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Blender animations

With the current bevy engine limitations and all things considered, these will be the techniques and systems to be used.


The game character will move by animations except for the actual translation and rotation, which will be computed by the engine. Unfortunately, due to my limited animation knowledge, split body animations won't be made. For now, Manually create every single animation, and try to reuse concepts as much as posible Examples:

  • Pistol grip should always be in the same position
  • Foregrip should be in the same position for same gun types


Bevy isn't really ready yet for IK, multi-body animations, etc... Importing a character into bevy from blender is a nightmare. Hate to admit it but it's true. Maybe for 0.13 they work on it. Still, I can do many things without that. Mainly, Give love to the weapon system, movement, etc...

Modular weapons are not that crazy anymore, now that you have the blender->bevy workflow with custom properties, you can make it.

Modular Weapons Design:


Limit mods to attachments, for now, I don't want to change barrel lengths or foregrips. Only do silencers/compensators, sights, Foregrips.


Use a single file for attachments and a single file for weapons, then export them one by one as a new gltf asset

  • Mark every weapon parent with a FirearmEnum custom property

  • Mark Firing point without attachments (FiringPoint)

  • Mark Sight placement start and end

  • Mark Attachment slots (CompensatorSlot, ForeGripSlot, MagazineSlot, StockSlot, SightPlacementStart, SightPlacementEnd, UtilitySlot)

  • Attempt to center all the slots

  • Mark Gun part slots (ChargingHandle, Trigger)

  • Set all attachments origin to where they will be placed on the gun

  • Mark them with the specific WeaponAttachment variant

  • Set all attachments transform to 0 and the same scale as the gun