
178 lines
9.2 KiB

import os
import bpy
import traceback
from .helpers_scenes import (get_scenes, )
from .helpers_collections import (get_exportable_collections, get_collections_per_scene)
from .helpers_export import (export_main_scene, export_blueprints_from_collections)
from .helpers import (check_if_blueprints_exist, check_if_blueprint_on_disk)
from .materials import cleanup_materials, clear_material_info, clear_materials_scene, export_materials, generate_materials_scenes, get_all_materials
from .scene_components import upsert_scene_components
from .config import scene_key
"""Main function"""
def auto_export(changes_per_scene, changed_export_parameters):
addon_prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons["gltf_auto_export"].preferences
# a semi_hack to ensure we have the latest version of the settings
initialized = bpy.context.window_manager['__gltf_auto_export_initialized'] if '__gltf_auto_export_initialized' in bpy.context.window_manager else False
if not initialized:
print("not initialized, fetching settings if any")
# semi_hack to restore the correct settings if the add_on was installed before
settings = bpy.context.scene.get(scene_key)
if settings:
print("loading settings in main function")
# Update filter if user saved settings
#if hasattr(self, 'export_format'):
# self.filter_glob = '*.glb' if self.export_format == 'GLB' else '*.gltf'
for (k, v) in settings.items():
setattr(addon_prefs, k, v)
# inject scenes data
if k == 'main_scene_names':
main_scenes = addon_prefs.main_scenes
for item_name in v:
item = main_scenes.add() = item_name
if k == 'library_scene_names':
library_scenes = addon_prefs.library_scenes
for item_name in v:
item = library_scenes.add() = item_name
except Exception as error:
print("error setting preferences from saved settings", error)
bpy.context.window_manager['__gltf_auto_export_initialized'] = True
# have the export parameters (not auto export, just gltf export) have changed: if yes (for example switch from glb to gltf, compression or not, animations or not etc), we need to re-export everything
print ("changed_export_parameters", changed_export_parameters)
file_path =
# Get the folder
folder_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
# get the preferences for our addon
export_blueprints = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_blueprints")
export_output_folder = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_output_folder")
export_materials_library = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_materials_library")
export_scene_settings = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_scene_settings")
[main_scene_names, level_scenes, library_scene_names, library_scenes] = get_scenes(addon_prefs)
print("main scenes", main_scene_names, "library_scenes", library_scene_names)
print("export_output_folder", export_output_folder)
if export_scene_settings:
# inject/ update scene components
upsert_scene_components(bpy.context.scene, world =
# export everything everytime
if export_blueprints:
# get a list of all collections actually in use
collections = get_exportable_collections(level_scenes, library_scenes)
# first check if all collections have already been exported before (if this is the first time the exporter is run
# in your current Blender session for example)
export_blueprints_path = os.path.join(folder_path, export_output_folder, getattr(addon_prefs,"export_blueprints_path")) if getattr(addon_prefs,"export_blueprints_path") != '' else folder_path
export_levels_path = os.path.join(folder_path, export_output_folder)
gltf_extension = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_format")
gltf_extension = '.glb' if gltf_extension == 'GLB' else '.gltf'
collections_not_on_disk = check_if_blueprints_exist(collections, export_blueprints_path, gltf_extension)
changed_collections = []
print('changes_per_scene', changes_per_scene.items(), changes_per_scene.keys())
for scene, bla in changes_per_scene.items():
print(" changed scene", scene)
for obj_name, obj in bla.items():
object_collections = list(obj.users_collection)
object_collection_names = list(map(lambda collection:, object_collections))
if len(object_collection_names) > 1:
print("ERRROR, objects in multiple collections not supported")
object_collection_name = object_collection_names[0] if len(object_collection_names) > 0 else None
print(" object ", obj, object_collection_name)
if object_collection_name in collections:
collections_to_export = list(set(changed_collections + collections_not_on_disk))
# we need to re_export everything if the export parameters have been changed
collections_to_export = collections if changed_export_parameters else collections_to_export
collections_per_scene = get_collections_per_scene(collections_to_export, library_scenes)
# collections that do not come from a library should not be exported as seperate blueprints
library_collections = [name for sublist in collections_per_scene.values() for name in sublist]
collections_to_export = list(set(collections_to_export).intersection(set(library_collections)))
# since materials export adds components we need to call this before blueprints are exported
# export materials & inject materials components into relevant objects
if export_materials_library:
export_materials(collections, library_scenes, folder_path, addon_prefs)
print("collections: all:", collections)
print("collections: changed:", changed_collections)
print("collections: not found on disk:", collections_not_on_disk)
print("collections: to export:", collections_to_export)
print("collections: per_scene:", collections_per_scene)
# backup current active scene
old_current_scene = bpy.context.scene
# backup current selections
old_selections = bpy.context.selected_objects
# first export any main/level/world scenes
print("export MAIN scenes")
for scene_name in main_scene_names:
# we have more relaxed rules to determine if the main scenes have changed : any change is ok, (allows easier handling of changes, render settings etc)
do_export_main_scene = changed_export_parameters or scene_name in changes_per_scene.keys() or not check_if_blueprint_on_disk(scene_name, export_levels_path, gltf_extension)
if do_export_main_scene:
print(" exporting scene:", scene_name)
export_main_scene([scene_name], folder_path, addon_prefs, collections)
# now deal with blueprints/collections
do_export_library_scene = changed_export_parameters or len(collections_to_export) > 0 # export_library_scene_name in changes_per_scene.keys()
print("export LIBRARY")
if do_export_library_scene:
# we only want to go through the library scenes where our collections to export are present
for (scene_name, collections_to_export) in collections_per_scene.items():
print(" exporting collections from scene:", scene_name)
print(" collections to export", collections_to_export)
library_scene =[scene_name]
export_blueprints_from_collections(collections_to_export, library_scene, folder_path, addon_prefs)
# reset current scene from backup
bpy.context.window.scene = old_current_scene
# reset selections
for obj in old_selections:
if export_materials_library:
cleanup_materials(collections, library_scenes)
for scene_name in main_scene_names:
export_main_scene([scene_name], folder_path, addon_prefs)
except Exception as error:
def error_message(self, context):
self.layout.label(text="Failure during auto_export: Error: "+ str(error))
bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(error_message, title="Error", icon='ERROR')