
98 lines
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import bpy
import json
import os
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from bpy_types import (PropertyGroup)
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty, IntVectorProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty, CollectionProperty)
def get_assets(scene, blueprints_data, addon_prefs):
export_root_path = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_root_path")
export_output_folder = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_output_folder")
export_levels_path = getattr(addon_prefs,"export_levels_path")
export_blueprints_path = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_blueprints_path")
export_gltf_extension = getattr(addon_prefs, "export_gltf_extension")
relative_blueprints_path = os.path.relpath(export_blueprints_path, export_root_path)
blueprint_instance_names_for_scene = blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene.get(, None)
blueprint_assets_list = []
if blueprint_instance_names_for_scene:
for blueprint_name in blueprint_instance_names_for_scene:
blueprint = blueprints_data.blueprints_per_name.get(blueprint_name, None)
if blueprint is not None:
print("BLUEPRINT", blueprint)
blueprint_exported_path = None
if blueprint.local:
blueprint_exported_path = os.path.join(relative_blueprints_path, f"{}{export_gltf_extension}")
# get the injected path of the external blueprints
blueprint_exported_path = blueprint.collection['Export_path'] if 'Export_path' in blueprint.collection else None
print("foo", dict(blueprint.collection))
if blueprint_exported_path is not None:
blueprint_assets_list.append({"name":, "path": blueprint_exported_path})
# fetch images/textures
# see
textures = []
for ob in
if ob.type == "MESH":
for mat_slot in ob.material_slots:
if mat_slot.material:
if mat_slot.material.node_tree:
textures.extend([x.image.filepath for x in mat_slot.material.node_tree.nodes if x.type=='TEX_IMAGE'])
print("textures", textures)
assets_list_name = f"assets_{}"
assets_list_data = {"blueprints": json.dumps(blueprint_assets_list), "sounds":[], "images":[]}
print("blueprint assets", blueprint_assets_list)
# this is where we store the information for all available assets
class AssetsRegistry(PropertyGroup):
assets_list = []
asset_name_selector: StringProperty(
name="asset name",
description="name of asset to add",
) # type: ignore
asset_type_selector: EnumProperty(
name="asset type",
description="type of asset to add",
('MODEL', "Model", ""),
('AUDIO', "Audio", ""),
('IMAGE', "Image", ""),
('TEXT', "Text", ""),
) # type: ignore
asset_path_selector: StringProperty(
name="asset path",
description="path of asset to add",
) # type: ignore
def register(cls):
bpy.types.WindowManager.assets_registry = PointerProperty(type=AssetsRegistry)
def unregister(cls):
del bpy.types.WindowManager.assets_registry
def add_asset(self, name, type, path, internal): # internal means it cannot be edited by the user, aka auto generated
in_list = [asset for asset in self.assets_list if (asset["path"] == path)]
in_list = len(in_list) > 0
if not in_list:
self.assets_list.append({"name": name, "type": type, "path": path, "internal": internal})
def remove_asset(self, path):
self.assets_list[:] = [asset for asset in self.assets_list if (asset["path"] != path)]