  • Joined on 2023-01-27
franklinblanco synced commits to asset_preloading at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-15 14:43:04 +00:00
53e68ad58f chore(): reset to correct testing config
2c4312b5bb chore(): cleanup
Compare 2 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/pull/169/head at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-15 14:43:04 +00:00
53e68ad58f chore(): reset to correct testing config
2c4312b5bb chore(): cleanup
Compare 2 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/pull/169/merge at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-15 14:43:04 +00:00
ef3c63b2fd Merge 53e68ad58fb706178c09b3d82608ecdd53f7cba2 into 1353e148024fa9c7332ba16feabf2c1342ee1035
53e68ad58f chore(): reset to correct testing config
2c4312b5bb chore(): cleanup
Compare 3 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to asset_preloading at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-14 14:23:05 +00:00
fa4386a185 chore(): cleanups, clippy etc
877c29b63c chore(): cargo fmt & co
ddc17ed2c3 chore(auto_export): minor tweaks
Compare 3 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/pull/169/head at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-14 14:23:05 +00:00
fa4386a185 chore(): cleanups, clippy etc
877c29b63c chore(): cargo fmt & co
ddc17ed2c3 chore(auto_export): minor tweaks
Compare 3 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/pull/169/merge at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-14 14:23:05 +00:00
2917577de8 Merge fa4386a1850159f744c6e5a1c98b52629f578072 into 1353e148024fa9c7332ba16feabf2c1342ee1035
fa4386a185 chore(): cleanups, clippy etc
877c29b63c chore(): cargo fmt & co
ddc17ed2c3 chore(auto_export): minor tweaks
Compare 4 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to asset_preloading at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-13 06:01:34 +00:00
f5b063cd34 chore(testing): updated the testing bevy project
5192518b12 refactor(): made the various gltf assets loaded by bevy_asset_loader optional (to handle the case where they are not present)
ea41c3c9cb refactor(): further cleanups
bb0975bbe8 refactor(): minor cleanups
Compare 4 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/pull/169/head at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-13 06:01:34 +00:00
f5b063cd34 chore(testing): updated the testing bevy project
5192518b12 refactor(): made the various gltf assets loaded by bevy_asset_loader optional (to handle the case where they are not present)
ea41c3c9cb refactor(): further cleanups
bb0975bbe8 refactor(): minor cleanups
Compare 4 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/pull/169/merge at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-13 06:01:34 +00:00
d83b281c0b Merge f5b063cd344d9ab8dc6141abab7c8958b5509512 into 1353e148024fa9c7332ba16feabf2c1342ee1035
f5b063cd34 chore(testing): updated the testing bevy project
5192518b12 refactor(): made the various gltf assets loaded by bevy_asset_loader optional (to handle the case where they are not present)
ea41c3c9cb refactor(): further cleanups
bb0975bbe8 refactor(): minor cleanups
Compare 5 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to asset_preloading at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-12 05:51:33 +00:00
10e85fce26 feat(gltf_blueprints): added same kind of logic to the loading of material files
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/pull/169/head at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-12 05:51:33 +00:00
10e85fce26 feat(gltf_blueprints): added same kind of logic to the loading of material files
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/pull/169/merge at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-12 05:51:33 +00:00
1b8c3de6a9 Merge 10e85fce26cc956835239873734a6f22ae18731f into 1353e148024fa9c7332ba16feabf2c1342ee1035
10e85fce26 feat(gltf_blueprints): added same kind of logic to the loading of material files
Compare 2 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to asset_preloading at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-11 21:41:34 +00:00
3dd3557f53 feat(gltf_blueprints): basics of functional dynamic loading of sub_blueprints
franklinblanco synced commits to asset_preloading at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-09 04:31:34 +00:00
franklinblanco synced new reference asset_preloading to franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-09 04:31:34 +00:00
franklinblanco synced and deleted reference refs/tags/tools_bevy_components_qol_improvements at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-07 20:01:34 +00:00
franklinblanco synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/pull/164/merge at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-07 20:01:34 +00:00
franklinblanco synced commits to main at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-07 20:01:34 +00:00
1353e14802 feat(bevy_components): qol improvements (#164)
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/pull/164/head at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-07 20:01:34 +00:00
051e7d3a2a test(bevy_components): minor tweaks
cf3c647afb feat(bevy_components):
Compare 2 commits »
franklinblanco synced commits to refs/tags/bevy_components_v0.4.1 at franklinblanco/Blender_bevy_components_workflow from mirror 2024-03-07 20:01:34 +00:00