Blender_bevy_components_wor.../tools/blenvy/assets/ 31f6a0f122 feat(blenvy:blender): a ton of cleanups, fixes & improvements
* fixed bad hashing causing hashed project across two different blender sessions to appear different
 aka, no more systematic re-export of everything when reloading a project in blender !
 * fixed issues with modifier & material hashing that was also causing overly eager change detection
 * previous_xxx_settings are now only saved AFTER a sucessfull export, for coherence
 * added more fine grained setting change detection (aka some setting changes do not require a re-export of all levels & blueprints !)
 * fixed handling of level & library scene names as part of the settings
 * fixed numerous issues with core, auto_export & component settings
 * cleaned up a ton of very verbose debug message
 * BlenvyAssets => BlueprintAssets
 * a lot of minor cleanups
2024-06-25 18:34:07 +02:00

109 lines
4.7 KiB

from types import SimpleNamespace
import bpy
from .assets_scan import get_main_scene_assets_tree
from .asset_helpers import get_user_assets, does_asset_exist
def draw_assets(layout, name, title, asset_registry, target_type, target_name, editable=True, user_assets= [], generated_assets = []):
nesting_indent = 0.05
number_of_user_assets = len(user_assets)
number_of_generated_assets = len(generated_assets)
header, panel = layout.panel(f"assets{name}", default_closed=True)
header.label(text=title + f"({number_of_user_assets})", icon="ASSET_MANAGER")
blueprint_assets = target_type == 'BLUEPRINT'
if blueprint_assets:
target =[target_name]
target =[target_name]
add_possible = does_asset_exist(target, {"path": asset_registry.asset_path_selector}) #"name": asset_registry.asset_name_selector,
if header and editable:
row = header.row()
row.alert = add_possible
row.prop(asset_registry, "asset_name_selector", text="")
row.operator(operator="blenvy.assets_open_filebrowser", text="", icon="FILE_FOLDER")
add_asset_layout = row.column()
add_asset_layout.enabled = not add_possible
add_asset = add_asset_layout.operator(operator="blenvy.assets_add", text="", icon="ADD")
add_asset.target_type = target_type
add_asset.target_name = target_name
add_asset.asset_name = asset_registry.asset_name_selector
add_asset.asset_type = asset_registry.asset_type_selector
add_asset.asset_path = asset_registry.asset_path_selector
if panel:
if editable:
row = panel.row()
for asset in user_assets:
row = panel.row()
split = row.split(factor=nesting_indent)
col = split.column()
col.label(text=" ")
col = split.column()
row = col.row()
row.prop(asset, "name", text="")
asset_selector = row.operator(operator="blenvy.assets_open_filebrowser", text="", icon="FILE_FOLDER")
remove_asset = row.operator(operator="blenvy.assets_remove", text="", icon="TRASH")
remove_asset.target_type = target_type
remove_asset.target_name = target_name
remove_asset.asset_path = asset.path
return panel
class BLENVY_PT_assets_panel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_label = ""
bl_parent_id = "BLENVY_PT_SidePanel"
def poll(cls, context):
return context.window_manager.blenvy.mode == 'ASSETS'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
blenvy = context.window_manager.blenvy
asset_registry = context.window_manager.assets_registry
blueprints_registry = context.window_manager.blueprints_registry
blueprints_data = blueprints_registry.blueprints_data
name = "world"
header, panel ="assets{name}", default_closed=False)
header.label(text="World/Level Assets")
settings = {"blueprints_path": "blueprints", "export_gltf_extension": ".glb"}
settings = SimpleNamespace(**settings)
if panel:
for scene in blenvy.main_scenes:
user_assets = get_user_assets(scene)
row = panel.row()
row.prop(scene, "always_export")
scene_assets_panel = draw_assets(layout=row,, title=f"{} Assets", asset_registry=asset_registry, user_assets=user_assets, target_type="SCENE",
"""if in blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene:
for blueprint_name in blueprints_data.blueprint_instances_per_main_scene[].keys():
blueprint = blueprints_data.blueprints_per_name[blueprint_name]
blueprint_assets = get_user_assets(blueprint.collection)
if scene_assets_panel:
row = scene_assets_panel.row()
draw_assets(layout=row,, title=f"{} Assets", asset_registry=asset_registry, assets=blueprint_assets, target_type="BLUEPRINT",