* refactor(): restructured code to turn the process_gltf (core) part into a crate
* changed process_gltf into a lib/crate basics
* changed current demo setup into an example that is importing the new crate
* updated imports in the crate side
* updated dependencies
* cleanups
* added more clear information about preUpdate vs setup
* improved README/ added use as crate examples
* library scene is not a must have anymore
* added option to scene prefered library scene name
* option to auto-export on library changes is more coherent
* renamed variables for more clarity
* y-up is default
* now using type_registration.type_info & matching instead of hackish string based ifs
* handling of most "value types"
* fleshed out example test components a bit more
* switch to ron for components inside Blender
* related experiments & cleanups
* total overhaul & cleanup of physics proxies handling
* a lot of cleanups