes
- Blender scenes where you define the assets that you use in your levels, in the form of collections
- automatic export of **changed** objects & collections only ! a sort of "incremental export", where only the changed collections (if in use)
get exported when you save your blend file
### Components
changing the values of a component in the UI will automatically update the value of the underlying entry in the ```bevy_components``` custom property
![edit component](./docs/edit_component2.png)
### Internal process (simplified)
This is the internal logic of the export process with blueprints (simplified)
ie this is an example scene...
and what actually gets exported for the level scene/world/level
all collections instances replaced with empties, and all those collections exported to gltf files as seen above
## Known issues & limitations:
* **Range** data (ie ```Range<f32>``` etc) are not handled at this time (issue seems to be on the Bevy side)
* **Entity** structs are always set to 0 (setting entity values on the Blender side at this time does not make much sense anyway)
### Blueprints
- for a detailed overview of blueprints please see [here](./
## Development

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@ -257,7 +257,6 @@ def draw_component_ui(layout, object_or_collection, registry, selected_component
# we fetch the matching ui property group
root_propertyGroup_name = registry.get_propertyGroupName_from_longName(component_name)
"""print("root_propertyGroup_name", root_propertyGroup_name)"""
if root_propertyGroup_name:
propertyGroup = getattr(component_meta, root_propertyGroup_name, None)
"""print("propertyGroup", propertyGroup)"""
@ -279,6 +278,9 @@ def draw_component_ui(layout, object_or_collection, registry, selected_component
error_message = invalid_details if component_invalid else "Missing component UI data, please reload registry !"
error_message = invalid_details if component_invalid else "Missing component UI data, please reload registry !"
# "footer" with additional controls
if component_invalid:

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@ -2,10 +2,14 @@ def draw_settings_ui(layout, component_settings):
row = layout.row()
col = row.column()
col.enabled = False
col.prop(component_settings, "schema_path", text="Registry Schema path")
col.label(text="Registry Schema path")
col = row.column()
col.operator(operator="blenvy.components_registry_browse_schema", text="Browse for registry schema file (json)")
col.enabled = False
col.prop(component_settings, "schema_path", text="")
col = row.column()
col.operator(operator="blenvy.components_registry_browse_schema", text="", icon="FILE_FOLDER")
layout.operator(operator="blenvy.components_registry_reload", text="reload registry" , icon="FILE_REFRESH")

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@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ This issue has been resolved in v0.9.
- export folder: root folder to export models too
- export scene settings: exports "global"/scene settings like ambient color, bloom, ao, etc
This automatically generates additional components at the scene level
- pick your main (level) scenes and/or library scenes (see the chapter about [Blueprints](#blueprints) and [multiple Blend filles workflow](#multiple-blend-file-workflow) below)
- click in the scene picker & select your scene
@ -53,79 +50,12 @@ This issue has been resolved in v0.9.
![select scene3](./docs/blender_addon_add_scene3.png)
- export blueprints: check this if you want to automatically export blueprints (default: True)
- blueprints path: the path to export blueprints to , relative to the main **export folder** (default: library)
- collection instances: select which option you want to use to deal with collection instances (aka combine mode) (both inside blueprint collections & main collections)
* split (default, highly recomended) : the addon will 'split out' any nested collections/ blueprints & export them
* embed: choose this option if you want to keep everything inside a gltf file (less efficient, not recomended)
* embedExternal: this will embed ONLY collection instances whose collections have not been found inside the current blend file
These options can also be **overridden** on a per collection instance basis: (if you want to split out most collection instances, but keep a few specific ones embeded
inside your gltf file)
![combine override](./docs/combine_override.png)
- simply add a custom property called **_combine** to the collection instance, and set it to one of the options above
please read the dedicated [section](#collection-instances--nested-blueprints) below for more information
- Export dynamic and static objects seperatly : For MAIN scenes only (aka levels), toggle this to generate 2 files per level:
- one with all dynamic data: collection or instances marked as dynamic (aka saveable)
- one with all static data: anything else that is NOT marked as dynamic, the file name will have the suffix **_dynamic**
Ie if you add a "Dynamic" custom property/ component to either your collection instances or your blueprint, you get a clean seperation between
- your static level data (anything that will never change during the lifetime of your Bevy app)
- your dynamic objects (anything that will change during the lifetime of your Bevy app, that can be saved & reloaded in save files for example)
- export materials library: check this if you want to automatically export material libraries (default: False)
please read the dedicated [section](#materials) below for more information
> This only works together with blueprints !
- materials path: where to export materials to
* and your standard gltf export parameters in the **gltf** panel
![blender addon use2](./docs/blender_addon_use2.png)
* click on "apply settings"
* now next time you save your blend file you will get an automatically exported gltf file (or more than one, depending on your settings, see below)
### Blueprints
You can enable this option to automatically replace all the **collection instances** inside your level scene with blueprints
- whenever you change your level scene (or your library scene , if that option is enabled), all your collection instances
* will be replaced with empties (this will not be visible to you)
* those empties will have additional custom properties / components : ```BlueprintInfo``` & ```SpawnBlueprint```
* your level scene/ level will be exported to a much more trimmed down gltf file (see next point)
* all the original collections (that you used to create the instances) will be exported as **seperate gltf files** into the "library" folder
- this means you will have
* one small main gltf file (your level/world)
* as many gltf files as you have used collections in the level scene , in the library path you specified :
for the included [basic](../../examples/bevy_gltf_blueprints/basic/) example's [assets](../../examples/bevy_gltf_blueprints/basic/assets/), it looks something like this:
the .blend file that they are generated from can be found [here](../../examples/bevy_gltf_blueprints/basic/assets/advanced.blend)
- the above only applies to collections that have **instances** in your level scene!
if you want a specific collection in your library to always get exported regardless of its use, you need to add
a **COLLECTION** (boolean) custom property called ```AutoExport``` set to true
> not at the object level ! the collection level !
It will get automatically exported like any of the "in-use" collections.
- you can also get an overview of all the exported collections in the export menu
![exported collections](./docs/exported_collections.png)
- there are some workflow specificities for multi blend file [workflows](#multiple-blend-file-workflow)